NASA logo NASA Headquarters' Directives
HQpr 1830.1
Effective Date: September 24, 2008
Expiration Date: June 28, 2019
Responsible Office: LA
Headquarters Critical Incident Stress Management Program
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Table of Contents | Preface | Chapter1 | Chapter2 | Chapter3 | Chapter4 | AppendixA

CHAPTER 3. Procedures for the Headquarters EAP Service Counselor

3.1 Notification

3.1.1 Notification of a critical incident may come in the form of a telephone call, page to personal pager, or an in-person request from:

a. A manager/supervisor.

b. The Headquarters EAP coordinator.

c. An employee.

d. Headquarters human resources, safety, security, emergency preparedness or medical personnel.

3.1.2 Upon notification of an emergency requiring EAP assistance, the counselor shall:

a. Obtain the location.

b. Obtain a brief description of the circumstances, and the names of other individuals who may have been notified. If necessary, the EAP counselor shall notify any other appropriate responders including security, medical, or human resources management personnel.

c. Report to the Headquarters building.

3.2 Scene Protocol

3.2.1 Once at the scene, the EAP counselor shall report to the incident commander. This is usually someone from security, the fire department, or medical services. If there is no identified incident commander, the EAP counselor shall determine who is in charge of the situation or locate the person who initiated the call to EAP.

3.2.2 The EAP counselor shall obtain all background information available, and review any background information with the supervisor and/or witnesses, and representatives from Headquarters security and Headquarters Facilities & Administrative Services Division. The EAP counselor shall ensure any other needed responders, including CISM team members, have been called in and briefed.

3.2.3 The EAP counselor shall determine an appropriate course of action in coordination with the incident commander (or person in charge) and other responders.

3.3 Implement Response

3.3.1 The EAP counselor shall implement an appropriate course of action in conjunction with other responders, only after determining that it is safe to intervene. The safety of all parties at the scene takes precedence over any other concerns. The EAP counselor shall provide the clinically appropriate level of intervention, including de-escalation, assessment, assist in obtaining appropriate level of care, assist in transport (when safe to do so), and assist in briefing any outside care providers. The EAP counselor shall remain with the client(s) until the person (s) is transferred to an appropriate care provider.

3.4 Post-Incident

3.4.1 The EAP counselor shall provide critical stress debriefings to any other employees involved in or affected by the incident, and to scene responders, and attend and participate in Headquarters' management debriefings, as needed or requested. During any and all debriefings, the EAP counselor shall limit disclosure to only those individuals with a need to know sensitive information, and maintain strict adherence to Privacy Act and confidentiality restrictions.

3.4.2 The EAP counselor shall document the incident in a client folder, and continue to follow the care and progress of the client.

3.4.3 The EAP counselor shall assist in returning the client to work, and participate in any conferences or briefings as needed.

3.4.4 The EAP counselor shall be debriefed by another mental health clinician.

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