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NASA Procedures and Guidelines

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NPR 8715.3D
Effective Date: December 16, 2021
Cancellation Date: June 10, 2024
Responsible Office: GA

NASA General Safety Program Requirements


Table of Contents

NPI 8715.93, NASA Policy Instructions: Impacts of NSPM-20 on NASA Nuclear Flight Safety Requirements and Practices.

Change Log


P.1 Purpose
P.2 Applicability
P.3 Authority
P.4 Applicable Document and Forms
P.5 Measurement/Verification
P.6 Cancellation

Chapter 1. Programmatic Safety Requirements

1.1 Overview of the NASA Safety Program
1.2 NASA General Safety Program Roles and Responsibilities
1.3 Public Safety
1.4 Institutional Roles and Responsibilities in the NASA Safety Program - RESERVED
1.5 Program Management Roles and Responsibilities in the NASA Safety Program
1.6 Risk Assessment and Risk Acceptance
1.7 Technical Safety Requirements for NASA-Unique Designs and Operations
1.8 SMA Program Reviews
1.9 Advisory Panels, Committees, and Boards
1.10 Coordination with Organizations External to NASA - RESERVED
1.11 Safety Motivation and Awards Program - RESERVED
1.12 Safety Management Information - RESERVED
1.13 Relief from Agency-level SMA Requirements
1.14 Hazardous Work Activities That Are Outside NASA Operational Control

Chapter 2. System Safety

2.1 Introduction
2.2 Institutional Roles and Responsibilities
2.3 System Safety Framework
2.4 Scope of System Safety Modeling
2.5 Core Requirements for System Safety Process
2.6 System Safety Reviews
2.7 Change Review
2.8 Documentation

Chapter 3. Operational Safety - Cancelled by NPR 8715.1B

Chapter 4. Aviation Safety - Cancelled by NPR 8715.1B

Chapter 5. Fire Safety - Cancelled by NPR 8715.1B

Chapter 6. Nuclear Safety for Launching of Radioactive Materials - Cancelled by NPR 8715.26

Chapter 7. Safety Training and Personnel Certification - Cancelled by NPR 8715.1B

Chapter 8. Safety for Facility Acquisition, Construction, Activation, and Disposal - Cancelled by NPR 8715.1B

Chapter 9. Safety and Risk Management for NASA Contracts

9.1 Purpose
9.2 Applicability and Scope
9.3 Authority and Responsibility
9.4 Requirements

APPENDIX A. Definitions

APPENDIX B. Acronyms

APPENDIX C. Safety Motivation and Awards Program - RESERVED

APPENDIX D. Activity and Radioactive Material Limits: Basic A1/A2 Values - RESERVED

APPENDIX E. Sample Safety and Health Plan for Service or Operations Contracts - RESERVED

APPENDIX F. Sample System Safety Technical Plan for Systems Acquisition, Research, and Development Programs - RESERVED

APPENDIX G. References


This Document is Obsolete and Is No Longer Used.
Check the NODIS Library to access the current version: