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NASA Procedures and Guidelines

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NPR 5810.1A
Eff. Date: March 16, 2017
Cancellation Date: October 07, 2021

NPR 5810.1, Standard Format for NASA Research Announcement and Other Announcements for Grants and Cooperative Agreements

| TOC | Preface | Chapter1 | Chapter2 | AppendixA | AppendixB | ALL |

Chapter 2. Responsibilities

2.1 Office of Procurement

a. The Office of Procurement shall issue guidance to the Agency on the use of funding opportunities for grants and cooperative agreements and ensure compliance with OMB policy in the area of such announcements. In addition, the Office of Procurement will:

(1) Review and approve (as appropriate) all deviation requests.

(2) Review all funding opportunities when the total amount of the program is $5 million or more.

(3) Maintain this NPR, updating as required.

2.2 Program Managers/Mission Directorate Associate Administrators

a. The Program Managers/Mission Directorate Associate Administrators are responsible for ensuring that:

(1) The standard format is used for announcements of programs under their cognizance.

(2) All parts incorporated by reference are accurate and any referenced citations are correct.

(3) All funding opportunities are uploaded into NSPIRES and Grants.gov.

(4) Recommendations are developed for the type of funding mechanism to award, based on the criteria outlined in the GCAM.

2.3 Center/NSSC Procurement Offices

The Center or NSSC Office of Procurement, as appropriate, will review all funding opportunities, where the total amount of the program is under $5 million, to ensure compliance with the formatting and financial assistance regulations and policy.

2.4 NASA Grant Officer

The NASA Grant Officer resides in the Center or NSSC Office of Procurement. The NASA Grant Officer shall, in consultation with OGC and the Program Managers, issue final resolution for questions regarding the proper funding mechanism.

| TOC | Preface | Chapter1 | Chapter2 | AppendixA | AppendixB | ALL |
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