EO 12900
Effective Date: February 22, 1994

Responsible Office: Minority University Research and Education Division


By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution
and the laws of the United States of America and in order to
advance the development of human potential, to strengthen the
Nation's capacity to provide high-quality education, and to
increase opportunities for Hispanic Americans to participate in
and benefit from Federal education programs, it is hereby ordered
as follows:

Section 1. There shall be establish in the Department of
Education the President's Advisory Commission on Educational
Excellence for Hispanic Americans (Commission).  The Commission
shall consist of not more than 25 members, who shall be appointed
by the President and shall report to the Secretary of Education
(Secretary).  The Commission shall comprise representatives who:
(a) have a history of involvement with the Hispanic community;
(b) are from the education, civil rights, and business
communities; or (c) from civic associations representing the
diversity within the Hispanic community.  In addition, the
President may appoint other representatives as he deems

Sec. 2.  The Commission shall provide advice to the President and
the Secretary on: (a) the progress of Hispanic Americans toward
achievement of the National Education Goals and other standards
of educational accomplishment; (b) the development, monitoring,
and coordination of Federal efforts to promote high-quality
education for Hispanic Americans; (c) ways to increase State,
private sector, and community involvement in improving education;
and (d) ways to expand and complement Federal education
initiatives.  The Commission shall provide advice to the
President through the Secretary.

Sec. 3.  There shall be established in the Department of
Education the White House Initiative on Educational Excellence
for Hispanic Americans (Initiative).  The Initiative shall be an
interagency working group coordinated by the Department of
Education and shall be headed by a Director, who shall be a
senior level Federal official.  It shall provide the staff,
resources, and assistance for the Commission and shall serve the
Secretary in carrying out his or her responsibilities under this
order.  The Initiative is authorized to utilize the services,
personnel, information, and facilities of other Federal, State,
and local agencies with their consent, and with or without
reimbursement, consistent with applicable law.  To the extent
permitted by law and regulations, each Federal agency shall
cooperate in providing resources, including personnel detailed to
the Initiative, to meet the objectives of this order.  The
Initiative shall include both career civil service and appointed
staff with expertise in the area of education, and shall provide
advice to the Secretary on the implementation and coordination of
education and related programs across Executive agencies.

Sec. 4. Each Executive department and each agency designated by
the Secretary shall appoint a senior official, who is a full-time
officer of the Federal Government and responsible for management
or program administration, to report directly to the agency head
on activity under this Executive order and to serve as liaison to
the Commission and the Initiative.  To the extent permitted by
law and to the extent practicable, each Executive department and
designated agency shall provide any appropriate information
requested by the Commission or the staff of the Initiative,
including data relating to the eligibility for and participation
by Hispanic Americans in Federal education programs and the
progress of Hispanic Americans in relation to the National
Education Goals.  Where adequate data is not available, the
Commission shall suggest the means of collecting the data.

Sec. 5. The Secretary, in consultation with the Commission, shall
submit to the President an Annual Federal Plan to Promote
Hispanic American Educational Excellence (Annual Federal Plan, or
Plan).  All actions described in the Plan shall be designed to
help Hispanic Americans attain the educational improvement
targets set forth in the National Goals and any standards
established by the National Education Standards and Improvement
Council.  The Plan shall include data on eligibility for, and
participation by, Hispanic Americans in Federal education
programs, and such other aspects of the educational status of
Hispanic Americans as the Secretary considers appropriate.  This
plan also shall include, an appendix, the text of the agency
plans described in section 6 of this order.  The Secretary, in
consultation with the Commission and with the assistance of the
Initiative staff, shall ensure that superintendents of Hispanic-
serving school districts, presidents of Hispanic-serving
institutions of higher education, directors of educational
programs for Hispanic Americans, and other appropriate
individuals are given the opportunity to comment on the proposed
Annual Federal Plan.  For purposes of this order, a "Hispanic-
serving" school district or institution of higher education is
any local education agency or institution of higher education,
respectively, whose student population is more than 25 percent

Sec. 6. As part of the development of the Annual Federal Plan,
each Executive department and each designated agency (hereinafter
in this section referred to collectively as "agency") shall
prepare a plan for, and shall document, both that agency's effort
to increase Hispanic American participation in Federal education
programs where Hispanic Americans currently are underserved, and
that agency's effort to improve educational outcomes for Hispanic
Americans participating in Federal education programs.  This plan
shall address, among other relevant issues: (a) the elimination
of unintended regulatory barriers to Hispanic American
participation in Federal education programs; (b) the adequacy of
announcements of program opportunities of interest to Hispanic-
serving school districts, institutions of higher education and
agencies; and (c) ways of eliminating educational inequalities
and disadvantages faced by Hispanic Americans.  It also shall
emphasize the facilitation of technical, planning, and
development advice to Hispanic-serving school districts and
institutions of higher education.  Each agency's plan shall
provide appropriate measurable objectives for proposed actions
aimed at increasing Hispanic American participation in Federal
education programs where Hispanic Americans currently are
underserved.  After the first year, each agency's plan also shall
assess that agency's performance on the goals set in the previous
year's annual plan.  These plans shall be submitted by a date and
time to be established by the Secretary.

Sec. 7. The Director of the Office of Personnel Management, in
consultation with the Secretary and the Secretary of Labor, to
the extent permitted by law, shall develop a program to promote
recruitment of Hispanic students for part-time, summer, and
permanent positions in the Federal Government.

Sec. 8. I have determined that the Commission shall be
established in compliance with the Federal Advisory Committee
Act, as amended (5 U.S.C. App. 2).  Notwithstanding any other
Executive order, the responsibilities of the President under the
Federal Advisory Committee Act, as amended, shall be performed by
the Secretary. in accordance with the guidelines and procedures
established by the Administrator of General Services.

Sec. 9. Administration. (a) Members of the Commission shall serve
without compensation, but shall be allowed travel expenses,
including per diem in lieu of subsistence, as authorized by law
for persons serving intermittently in the Government service   
(5 U.S.C. 5701-5707).

     (b) The Commission and the Initiative shall obtain funding
for their activities from the Department of Education.

     (c) The Department of Education shall provide such
administrative services for the Commission as may be required.

Sec. 10. Executive Order No. 12729 is revoked.

                         /s/William J. Clinton

February 22, 1994.


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