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NASA Procedures and Guidelines

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NPR 4200.2B
Eff. Date: September 11, 1998
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Equipment Management Manual for Property Custodians w/Change 1, 9/11/03

| TOC | Change | Preface | Chapter1 | Chapter2 | Chapter3 | Chapter4 | Chapter5 | AppendixA | AppendixB | AppendixC | AppendixD | AppendixE | AppendixF | AppendixG | AppendixH | AppendixH2 | AppendixI | AppendixJ | AppendixK | AppendixL | AppendixM | AppendixN | ALL |

Chapter 5. Procedures for NEMS Transactions (Equipment)

5.1. Introduction.

5.1.1. When an individual is appointed as a property custodian, a complete set of the NASA Form 1602 can be provided by NEMS Control, covering each controlled item assigned to the account. The custodian will retain these forms on file until such time that a change is required. At that time, the custodian will retrieve the applicable NASA form and complete as directed by this guide. NEMS Control will process the requested change and forward an updated NASA Form 1602 to the custodian.

5.1.2. Each equipment transaction initiated by a custodian must be processed and controlled through NEMS by the use of the NASA Form 1602 or by other means available. Transactions, submitted to NEMS by property custodians are as follows:

Transaction Number

26.......Custodian Account Transfer

29.......Equipment Location

30.......Status/Condition Code

31.......User Number

38.......Borrow Out

39.......Borrow Out Returned


41.......Loan/Lease Returned

42.......Loan Pool Out

43.......Loan Pool Return

44.......Storage In

45.......Storage Returned

52.......Excess Turn In

56.......Repair Updates

60.......Record Change

65......Transfer to Another NASA Center

66......Transfer to Another Government Agency

67......Transfer of Government-Furnished Equipment to a Contractor's Grantee

69......Lease In Returned

70......Loan-in Returned

73......Modify or Cannibalize

74......Lost Tag

The property custodian module, electronic mail, and Internet options may be used for selected transactions in lieu of the NASA Form 1602. (See chapter 3). The reporting forms and requirements for the above transactions are described below. Transaction numbers are shown in parenthesis ( ). If additional signed documentation is required, signatures on the NASA Form 1602 are not required. If Center policy allows, annotate in block 33 of the NASA Form 1602 if transportation services are required, and complete blocks 29 and 30 for approximate weight and cubic feet, if known.

5.1.3. The property custodian should always retain the suspense copy of the NASA Form 1602 whenever the form is submitted for any type of change. The custodian can verify the accuracy of requested changes by reviewing the custodian Monthly Transaction Report provided by NEMS Control.

5.2. Changes

5.2.1. Custodian Account Transfer (26) is used whenever equipment is transferred from one custodian to another. This change could result from reassignments, reorganizations, or need of the equipment identified by the gaining custodian. A custodian account change may create other changes as well, e.g., location and user. When these changes are required, transactions 26, 29, and 31 should be completed on the form at the same time. The losing custodian will retrieve the appropriate NASA Form 1602 and check the transaction box that applies to the required changes, sign the form in block 31, retain the suspense copy 4, and forward to the gaining custodian. The gaining custodian, upon receipt of the property, will sign and complete block 32, including account number and new location. If a user change is required, annotate the new user's name and obtain his or her signature in block 33. The gaining custodian will retain the property custodian's copy 3 of the NASA Form 1602. The gaining custodian will receive an updated NASA Form 1602. If the initiating custodian determines that the equipment cannot be delivered by hand, arrangements must be coordinated with the Transportation Office for pickup. This may be accomplished by the NEMS Equipment Manager, depending on Center policy. The Transportation copy 2 must be attached to the equipment; however, a Center approved delivery ticket may also be required.

5.2.2. Equipment Location (29). Equipment location by building or area is mandatory in NEMS. Location by room is optional, depending on Center policy. When the equipment location is changed but remains in the same account, the custodian will retrieve the appropriate NASA Form 1602, check Box 29, Equipment Location, sign, and annotate the new location in block 31. If a user change is also required, this can be accomplished at the same time by checking block 31 (User Number) and obtaining the user's signature in block 33. The custodian will retain the suspense copy 4 of the NASA Form 1602 and forward the completed form to the NEMS Equipment Manager. When a physical inventory is conducted within a custodian's account, any locations that do not agree with the NEMS equipment record will be updated automatically as a result of the inventory scan.

