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NPD 4500.1A
Effective Date: February 07, 2023
Expiration Date: February 07, 2028
Printable Format (PDF)

Subject: Administration of Property in the Custody of Award Recipients

Responsible Office: Office of Strategic Infrastructure

1. Policy

a. NASA Policy is to ensure the continued availability and most effective use of NASA Government property (GP) assets in support of its programs and projects. Effective use of GP entails appropriate management of that property throughout the life of the award from planning through disposition. Effective management ensures that the resources required for the performance of NASA programs and projects are available in appropriate form and quantity when needed and that they are acquired, stored, maintained, used, and dispositioned in the most cost-effective manner in accordance with law and regulation.

b. NASA activities will not provide GP to award recipients unless the responsible Contracting Officer (CO)/Grant Officer (GO) determines it to be in the Government's best interest and approves the action. This includes furnishing existing GP to recipients and allowing the acquisition of property by recipients when that property will become titled to the Government under the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR), in particular the GP clause: Government Property, 48 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) § 52.245-1 and 2 CFR part (pt.) 200, Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards and the acquired property is not a deliverable item or part thereof.

c. NASA activities will transfer property from one award to another only when firm requirements exist under the gaining award. Such transfers will be documented by modification to both gaining and losing awards.

d. When GP is provided for use outside of NASA Centers, Facilities, or Installations, it is considered GP, and NASA will rely on recipients to be responsible for the stewardship of that property. This includes property acquired by the recipient when that property is titled to the Government under the GP clause or award financing provisions.

e. NASA policy is that property administration programs provide for regular review of award recipient performance in managing and stewardship of property in their custody.

f. NASA maintains fiduciary or financial records of GP for statutory compliance and financial reporting. However, this does not eliminate the requirement for award recipients to maintain property records for GP in their custody under their property management system (PMS) and as part of their property stewardship responsibilities.

g. To avoid unnecessary costs associated with duplication of efforts, award recipients performing outside of NASA Centers, Facilities, and Installations are required by clauses, policies, and provisions to record GP in existing corporate property systems and to manage property using corporate plans, procedures, practices, and standards unless otherwise specified in the award. NASA projects, programs, and mission support activities will not attempt to reduce or remove this requirement.

h. NASA awards will require recipients to use and manage property according to NASA policy and procedural requirements when they perform within the physical confines of NASA Centers, Facilities, or Installations. Such property will be considered Installation-accountable government property (IAGP) unless GP is otherwise specified in the award.

(1) When NASA internal GP record systems are available, IAGP being used by recipients will be recorded and managed within those systems unless GP is otherwise specified in the award.

(2) To eliminate unnecessary costs, duplication of records and reports is not required.

(3) When internal GP record systems are unavailable or when property does not meet the criteria for internal NASA recordkeeping, property used by NASA award recipients will be recorded in the recipient's property management recordkeeping system(s) in accordance with the requirements of the award and their property management standards, systems, and practices.

i. NASA will allow award recipients, when performing within their own facilities, to follow industry-leading practices and standards (ILP&S), voluntary consensus standards (VCS), or customary commercial practices (CCP) for the stewardship and management of GP to the extent that ILP&S, VCS, and CCP exist and are adequate for the management of property under the award's circumstances. NASA officials should not impose additional GP management, recordkeeping, or reporting requirements on recipients when recipients perform within their own facilities and the requirements would create a NASA-unique requirement and result in increased administrative costs to the Agency through duplication of recipient records, systems, processes, or work effort. Additional requirements will be imposed only to meet justified program objectives or to ensure the safety of personnel and property.

j. All facets of GP management require the highest degree of ethical standards to be applied by both Government and recipient personnel.


a. This NASA Procedural Directive (NPD) applies to NASA Headquarters and NASA Centers, including Facilities, Installations, and Technical and Service Support Centers. This language applies to the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), a Federally Funded Research and Development Center (FFRDC), other contractors, grant recipients, and parties to agreements only to the extent specified or referenced in the appropriate awards, grants, or agreements.

b. In this NPD, all mandatory actions (i.e., requirements) are denoted by statements containing the term "shall." The terms "may" or "can" denote discretionary privilege or permission, "should" denotes a good practice, and is recommended, but not required, "will" denotes expected outcome, and "are or is" denote descriptive material.

c. In this directive, all document citations are assumed to be the latest version unless otherwise noted.

d. Documents cited as authority, applicable, or reference documents may be cited as a different categorization, which characterizes its function in relation to the specific context.


a. Public Buildings, Property, and Works, 40 United States Code (U.S.C.), pt. 101 et seq.

b. The National Aeronautics and Space Act, 51 U.S.C. § 20113(a).

c. Federal Management Regulation (FMR).

d. Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR).

e. Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 2 CFR 200, Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost, Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards, 41 CFR pt. 102, subchapter B, Personal Property.

f. Government Property, 48 CFR pt. 45.

g. Solicitation Provisions and Contract Clauses, 48 CFR pt. 52.


a. Government Property, 48 CFR § 52.245-1.

b. Government Property, 48 CFR pts. 1845 and 1852.

c. NPR 4500.1, Administration of Property in the Custody of Award Recipients.

d. NPD 9680.1, Use and Authority of the Grant and Cooperative Agreement Manual (GCAM).

e. NASA Form 1018, NASA Property in the Custody of Award Recipients.

f. NASA Form 1019, Property Management System Analysis (PMSA).

g. NASA Form 1430, Letter of Contract Administration Delegation, General.

h. NASA Form 1430C, Property Administration Letter of Delegation (LOD) for NASA Contracts.

i. NASA Form 1430D, Plant Clearance Letter of Delegation (LOD) for NASA Contracts.

j. NASA Form 1674, Letter of Delegation Grants and Cooperative Agreements for Property Administration.


a. The NASA Contract Property Program Manager (CPPM), within the Logistics Management Division (LMD), Office of Strategic Infrastructure (OSI), NASA Headquarters (HQ), is responsible for Agency-level management of the contract property program and will provide policy and oversight in support of that effort.

b. Principal authority and responsibility for the administration of NASA property in the custody of its award recipients' rests with the responsible of COs/GOs.

c. Each Center Director; the Executive Director, Office of HQ Operations; and the Executive Director, NASA Shared Services Center (NSSC), will appoint Industrial Property Officers (IPO).

d. IPOs serve as the Center expert in award property matters, advising COs/GOs, Program and Project Managers, and other Center officials on Center logistics activities and correct methods, processes, and requirements for managing GP being used by or in the custody of NASA award recipients.

(1) They are responsible for coordinating all activity related to award property between these individuals, recipients, property administration, and plant clearance personnel.

(2) They provide reports to NASA HQ on the effectiveness of their operations.

(3) They lead or supervise NASA-conducted property administration activities.

e. Property Administrators (PA) are responsible for review of award recipients' property management activities and ensure that those activities comply with the requirements of the award. PA's are civil servants employed by NASA or civil servants of other agencies by delegation.

f. The award recipient's procedures, records, standards, and practices, as executed, comprise the recipient's Property Management System (PMS). The satisfaction documentation of the PMS is the award recipient's Property Management Plan (PMP). When either the IPO or the PA determines that the award recipient's ILP&S, VCS, or CCP are inadequate for the performance of property management functions under the award or when the use of ILP&S, VCS, or CCP creates an unacceptable increased risk to the Government, the IPO or PA will advise the CO/GO of the need for corrective action.

g. The PA will review the recipient's PMS during execution through a Government-conducted Property Management System Analysis (PMSA). The PA considers the extent and effectiveness of the recipient's internal reviews, prior audit outcomes, and the risk schedule, as well as independent audits of recipient systems and records in determining the schedule, extent, and depth of the Government PMSA. The PMSA will:

(1) Be scheduled and conducted in accordance with NPR 4500.1.

(2) Serve internal audit purposes related to property stewardship and management.

(3) Be used to verify the recipient's records are adequate to reasonably ensure the accuracy of the data and processes used for property reporting.

