NASA Procedural Requirements |
NPR 7120.11A Effective Date: September 08, 2020 Expiration Date: September 08, 2025 |
P.1 Purpose
P.2 Applicability
P.3 Authority
P.4 Applicable Documents and Forms
P.5 Measurement/Verification
P.6 Cancellation
1.1 HMTA Overview
1.2 HMTA Scope
1.3 HMTA Mission
2.1 Chief Health and Medical Officer (CHMO)
2.2 Deputy CHMO
2.3 Center Directors
2.4 Chief Medical Officers (CMO)
2.5 Chief Health and Performance Officers (CHPO)
3.1 HMTA Scope of Delegated Authority
3.2 Lead HMTA Integration Centers (LHIC)
3.3 HMTA Delegations and Paths of Delegated Authority
3.4 HMTA Implementation Plans
4.1 HMTA Requirements Derivation
4.2 Adjudication of Requests for Relief from HMTA Standards and Requirements
5.1 Diverse Views
5.2 Process for Handling Formal Dissents
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