5.2.3. Status/Condition Code (30). Status codes (block 5 on NASA Form 1602) reflect the degree of availability of equipment and are used in NEMS to facilitate optimum reuse, consistent with program requirements, priorities, and economics. Definitions are shown on the reverse side of the NASA Form 1602 and are detailed in appendix J of this NPG. Status codes are A = Active-Assigned, B = Inactive-Assigned. Condition codes, block 6 on NASA Form 1602, indicate the physical condition and usability of equipment within NEMS and are a major consideration in determining the value of reutilization of inactive equipment. Condition codes are mandatory when the status code is B. Definitions are indicated shown on the reverse side of the NASA Form 1602 and are detailed in appendix J of this guide. The custodian becomes aware of changes in status or condition by personally observing apparent inactive equipment by notification by the assigned user and by recommendations of the Division Director during annual walk-through inspections. The inventory team may also question the validity of equipment obviously unused or in need of repair. When equipment has been identified for status and/or condition code change, the custodian will retrieve the NASA Form 1602, check Box 30, Status/Condition Code, sign, and complete block 31, and annotate the new status code and/or condition code in block 33. The custodian will retain the suspense copy of the NASA Form 1602 and forward the completed form to the NEMS Equipment Manager. An updated NASA Form 1602 will be forwarded to the custodian.

5.2.4. User Number (31). When equipment is controlled, it must be assigned to an individual user and entered on the NEMS equipment record. When a user change is required at the same time as a custodian and/or location change, all transactions should be requested on the same form. Where equipment is shared, it is recommended that the custodian identify one person as the primary user, with responsibility for locating the item. If there is unwillingness to accept this responsibility, the supervisor for the area will assign the primary user. NEMS Control will assign a user number to each user and maintain a table of the user number cross referenced to the users' names. When a user change is required, the custodian will check block 31, User Number, and block 29, Equipment Location, if applicable. The custodian will sign and annotate the new location in block 31. The new user's signature will be obtained in block 33. The custodian will retain the suspense copy of the NASA Form 1602 and forward the completed form to the NEMS Equipment Manager.

5.2.5. Borrows Between Custodians. Items to be borrowed by another custodian or user are authorized and recommended for all short-term uses in lieu of purchasing new equipment. Custodian accountability is not transferred for borrowed equipment; however, the borrowing organization has full responsibility for the equipment while in its possession. Items borrowed for less than 60 days may be formally documented by the lending custodian, by annotating the NASA Form 1602 with the user's name, location, date borrowed, and anticipated return date. In those cases, NEMS entries are not required. When items are borrowed for 60 days or more, formal documentation and NEMS entries must be made, utilizing the NASA Form 1602 or other means. The following procedures apply to the borrow-out and borrow-out-return process: Borrow Out (38). The custodian will retrieve the NASA Form 1602, check Box 39, Borrow Out, and sign in block 31. The custodian will obtain the signature of the borrowing custodian in block 32 or user in block 33, annotate the date that the equipment is to be returned and the new location in block 32. The custodian will retain suspense copy 4 of the NASA Form 1602 and forward the completed form to the NEMS Equipment Manager. An updated NASA Form 1602 will be forwarded to the custodian reflecting the borrow status. The NEMS Equipment Manager, or designee will send the custodian a Borrowed Equipment Return Candidate List, NEMS Report 134, 30 days prior to borrow expiration date, in order for the custodian to determine the status and take appropriate action. When a custodian receives a borrow request in any format from another NASA Center, a local shipping document will be prepared. The NASA Form 1602 should be attached to the shipping document; however, the form does not need to be completed if all pertinent NASA information and signatures are required on the shipping document. The custodian arranges for transportation of the equipment and paperwork to the shipping department. The custodian will receive an updated NASA Form 1602 reflecting the borrowed-out status. The NEMS Equipment Manager will send the custodian a Borrowed Equipment Return Candidate List, NEMS Report 34, 30 days prior to the borrow expiration date, in order for the custodian to determine the status and take appropriate action. Borrow Out Returned (39). When the borrowed equipment has been returned, the custodian will retrieve the updated NASA FORM 1602, sign in block 31, annotate the new location in block 32, and obtain the new user's signature in block 33. The custodian will retain suspense copy 4 of the NASA Form 1602 and forward the completed form to the NEMS Equipment Manager.

a. Central Receiving. It is preferred that borrowed items be returned to Central Receiving, where a Receiving and Inspection Report is used. NEMS Control uses the Receiving and Inspection Report to update the NEMS data base and provides the custodian with an updated NASA Form 1602.

b. Direct Delivery. When borrowed items are returned directly to the site of the lending organization, the custodian will update the NASA Form 1602; mark Box 39, Borrow Out Return, sign and annotate the new location in block 31, obtain the user's signature in block 33, and note any change in condition or status code. The custodian retains the suspense copy and forwards the completed NASA Form 1602 to NEMS Control for processing. Borrowed Between Centers. A request to borrow equipment from another NASA Center will be submitted through your Supply and Equipment Management Officer. A locally developed form may be used for this purpose. Borrowing will not normally exceed 1 year. Equipment may be borrowed for a period of 1 year if approved by the Supply and Equipment Management Officer at the lending Center; however, equipment should be permanently transferred, if no requirement exists at the holding Center. Any request for extension of a borrow must be approved by the holding Center.

5.2.7. Loan/Lease (40). The custodian will contact the Supply and Equipment Management Officer to arrange for an approved loan agreement. After the loan agreement is approved, the custodian will ensure that a shipping document is prepared and arrange for transportation of the equipment to be loaned to the Shipping Department. The custodian should attach the NASA Form 1602, but the form does not have to be completed if all signatures required are reflected on the loan agreement and the shipping document.

a. The NEMS Equipment Manager reviews the shipping document, verifies the loan agreement information, prior to approval, and forwards it to the Shipping or Transportation Office for processing.

b. The shipping document is the input document that allows NEMS Control to process the loan information into the NEMS data base. The custodian will receive an updated NASA Form 1602, reflecting the loan status.

c. The NEMS Equipment Manager will forward a Loaned Out Equipment Expiration Report, NEMS Report 131, or a Leased Out Equipment Return Candidate List, NEMS Report 133, to the custodian in order to determine the loan or lease status.

d. All loans initially approved for a duration of more than 1 year must be recertified on an annual basis. The borrower must provide a written certification to the Supply and Equipment Management Officer, on the anniversary date of the loan. This certification must contain the identification number assigned to the equipment, its name, location, current use, and justification for continued use.

e. To ensure that loans do not exceed the temporary use policy, authorizing officials must review and certify extension of each loan, prior to its expiration date, and obtain annual recertification on current use from the borrower.

f. A Center may lease equipment to an outside organization. Leases are approved and processed in the same manner as previously described for loans to outside organizations. Leases require negotiation of a contract by the procurement or acquisition organization. Loans and Leases to Outside Organizations. It is NASA policy to make equipment available outside NASA on a temporary basis, provided the loan is in the public interest and meets the conditions described in NPG 4200.1E. Such loans will be covered by a formal loan agreement, developed by the Center, which sets forth appropriate requirements for use and accountability. This agreement requires concurrence by the authorizing official, Division Director, Supply and Equipment Management Officer, Office of the Chief Counsel, or other appropriate Center personnel. Some Centers may require approval by the Center Director. NASA's loan policy is covered in more detail in NPG 4200.1E. Loans/Lease Returned (41) .

a. Central Receiving. It is preferred that loaned items be returned to Central Receiving where a Receiving and Inspection Report is prepared. NEMS Control uses the Receiving and Inspection Report to update the NEMS data base and provide the custodian with an updated NASA Form 1602.

b. Direct Delivery. When borrowed items are returned directly to the site of the lending organization, the custodian will update the NASA Form 1602; mark Box 41, Loan or Lease Out Return, sign, and annotate the new location in block 31, obtain the user's signature in block 33, and note any change in condition or status code. The custodian retains the suspense copy 4 and forwards the completed NASA Form 1602 to NEMS Control for processing. NEMS Control will provide the custodian with an updated NASA Form 1602.