(4) Be used to determine the existence and efficacy of reasonable management controls.

(5) May be augmented by personnel or performed as joint reviews with personnel from the administered award. However, recipient conducted reviews or contractor's self-assessments (CSA), in and of themselves, are not sufficiently independent to substitute for a Government-conducted PMSA.

h. To limit awards and Government administrative costs, PMSAs will not be duplicated when awards are delegated to a Federal Industry Partner (FIP) off NASA Centers, Facilities, and Installations.

i. When, as a result of the PMSA or as part of their professional judgment, the PA determines that the recipient's performance of property management does not meet the requirements of the award, they will advise the CO/GO of the need for corrective action.

j. The CO/GO will take action to require correction of deficiencies identified by the IPO or the PA in accordance with Government Property, 48 CFR pt. 1845.

k. Property Disposal Officers (PDO)/Plant Clearance Officers (PLCOs) are responsible for the disposition of recipient inventory in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations. NASA's PDOs may serve as PLCOs when property is dispositioned through the NASA disposition systems. PLCOs are civil servants of other agencies by delegation and are called FIPs.

(1) GP no longer required to support its original award or program purpose is considered the recipient's inventory and is reported to the Government PDO/PLCO.

(2) PDOs/PLCOs will make the recipient's inventory available for further public use or otherwise disposition it according to Federal law and regulation.


a. The CO/GO does not retain NASA awards with GP associated; due to PAs and PLCOs being assigned via the NASA Center or assigned delegated FIP by the CO/GO for awards off NASA Centers, Facilities, and Installations. The Center IPO and the PDO will have operational authority, as delegated agents of the CO or GO, to perform functions associated with the administration of property and plant clearance. This authority extends to administration of property in the custody of all parties operating under contract, grant, or cooperative agreement with that Center according to the terms and conditions of the particular award. This authority exists during the entire life cycle for property from acquisition through disposition and through the duration of the award and includes all aspects of property administration except for approval of the provision of property to the award recipient.

b. The Center IPO will have further authority to request via HQ Contract Property Program Manager (CPPM) for delegations and support delegations from other agencies when needed, available, and those support delegations serve to eliminate duplication of Government efforts.


Verification is conducted through regular compensating control reviews (CCRs). Measurement is accomplished through the automated collection of information within the Agency's accountable property system of record (APSR), NASA Electronic Submission System (NESS).


NPD 4500.1, Administration of Property in the Custody of Contractors, dated September 12, 2013.

/s/Bill Nelson


ATTACHMENT A. Definitions

Contracting Officer. A person with the authority to enter into, administer, and/or terminate awards and make related determinations and findings. The term includes certain authorized representatives of the contracting officer acting within the limits of their authority as delegated by the contracting officer.

Contract Property Program Manager. The NASA civil servant responsible for the overall operation of the contract property management program, agency-wide.

Contractor Self-Assessment. An internal review of the recipient's PMS conducted in compliance with the requirements of the FAR Government property clause, § 52.245-1 and NPD 9680.1, Use and Authority of the Grant and Cooperative Agreement Manual (GCAM).

Customary Commercial Practice. A documented practice or standard accepted across an industry developed through a consensus process limited to that industry.

Government-Furnished Property. Property in the possession of, or directly acquired by, the Government and subsequently furnished to the award recipient for performance of an award. Government-furnished property includes, but is not limited to, spares and property furnished for repair, maintenance, overhaul, or modification. Government-furnished property also includes contractor/recipient-acquired property if the contractor/recipient-acquired property is a deliverable under a cost award when accepted by the Government for continued use under the award.

Government Property. All property owned or leased by the Government. Government property includes both GFP and recipient/contractor-acquired. GP includes material, equipment, special tooling, special test equipment, and real property; or to which the Government has obtained title due to delivery and acceptance. GP does not include intellectual property and software.

