
NASA Official Fleet Management Handbook

Driver’s Handbook

Won’t Start and Won’t Run

Drivers will initially contact the POC when they experience situations where the vehicle(s) will not start or properly run. Each Center will ensure customers are provided a means of contacting maintenance for towing or on-site repairs. GSA vehicles will be towed to the nearest authorized repair facility, including Government facilities where authorized by contract.

The purpose of this handbook is to provide policies and procedures to guide fleet management activities at all NASA Centers. It allows staff to support the operating sectors of each organization productively and consistently, while allowing reasonable flexibility that recognizes broad variations in operating conditions and physical environments. It covers the most important fleet management topics and, where feasible, offers a logical, step-by-step, easy-to-use system of best practices and procedures pertaining to fleet management.


Page: Driver's Handbook\Driver and Operator Responsibilities\Won't Start and Won't Run

Last Updated:08/19/2005 07:35 PM