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NPR 8530.1B
Effective Date: August 29, 2016
Expiration Date: August 29, 2025
Printable Format (PDF)

Subject: NASA Sustainable Acquisition

Responsible Office: Office of Strategic Infrastructure

| TOC | Preface | Chapter1 | Chapter2 | Chapter3 | Chapter4 | AppendixA | AppendixB | AppendixC | ALL |

Chapter 2. Responsibilities

2.1. Overview

Responsibilities of NASA senior management are established in NPD 1000.0, NPD 1000.3, and NPR 8553.1.

2.2 Mission Support Office

2.2.1 The Associate Administrator, Mission Support Directorate, shall:

a. Promote NASA's sustainable acquisition program.

b. Advocate for investments and methods to meet Agency sustainable acquisition goals.

c. Ensure that each Center has an effective sustainable acquisition program.

2.3 Agency Chief Sustainability Officer

2.3.1 The Agency Chief Sustainability Officer (CSO), Assistant Administrator Office of Strategic Infrastructure (OSI) shall:

a. Advocate for investments and methods to promote Agency sustainable acquisition goals.

b. Provide policies and guidance that support Agency personnel in executing sustainable acquisition.

c. Report on performance as required by CEQ and OMB.

2.4 Agency Environmental Management Division

2.4.1 The Agency Environmental Management Division (EMD) shall:

a. Develop Agency-wide processes to promote sustainable acquisition.

b. Integrate sustainable practices across programs, projects, and activities.

c. Monitor NASA's performance in implementing sustainable acquisition.

d. Compile the data required to complete annual Agency sustainable acquisition reporting in cooperation with the Office of Procurement.

2.5 NASA Office of Procurement

2.5.1 The Office of Procurement shall:

a. Promote sustainable acquisition.

b. Compile the data required to complete annual Agency sustainable acquisition reporting in cooperation with the EMD.

c. Promote sustainable acquisition training for contracting professionals and Contracting Officer Representatives.

2.6 Center Director

2.6.1 Center Directors shall:

a. Advocate, engage, and enforce Agency and Center-level initiatives to support sustainable acquisition.

b. Monitor Center's performance in meeting Center sustainable acquisition targets per OMB and CEQ measurement guidelines.

c. Promote sustainable acquisition for all applicable Center procurements.

d. Resolve disputes regarding whether a procurement should or should not include sustainable items or whether the appropriate waivers and supporting documentation has been completed.

2.7 Center Offices of Procurement

2.7.1 Center Offices of Procurement shall:

a. Promote sustainable acquisition by ensuring environmental performance and sustainability factors are screened in all applicable procurements, including new contract actions, Indefinite Delivery, Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) contracts, task orders against existing contracts, and goods and/or services acquired through purchase cards.

b. Use the established procedures in the NASA FAR Supplement (NFS) 1823 to screen every acquisition to determine if any sustainable acquisition program applies. If one or more program applies, then the contracting officer will include the appropriate clauses in the solicitation.

c. Record sustainable acquisition activity in the Federal Procurement Data System (FPDS).

d. Ensure that required NF 1707 documentation is attached to applicable contract documents.

e. Ensure procurement requirements comply with Center environmental management systems as prescribed in NPR 8553.1.

f. Submit sustainable acquisition data required under OMB and CEQ measurement guidelines to the NASA Office of Procurement.

2.8 Center or Component Facility Environmental Managers

2.8.1 The Center or Component Facility Environmental Manager shall:

a. Assist Request Originators and the Center Office of Procurement in determining whether sustainable products and services apply to procurement actions.

b. Ensure the accuracy of Center sustainable acquisition data submitted through the NASA Environmental Tracking System (NETS).

2.9 Center or Component Facility Energy Managers

The Center or Component Facility Energy Manager shall: Approve or deny exemption requests regarding the procurement of ENERGY STAR or FEMP-designated products per NFS 1823.

2.10 Request Originators

2.10.1 The Request Originator shall:

a. Screen project requirements for inclusion of applicable sustainable products and services. The Green Procurement Compilation (GPC) tool can be used to help identify applicable Federal green/sustainable acquisition requirements.

b. Incorporate applicable sustainable products and service requirements into technical standards, specifications, Statements of Work (SOW), Performance Work Statements (PWS), and/or Statements of Objectives (SOO).

c. Complete NASA Form 1707, Special Approvals and Affirmations of Requisitions, Section 2. Include the appropriate justification documentation if not including sustainable acquisition requirements as required.

d. Ensure procurement requirements comply with the Center or Component Facility's environmental management system as prescribed in NPR 8553.1.

| TOC | Preface | Chapter1 | Chapter2 | Chapter3 | Chapter4 | AppendixA | AppendixB | AppendixC | ALL |
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