Grant Officer. A NASA civil servant who is assigned the responsibility of negotiating and/or administering grants and cooperative agreements. Grant Officers are typically warranted contract specialists, and they are the only NASA personnel that may issue or terminate a NASA award. The NASA civil servant with the authority to enter into, administer, and or terminate contracts related to grants and cooperative agreements and make related determinations and findings. A single grant officer may be responsible for duties in any or all of these areas to prospect, identify, and track funding opportunities for grants from private foundations, corporate foundations, and municipal, state, and Federal sources to coordinate grant writing activities across the organization. Reference in 2 CFR pt. 200.

Industry Leading Practice and Standard. A documented, proven practice or standard that exceeds common industry practice or standard in performance or effectiveness and in cost control. Industry-leading practices or standards prove increased performance or effectiveness in addition to decreased or constant cost through their acceptance and publication in refereed, professional journals.

Industrial Property Management Specialist. A civil servant assigned the responsibilities of reviewing award recipient's operations as a Property Administrator and serving as a liaison between the recipient's property management operations, the Center property operation, and the CO/GO.

Industrial Property Officer. Industrial Property Officer. A civil servant appointed by the Center Director to manage and coordinate property matters among the various contracting officers, grant officers, technical officials, award recipient officials, delegated property administrators, property disposal officers, and delegated plant clearance officers. Generally, that individual is responsible for the entire award property management function.

Installation Accountable Government Property. GP which is subject to NASA management control, security, and recordkeeping in accordance with NFS Clause 1852.245-71 and other NASA Procedural Requirements.

Letter of Delegation. For the purpose of this document, a letter of delegation is given to other Federal agencies that assist NASA with property administration and plant clearance off-Center are considered FIPs once delegated to an award. A document that provides an individual limited authority to perform a function for another individual.

Plant Clearance Officer. A civil servant authorized representative of the contracting officer, or grant officer, appointed in accordance with Agency procedures, responsible for screening, redistributing, and disposing of award recipient inventory from a recipient's plant or work site.

Property Administrator. A civil servant authorized representative of the contracting officer, or grant officer, appointed in accordance with Agency procedures, responsible for administering the award requirements and obligations relating to Government property in the possession of an award recipient.

Property Disposal Officer. A civil servant authorized for a Center's screening, redistribution, and marketing activities of NASA-owned excess, surplus, and exchange/sale of personal property.

Property Management Plan. The award recipient's proposed plan for the management of GP in their possession. This plan may include but is not limited to, procedures, voluntary consensus standards, performance standards, industry-leading practices and standards, as well as customary commercial practices.

Property Management System. The documentation of and performance of property management activities.

Property Management System Analysis. A review of the award recipient's performance of property management to determine compliance with award requirements and the recipient's documented property management plans, standards, practices, and processes.

Provided. Furnished, as in Government-furnished property, or acquired, as in contractor/recipient-acquired property.

Voluntary Consensus Standards. Standards developed or adopted by voluntary consensus standards bodies both domestic and international.


APSR Accountable Property System of Record

CCP Customary Commercial Practices

CFR Code of Federal Regulations

CO Contracting Officer

CPPM Contract Property Program Manager

CSA Contractor Self-Assessment

FAR Federal Acquisition Regulation

FIP Federal Industry Partner

GCAM Grant and Cooperative Agreement Manual

GFP Government Furnished Property

GO Grant Officer

GP Government Property

HQ Headquarters

IAGP Installation Accountable Government Property

ILP&S Industry Leading Practices and Standard

IPMS Industrial Property Management Specialist

IPO Industrial Property Officer

LMD Logistics Management Division

NESS NASA Electronic Submission

NPD NASA Policy Directive

NPR NASA Procedural Requirement

NSSC NASA Shared Services Center

OSI Office of Strategic Infrastructure

PA Property Administrator

PDO Property Disposal Officer

PLCO Plant Clearance Officer

PMP Property Management Plan

PMS Property Management System

PMSA Property Management System Analysis

VCS Voluntary Consensus Standards

(URL for Graphic)



This document does not bind the public, except as authorized by law or as incorporated into a contract. This document is uncontrolled when printed. Check the NASA Online Directives Information System (NODIS) Library to verify that this is the correct version before use: https://nodis3.gsfc.nasa.gov.