
NASA Official Fleet Management Handbook

Driver’s Handbook

Accidents and Investigations


Notification of Proper Authorities

Operators involved in accidents will stop immediately and render any possible assistance. Other motorists should be warned of any existing highway hazards and debris. The operator will immediately notify local law enforcement authorities when on public roads. The operator will also notify his/her immediate supervisor, the GSA Accident Management Center (AMC), and the CTO as soon as possible.


GSA vehicles not able to be driven shall be towed to the nearest authorized facility to obtain a repair estimate. All other Government vehicles shall be towed to the responsible NASA Center unless otherwise directed by the CTO or designated representative (such as the garage supervisor).

Completion of Accident Reports

The SF 91 (and SF 94 if possible) and the NF 1627, NASA Mishap Report will be completed for all accidents involving Government-owned and GSA vehicles. This report must be completed the same day of the accident (assuming the driver is physically capable) and then delivered to the individual’s supervisor, GSA AMC, the CTO, and other parties as deemed necessary.

Repair Responsibility

Vehicle user’s organization will be billed for accidents and incidents for GSA vehicles as outlined in 41CFR section 101-39.406. The vehicle operators will take the vehicle in for a repair estimate and take the vehicle in for repairs once approval is obtained from the GSA AMC. For other Government-owned vehicles, the Government is self-insured and will absorb the cost of accidents in its operating budget unless negligence has been determined.

Revocation of Driving Privilege

Licenses may be suspended or revoked by the issuing authority for cause any time. When an individual’s license is suspended or revoked by the State or the Government for Government-issued licenses, then the operator shall report this information to the immediate supervisor on the next work day following the suspension or revocation of the license.

Summary of Accident Procedures

The following process will be followed for personnel involved in accidents in Government vehicles:

  1. Stop immediately and provide assistance to the injured.
  2. Never leave the scene of an accident.
  3. Avoid moving seriously injured persons unless essential for their protection.
  4. Warn other motorists of any existing highway hazards and use flares or reflectors during hours of darkness or where visibility is poor.
  5. Notify civil and NASA authorities.
  6. Complete accident report, SF 91 (and SF 94, witness report, if possible); and NF 1627, NASA Mishap Report, if individual is unable to complete, then the next person responsible for equipment operations will complete the report.
  7. Avoid expressing opinions regarding liability.
  8. Provide copy of SF 91, SF 94, and NF 1627 to supervisor, GSA FMC or AMC for GSA vehicles, the CTO, and other parties as deemed necessary.
  9. Comply with state and local laws pertaining to accident reporting and the rules of this handbook.
  10. Arrange to drive or tow vehicle for repair estimate and subsequent repair.
  11. Government-Owned Vehicles. The expeditious completion of accident claims and subsequent investigation is a critical part of risk management.
  12. GSA Vehicles. Users must work closely with GSA to process claims and properly investigate accidents.


Page: Driver's Handbook\Accidents and Investigations

Last Updated:08/19/2005 05:44 PM