5.2.8. Loans to Employees for Offsite Use. Equipment may be loaned (for official Government business only) to NASA employees and onsite contractors for temporary offsite use. Justification for official offsite use must be provided. The approval of the Division Director or higher is required. For onsite contractors, the advance approval of the contracting officer and notification of the SEMO is required by NASA FAR Supplement 18-52.245-71. The loan may be made for up to 180 days and may be extended for an additional 180 days but may not exceed 1 year. The NASA Form 892 may be used for loans less than 30 days; however, each Center must establish an official Employee Loan Agreement and establish procedures to control all loans exceeding 30 days in the NEMS data base. Loan to Employees. The employee taking the equipment offsite will complete NASA Form 892 or an employee loan agreement form, obtaining all required signatures. The original of the agreement will be forwarded to the NEMS Equipment Manager. The second copy will be retained by the custodian, and the third copy must remain with the employee and equipment while offsite. For this type of loan, the NASA Form 1602 will be annotated "Home" in the building number field, and entered in NEMS to identify it as an employee loan. Loans of less than 30 days will not be processed through the NEMS data base, unless an extension is requested, increasing the period to over 30 days. The custodian will not submit the NASA Form 1602 since the equipment remains in the custodian account. All extensions must be approved by the NEMS Equipment Manager for updating the NEMS data base. Loan to Employees Return. When the employee returns loaned equipment to the Center, the NASA Form 1602, NASA Form 892, or the Employee Loan Agreement must be annotated with the building and room location and forwarded to the NEMS Equipment Manager to update the NEMS data base.

5.2.9. Loan Pools. Center equipment pools will establish internal procedures for controlling equipment loans to personnel for temporary use. The NEMS data base may be updated, according to Center policy. If updating occurs within NEMS, Transaction 42, Loan Pool Out, and Transaction 43, Loan Pool Return, will be processed. Normally, custodian accountability is not transferred to the organization borrowing the equipment; however, the employee who signs out the equipment has full responsibility until the item is returned to the loan pool.

5.2.10. Storage of Equipment. Occasionally, the nature of NASA operations makes it desirable to temporarily store inactive equipment, if it is identified to one of the specific purposes stated in NPG 4200.1E. Stored equipment must have a firm future requirement, i.e., a project program or other work activity, which has been approved by the Center Director. Stored equipment must also be recertified annually by the storing directorate's Division Director or designee. Storage In (44). When a custodian receives a request to put equipment in storage, the custodian follows Center procedures to ensure that appropriate approvals are obtained prior to submittal of the Storage In transaction to NEMS Control. Custodians should use the NASA Form 1602 for the initial approval and justification for storage of inactive, controlled equipment but should use a Center-developed "request for storage" form for inactive noncontrolled equipment.

a. The custodian will retrieve the NASA Form 1602 and check Box 44, Storage In, sign, and complete block 31. The custodian will annotate the storage justification, date stored item will return to active use, and condition code in block 33. Other required approvals will be obtained in block 34. The custodian will arrange delivery of the equipment and the NASA Form 1602 to the storage area and retain the suspense copy of the NASA Form 1602. The Storage Manager will sign and complete block 32, assign the storage control number and location, and forward the form to NEMS Control for processing into the NEMS data base. Copy 2 of the NASA Form 1602 will be retained with the equipment while in storage, and copy 3 may be retained by storage personnel, if desired or required by local instructions. An updated NASA Form 1602 will be forwarded to the custodian to be used for retrieval of the stored equipment.

b. The NEMS Equipment Manager will receive an Items Held in Storage List, NEMS Report 900, which will remove equipment from storage or justify extension of the storage period. It will also be forwarded to the Storage Manager. The Storage Manager will send out notification to the custodian when the storage date is expiring in order for the custodian to make arrangements to recommended that the NEMS Report 900 be provided to the Division Director for all custodian accounts within their organization at the time of their annual walk-through inspections. Storage Returned (45). When the storing organization is ready to remove equipment from storage and return it to active status, the custodian will retrieve the NASA Form 1602 and check Box 45, Storage Return, sign, and complete block 31, noting the storage location, if known. The custodian will annotate the new location, status code, and condition code, if changed, in block 33, retain the suspense copy of the NASA Form 1602, and forward the completed form to the Storage Manager. The Storage Manager will make arrangements to remove equipment from storage and return it to the custodian, forwarding the NASA Form 1602 to NEMS Control for updating the NEMS data base. An updated NASA Form 1602 will then be forwarded to the custodian. If a need does not materialize and equipment held in storage is no longer needed, the custodian should follow the procedures for Excess Turn In, Transaction 52, on NASA Form 1602/X90 in NASA Property Disposal Management System.

5.2.11. Excess Turn In (52) (NASA FORM 1602/X90 in NASA Property Disposal Management System). Equipment becomes excess as a result of its condition or its inactivity. Annual utilization reviews and annual Division Director walk-through inspections help identify inactive or underutilized equipment and items in need of repair or replacement. When equipment becomes excess to the needs of an organization, the custodian will follow local approval procedures to initiate the Excess Turn In transaction. Custodians must use the NASA Form 1602 for the turn in of controlled equipment but may use a locally developed form for turning in noncontrolled equipment. The custodian will retrieve the NASA Form 1602, check Box 52, Excess Turn In, sign, and complete block 31, and annotate the condition or condition code in block 33. The custodian will retain the suspense copy 4 of the NASA Form 1602 and attach the completed form to the equipment to be turned in. A copy of the completed NASA Form 1602 should be forwarded to the Equipment Management personnel and Property Disposal Officer. The custodian then arranges transportation of the equipment to the disposal area. If a separate delivery ticket is required by the Center, the signed copy should be retained by the custodian. The NASA Form 1602 and equipment will be processed through the NASA Property Disposal Management System. Caution: Sensitive equipment should not be placed in open pickup areas but remain secured until picked up by transportation personnel.

5.2.12. Repair Updates (56). Refer to local procedures when equipment is identified as requiring repair or calibration. Some Centers may require the NASA Form 1602 to process a Transaction 56. In those cases, the custodian will retrieve the NASA Form 1602, check box 56, sign, and complete block 31, retain the suspense copy 4 and forward the completed form, along with the equipment, to the repair and calibration facility. The repair and calibration facility will process all repair and calibration updates, including repairs under warranty, onsite, or offsite by the manufacturer or another repair facility. Depending on Center policy, the repair and calibration facility may provide NEMS Control with the labor and parts cost, date serviced, and revise the condition code after the repair has been completed.

5.2.13 Record Change (60) . A record change may be submitted by a custodian when any computer-generated data in blocks 2-28 on the NASA Form 1602 appears incorrect. The custodian will retrieve the NASA Form 1602, check Box 60, Record Change, sign, and complete block 31 and annotate the revised data in block 33. The custodian will retain the suspense copy 4 and forward the completed form to the NEMS Equipment Manager. The NEMS Equipment Manager will review the NEMS equipment record to verify the error. After approval of the record change, the NASA Form 1602 will be forwarded to NEMS Control for processing. An updated NASA Form 1602 will be forwarded to the custodian. All data element errors detected by the custodian should be submitted as a Transaction 60.

5.3. Deletes.

Any equipment to be hand-carried or shipped from the Centers will be documented and coordinated with the Supply and Equipment Management Officer or designee prior to the physical movement of the equipment in order to ensure that the proper actions and any adjustments are made to the NEMS control records.

5.3.1. Transfer to Another NASA Center (65). When a program or project office has identified a greater need for equipment at another NASA Center, or supports a need identified by another Center, the equipment may be transferred. This action requires coordination between both Center equipment management offices. Some Centers will also require a local shipping document to be prepared, which will be used by NEMS Control to process the transfer transaction. The NASA Form 1602 may be attached to the shipping document; however, it does not need to be completed if all pertinent NASA information and signatures are on the shipping document. The custodian will prepare a shipping and transfer document, obtain required approvals, designate approximate weight and cubic feet on the shipping document, if known, to aid the Transportation and Shipping Department. The custodian will arrange for transportation of the equipment and the shipping document to the Shipping Department for processing. Transportation may be coordinated by the NEMS Equipment Manager, depending on Center policy. The Shipping Department will prepare a Government Bill of Lading and ship the equipment in accordance with the shipping document. A copy of the shipping document, annotated with date shipped and shipment number, will then be forwarded to NEMS Control for processing into the NEMS data base and for deletion of the equipment from the custodian's account.

5.3.2. Transfer to Another Government Agency (66). A program or project office may identify equipment for transfer to another Government agency through an interagency agreement or in accordance with the Space Act of 1958, as amended. The Act states that NASA and other Federal agencies or departments will cooperate fully with each other to transfer, without reimbursement, aeronautical and space vehicles, and supplies and equipment. Administrative supplies and equipment are not to be transferred to other Government agencies. Transfers to other agencies, in accordance with the Space Act, are made after 10 days of screening throughout NASA to ensure that the needs of NASA are met prior to release of inactive equipment. The custodian will prepare a shipping or transfer document, designate the transfer action, obtain all required approvals, and annotate approximate weight and cubic feet on the shipping document to aid the Transportation and Shipping Departments. The NASA Form 1602 may be attached to the shipping document; however, it does not need to be completed if all pertinent NASA information and signatures are on the shipping document. The custodian will arrange delivery of the equipment and documentation to the Shipping Department. Transportation may be coordinated by the NEMS Equipment Manager, depending on Center policy. The NEMS Equipment Manager will screen the equipment Agencywide, as required for 10 days prior to approving the shipment. The Shipping Department will prepare the Government Bill of Lading, remove the Equipment Control Number, and ship the equipment in accordance with the shipping document. The original copy of the shipping document will be forwarded to NEMS Control for processing into the NEMS data base for deletion of the equipment from the custodian's account.

5.3.3. Transfer of Government Furnished Equipment to a Contractor or Grantee (67). All Government-furnished equipment is subject to the contracting officer's approval in accordance with the Federal Acquisition Regulation and the NASA FAR Supplement. A program or project office may identify equipment for transfer by submitting a request for shipment to the custodian, identifying the applicable contract/grant. The Contract Technical Monitor initiates the transaction by submitting a request for shipment to the custodian, identifying the applicable contract or grant. The custodian will prepare a shipping or transfer document, designate the transfer action, and obtain all required approvals. The NASA Form 1602 may be attached to the shipping document; however, it does not need to be completed if all pertinent NASA information and signatures are on the shipping document. The Contracting Officer must approve the shipping document. Some Centers may also require the Contracting Officer's signature in block 34 of the NASA Form 1602. The documents will be forwarded to the NEMS Equipment Manager or the Industrial Property Officer for approval and forwarding to the Shipping Department. The custodian will arrange for delivery of the equipment and documentation to the Shipping Department. Transportation may be coordinated by the NEMS Equipment Manager, depending on Center policy. The Shipping Department will prepare the Government Bill of Lading and ship the equipment in accordance with the shipping document. A copy of the shipping document will be forwarded to NEMS Control for processing into the NEMS data base for deletion of the equipment from the custodian's account.

5.3.4. Lease or Loan to NASA - Returned. When the loaned or leased equipment has served its purpose, the custodian must request a Transaction 69, Lease In Returned, or a Transaction 70, Loan-In Returned, in order to return the equipment to the lessor or loaner. The custodian will prepare a shipping or transfer document, designate the return action, obtain all required approvals, and annotate the approximate weight and cubic feet on the shipping document to aid the Transportation and Shipping Department. The NASA Form 1602 may be attached to the shipping document; however, it does not need to be completed if all pertinent NASA information and signatures are on the shipping document. The leasing contract official must approve the shipping document for a returned lease and sign block 34 of the NASA Form 602 if required by Center policy. The custodian should include all documentation that was provided by the lessor when the equipment was delivered. The documents will be forwarded to the NEMS Equipment Manager for approval and forwarding to the Shipping Department. The custodian will arrange delivery of the equipment to the Shipping Department. Transportation may be coordinated by the NEMS Equipment Manager, depending on Center policy. The Shipping Department will prepare the Government Bill of Lading and ship the equipment in accordance with the shipping document. A copy of the shipping document, annotated with date shipped and shipping number, will be forwarded to NEMS Control for processing into the NEMS data base for deletion of the equipment from the custodian's account.

5.3.5. Survey (71). When controlled Government property is lost, damaged, or destroyed, a survey is conducted to investigate and review pertinent facts, adjust the records, and determine the extent or absence of personal responsibility. Disposition of lost property with a total acquisition value equal to or under $1,000 can be disposition by the Property Survey Officer without action from the survey board, or can be referred to the Property Survey Board (or Center equivalent forum) for special investigation and disposition. All lost property with a total acquisition value equal to or greater than $1,001 will be referred to the Property Survey Board for further investigation and disposition. The Security Office will provide a copy of their completed investigation report to the Property Survey Officer and/or Property Survey Board for consideration. The Security office's report will be filed with the finalized survey report.

The individual who possesses controlled Government property at the time it is lost, damaged, or destroyed must notify the custodian and prepare a Survey Report, NASA Form 598 (see Appendix G). Instructions for preparation are included on the form. Administrative and procedural requirements are also found in NPG 4200.1E. When theft is suspected and property cannot be located, the Center Security Office will be notified immediately.

The individual preparing the Survey Report must submit the report to the custodian for review. The custodian may attach the NASA Form 1602 to the Survey Report, but it does not have to be completed if all signatures are on the Survey Report. The custodian will sign and forward the report to the Division Director or equivalent. The Division Director will review and sign the report, documenting corrective action in Part II and forward the survey report to the NEMS Equipment Manager. Survey Reports must be completed and submitted through the Division Director within 30 working days of the discovery of equipment loss, damage, or destruction. NEMS Control will verify the equipment record and delete the missing item from the custodian's account. The Survey Report is then forwarded to the Property Survey Board for action. Upon completion of the investigation by the Property Survey Board, their findings and recommendations will be reported back to the property custodian through the Division Director. In addition to Survey Report processing, NPD 8710.2, "NASA Mishap Reporting and Investigating Policy," and NPG 8715.X, "NASA Procedures and Guidelines for Mishap Reporting, Investigating, and Recordkeeping," establish reporting and investigating procedures to determine mishap causes and prevent their recurrence. The spectrum of mishaps includes accidents and incidents involving damage to equipment in any NASA or NASA-related activity. In case of damage or destruction to aircraft, see NPG 7900.3, Center Flight Operations Procedures, and FPMR 101-37.1105 as appropriate. In cases of loss or destruction of aircraft, the Supply and Equipment Management Officer (SEMO) must obtain approved copies of mishap reports in order to delete the aircraft from the property records. In the case of damage, aircraft will not be deleted from the property records.

5.3.6. Modify or Cannibalize (73). Equipment may be modified in order to configure the item for a new purpose, or inoperable equipment may be disassembled, cannibalized for use of serviceable parts, components, or assemblies as replacement parts in useable equipment, or for fabricating another item. A Cannibalization or Modification of Controlled Equipment, NASA Form 1617 (see appendix N), must be approved by the NEMS Equipment Manager prior to modification or disassembly of equipment. The custodian may attach the NASA Form 1602 to the Modification/Cannibalization request, but it does not have to be completed if all pertinent NASA information and signatures are on the NASA Form 1617. The user must complete NASA Form 1617 and follow local Center procedures to document the resulting configuration and cost changes. The Form will be submitted to the custodian, who will review, sign, and obtain the approval of the Division Director. The completed form will be submitted to the NEMS data base once it has lost its original entity. The NEMS Equipment Manager will review the NASA Form 1617 for completeness, ensuring that appropriate cost adjustments are included. The form will be forwarded to NEMS Control for processing. Equipment personnel will remove the NASA equipment control number tag and delete the originally controlled equipment from the custodian's account. New equipment developed, as a result of modifications or incorporation of fabricated parts, components, and assemblies, must be documented in accordance with Center procedures and entered into NEMS.

5.3.7. Lost Tag (74). In the event that a controlled item loses its NASA equipment control number tag, the custodian must retrieve the NASA Form 1602, check box 74, sign, and complete block 31. The custodian will retain the suspense copy and forward the completed form to the Property Management Office. Upon verification of the equipment record, the item will be retagged with a new ECN, and the old equipment record will be deleted. The item will be re-added to the NEMS data base and the custodian's account under the newly assigned equipment control number. A new NASA Form 1602 will be forwarded to the custodian.

| TOC | Change | Preface | Chapter1 | Chapter2 | Chapter3 | Chapter4 | Chapter5 | AppendixA | AppendixB | AppendixC | AppendixD | AppendixE | AppendixF | AppendixG | AppendixH | AppendixH2 | AppendixI | AppendixJ | AppendixK | AppendixL | AppendixM | AppendixN | ALL |
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