NASA Procedural Requirements |
NPR 9420.1A Effective Date: September 07, 2016 Expiration Date: September 07, 2026 |
P.1 Purpose
P.2 Applicability
P.3 Authority
P.4 Applicable Documents and Forms
P.5 Measurement/Verification
P.6 Cancellation
1.1 Overview
1.2 PPBE Phases
1.3 Roles and Responsibilities
1.4 The Relationship of the Federal Budget Process and PPBE to Other NASA Management Processes
2.1 Overview
2.2 Strategic Programming Guidance (SPG)
3.1 Overview
3.2 Program and Resources Guidance (PRG)
3.3 Program Analysis and Alignment (PAA) Reports
3.4 Agency Budget Decisions
3.5 Programmatic and Institutional Guidance (PaIG)
4.1 Overview
4.2 OMB Submit
4.3 PBR/OMB Budget Schedules
4.4 Passback, Appeal, and Settlement
4.5 Congressional Budget Justification (CJ)
4.6 Rollout
4.7 NASA Support During Congressional Budget Deliberation
5.1 Overview
5.2 Roles and Responsibilities
5.3 Types of Non-Appropriated Resources
6.1 Overview
6.2 OMB Considerations
6.3 Roles and Responsibilities
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