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NPR 8705.2B
Eff. Date: May 06, 2008
Cancellation Date:

Human-Rating Requirements for Space Systems (w/change 4 dated 8/21/2012)

| TOC | ChangeHistory | Preface | Chapter1 | Chapter2 | Chapter3 | AppendixA | AppendixB | AppendixC | AppendixD | AppendixF | AppendixE | ALL |

Appendix D. Human-Rating Certification Package

The form of the HRCP is a compilation of pertinent plans and documents, plus presentation material to help guide reviewers through the package. The HRCP is not intended to duplicate/repackage existing program documentation but rather provides a summarization of information the details of which can be found in referenced documents or other data sources and as appropriate justification/explanation/augmentation for information that isn't available in other documentation). The HRCP must be maintained under configuration management (especially to referenced/linked material) to clearly track changes made between milestones.

The material provided prior to and during each milestone review will be considered draft and for review/comment. An update will be provided after all changes resulting from the review have been incorporated. The postreview HRCP will be maintained in a location and in a manner that supports review by designated Technical Authorities and JSC Center Director representatives and designated review panel members.

The final HRCP submitted for approval and granting of a Human-Rating Certification will be provided in a manner as prescribed by the Program Management Council.

A description of the systems for which Human-Rating Certification will be requested. X
A description of each reference mission for which Human-Rating is being pursued. X
A link to the Safety and Mission Assurance Plan and the documented safety analysis processes. I U U U
A description of the program's philosophy as it relates to utilization of the crew's capabilities to execute the mission, prevent aborts, and prevent catastrophic events. X
An explanation of how the program plans to implement the NPR 8705.2, Chapter 3, requirements or the trade studies/analysis to determine implementation; and a matrix that traces the capability described in the Chapter 3 requirements to the program requirements (highest level where the capability is implemented). I U U U
A description of the Human-Systems Integration Team and their authority within the program. X
A list of standards mandated by the Technical Authorities as relevant to human-rating with a status of Technical Authorities approval. X
A summary of significant waivers and exceptions to the additional standards mandated by the Technical Authorities and a link to the location of the waivers and exceptions. X
A list of all requested waivers and exceptions of NPR 8705.2 certification (Chapter 2) and technical (Chapter 3) requirements, with justification and disposition, and access to the waivers and exceptions. I U U U U
A summary of how safety analysis related to prevention of catastrophic events influenced the system architecture, system design, and the crew survival approach. I U U
A description of the approach to crew survival for each mission phase of each reference mission being taken by the program; the system capabilities or the trade studies/analysis to determine implementation; and a matrix that traces the capabilities to the program requirements (highest level where the capability is implemented). I U U

Probabilistic safety requirements derived from the Agency-level safety goals and thresholds, including any top-level allocations.

A summary of the evaluation of the effectiveness and likelihood of success of crew survival strategies. I U U U
A ranking of the safety risks to which the space system crew is subjected, and an assessment of the achievement of probabilistic safety requirements derived from the Agency-level safety goals and thresholds. I U U U
A summary of the level of failure tolerance implemented in the system to include a discussion of the use of dissimilar redundancy and backup systems/subsystems to prevent catastrophic events with special rationale for dynamic flight phases. I U U U
An explanation of how crew workload will be evaluated for the reference missions. I U U
The preliminary plan for the flight test program with the number and type of flights. X
A summary of the usability and human-system performance testing performed to date and the influence on the system design with links to the detailed test results. I U
A summary of the human error analysis performed to date and the influence on the system design with links to the detailed analysis results. I U U
An updated Flight Test Program with flight objectives linked to program development/validation needs. I U
  • A plan, with rationale, for verification and validation of the following:

    • Implementation of capabilities identified for crew survival.
    • Implementation of NPR 8705.2, Chapter 3 requirements.
    • Critical (sub)system performance.
    • Integrated performance of critical (sub)systems.
    • Critical software performance, security, and safety.
    • Implementation of the standards cited in paragraph 2.2.5.
  • I U U U U
    The configuration control and maintenance plan for the system X

    A summary of the verification and validation results for the following (with links to the detailed results):

    • Implementation of capabilities identified for crew survival.
    • Implementation of NPR 8705.2, Chapter 3 requirements.
    • Critical (sub)system performance.
    • