Cancellation and Modifications

NASA Official Fleet Management Handbook

Asset Management

Utilization Management Procedures


Annual Utilization Report

Beginning the first of each calendar year, the CTO will generate a utilization report for every vehicle in the Center’s fleet. The report should be created in a spreadsheet software program (for example, MS Excel) to allow calculations to be performed on the data. Use the format shown in the following example:




License #





Average Annual Usage (Miles)










Truck less than 12,500 pounds GVWR








Average Annual Usage Calculation

Calculate the average annual usage by vehicle type for the Center. The result should be similar to this example:


Motor Vehicle Type 

Average Annual Usage for 2004

Sedans/Station Wagons 

8,600 miles


2,400 miles




14,280 miles


12,966 miles


16,440 miles



    Less than 12,500 pounds GVWR 

10,766 miles

    12,500-23,999 pounds GVWR 

8,654 miles

    24,000 pounds GVWR and over 

6,448 miles


Utilization Target Point Calculation

Calculate the “Utilization Target Point” for each type of vehicle by multiplying the average usage by 25% (.25) for each type. For the example above, the Utilization Target Points would be:


Motor Vehicle Type 

Utilization Target Point

Sedans/Station Wagons 

2,150 miles


600 miles




3,570 miles


3,241 miles


4,110 miles



    Less than 12,500 pounds GVWR 

2,691 miles

    12,500-23,999 pounds GVWR 

2,163 miles

    24,000 pounds GVWR and over 

1,612 miles



Utilization Target List

Identify the individual vehicles within each type whose usage fell below the Utilization Target Point during the respective year. Label these vehicles in the report as “under-utilized.” This list constitutes the “Utilization Target List.”


Notification to User Organizations

During the 3rd quarter of the Fiscal Year, the CTO will notify organizations with vehicles on the Utilization Target List by letter (copy to NASA Center Director or designee) that their vehicles are on the list and will be evaluated for possible actions that include:

  1. Removal from the fleet

  2. Re-assignment within the Center

  3. Exchanged for another vehicle of a similar type with higher miles

  4. Exchanged for a different type of vehicle that better suits the mission

  5. Retention with proper justification

  6. Turned in to GSA


User Response

Organizations with vehicles on the Utilization Target List must submit a new Form 971 to the Vehicle Management Office (VMO) at least two weeks before the end of the 3rd quarter of the Fiscal Year.


The Vehicle Management Office (VMO)

The VMO organizes and reviews all inputs, including late 971 submissions; the objective is to finalize a report to the VURB by the end of 3rd quarter of the Fiscal Year.


Vehicle Utilization Review Board Action (VURB)

The VURB will meet as soon as possible in the 4th quarter of the Fiscal Year to review the responses from organizations with vehicles on the Utilization Target List. One of two possible actions must result:

  1. When the VURB approves continued use of the vehicle, the CTO will send a report to the NASA Agency Transportation Manager and notify users of the final action where necessary.

  2. When the VURB disputes the using organization’s recommendation, the NASA Agency Transportation Manager is notified. The CTO provides final results to the users.


Disposition of Disputed Vehicles

Vehicles that have undergone a complete dispute resolution process and were approved for retention are exempt from further identification as vehicles on future Utilization Target Lists for a period of 3 years. However, such vehicles should still be considered for exchange with higher mileage units of a similar type whenever possible in order to “balance” utilization for the overall fleet. Where applicable, excess GSA vehicles shall be turned in to GSA as soon as possible. The NASA Agency Transportation Manager shall be notified when this action is complete and records have been updated.


Vehicle Exchange and Rotation Process

The CTO should promote full utilization of each vehicle. This may involve rotating or exchanging vehicles to ensure each vehicle achieves its programmed life usage. Rotation should be considered for any vehicle for which utilization consistently falls below the average for that type of vehicle at that Center.


Alternatives to Owning or Leasing

Alternatives to owning or leasing vehicles through GSA should be considered when vehicles are under-utilized. Such alternatives include use of sub-pool vehicles, shuttle buses, on-site taxi service, POV’s, increased sharing between organizations, and establishment of on-demand short-term rental contracts.


Vehicles Excluded or Exempted from Utilization Review

Vehicle users may request exemptions to the minimum mileage specified for assignment or retention of a fleet vehicle. Other utilization goals such as passengers or tonnage carried or hours used should be applied if mileage is not an accurate measurement for a particular vehicle’s mission. Mileage accumulated on these types of vehicles should not be included in the annual mileage target for the fleet. See 41 CFR 101-39.301 for further guidance.


GSA Utilization Guidelines

Link to 41CFR101-39.301:


GSA Utilization Guidelines from 41 CFR 101-39


Passenger-carrying vehicles

Min. of 3,000 miles/quarter or 12,000/year

Light truck and General Purpose Vehicles £ 12,500 lbs (GVWR)

Min. of 10,000 miles/year

Trucks and General Purpose Vehicles >12,500 lbs GVWR £ 24,000 lbs (GVWR)

Min. of 7,500 miles/year 

Heavy Trucks and General Purpose Vehicles > 24,000 lbs (GVWR) 

Min. of 7,500 miles/year

Truck Tractors 

Min. of 10,000 miles/year


Page: 4.2.2 Asset Management\Fleet Vehicle Utilization\Utilization Management Procedures

Last Updated:08/19/2005 07:27 PM