NASA Policy Directive |
NPD 9741.1B Effective Date: January 11, 2001 Expiration Date: January 11, 2025 |
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11/26/2019 |
Updated language to cite FTR and NPR references, updated 3. Authorities and 4. Applicable Documents and Forms to be in alignment with NPR 9730.1, and updates to NPR 1400.1. |
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10/28/2014 |
Update with 1400 Compliance, Policy language was revised to reflect the correct FTR reference to Policy, update authorities and applicable documents. |
a. It is NASA policy to grant exemptions from mandatory use of the Government contractor-issued travel charge card in accordance with the Office of Government-wide Policy, General Services Administration (GSA) contained in 41 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 301-51.2 and 301-51.3 referenced in paragraph 4.a. The Federal Travel Regulation (FTR). Section 301-51.4 states the head of your agency or his/her designee(s) has (have) the authority to grant exemptions from the mandatory use of the Government contractor-issued travel charge card. This NPD delegates the NASA Administrator's authority to grant other exemptions from the mandatory use of the Government contractor- issued travel charge card to the Agency's Chief Financial Officer.
b. The official to whom authority is delegated will ensure that feedback is provided through official channels to keep the NASA Administrator informed of significant actions, problems, or other matters of substance related to this exercise of the authority delegated hereunder.
a. This NPD is applicable to NASA Headquarters, NASA Centers, including Component Facilities, and Technical and Service Support Centers.
b. In this directive, all document citations are assumed to be the latest version unless otherwise noted.
c. In this directive, all mandatory actions (i.e., requirements) are denoted by statements containing the term "shall." The terms "may" or "can" denote discretionary privilege or permission, "should" denotes a good practice and is recommended but not required, "will" denotes expected outcome, and "are/is" denotes descriptive material.
a.The National Aeronautics and Space Act, as amended 51 U.S.C. § 20101 et seq.
b. Travel and Transportation Reform Act of 1998, Pub. L. 105-264, 112 Stat. 2350 (1998), 5 U.S.C. § 5701 note, Section 2.
c. Government Charge Card Abuse Prevention Act of 2012, Pub. L. 112- 194, 126 Stat. 1445 (2012).
d. Federal Travel Regulations (FTR) 41 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Subtitle F (§ 300-1.1 et seq.).
e. NASA Procedural Requirements (NPR) 9730.1 Travel Cards.
a. Federal Travel Regulations System 41 CFR Subtitle F.
b. Paying Travel Expenses 41 CFR Sections 301-51.2 and 301-51.3
c. Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular A-123, Appendix B, Improving the Management of Government Charge Card Programs (01/15/2009).
d. NASA Policy Directive (NPD) 5104.1, Government Charge Cards.
e. NPR 9710.1, General Travel Requirements.
f. NPR 9730.1, Travel Cards.
a. The Agency's Chief Financial Officer (for exemptions of Agency employees) and the Inspector General (for exemptions of OIG employees only) are responsible for the following:
(1) Ensuring compliance with the provisions of The National Aeronautics and Space Act, 51 U.S. Code§ 20101 and Travel and Transportation Reform Act of 1998, Pub.L.105-264, 112 Stat 235. 2350 (1998), 5 U.S. Code § 5701 referenced in paragraphs 3.a and b., the GSA regulation Paying Travel Expenses 41 CFR Sections 301-51.2 and 301-51.3 referenced in paragraph 4.b. and the Agency's policy NPR 9710.1 , General Travel Requirements referenced in paragraph 4.c. of this NPD.
(2) Ensuring coordination of requests for exemptions with the Office of the General Counsel and the Office of Human Capital Management.
(3) Reporting approved exemptions from mandatory use of the travel charge card in accordance with the provisions of FMM 9700, NASA Federal Travel Regulation Supplement.
b. The Associate Administrator for Mission Support (for exemptions originating at Headquarters), and each Center Director (for exemptions originating at the Center), shall be responsible for the following:
(1) Submitting proposed exemptions for employees to the Agency's Chief Financial Officer for consideration.
(2) Prior to submitting proposed exemptions, determining that the proposed exemption is necessary in the interest of the Agency.
a. The Agency's Chief Financial Officer (for exemptions of Agency employees) and the NASA Inspector General (for exemptions of OIG employees) are delegated the authority to grant exemptions from the mandatory use of the Government contractor-issued travel charge card as permitted under Travel and Transportation Reform Act of 1998, Pub.L.105 -264, 112 Stat 235. 2350 (1998), 5.U.S.C § 5701 note, Section 2, Requiring Use of the Travel Charge Card. A traveler may also request an exemption for an official travel expense under exceptional or unusual circumstances before such expenses are incurred by submitting a waiver request with justification for the exemption to the Director of Policy, Office of the Chief Financial Officer. Such exemptions may be granted when determined to be necessary in the interest of the Agency.
b. The authority delegated in paragraph 6.a. may be re-delegated to not more than one immediate subordinate official who reports directly to the Agency's Chief Financial Officer or the Inspector General without further power of re-delegation. Such a re-delegation will identify, by position, the subordinate official.
Quality assurance reviews and analysis of financial and budgetary reports and data submitted through the Travel Card Program Monitoring and Reporting will be used to measure compliance in accordance with NPR 9730.1.
NPD 9741.1A, Delegation of Authority-To Grant Exemptions from the Mandatory Use of the Government Contractor-Issued Travel Card, dated January 11, 2001.
This document does not bind the public, except as authorized by law or as incorporated into a contract. This document is uncontrolled when printed. Check the NASA Online Directives Information System (NODIS) Library to verify that this is the correct version before use: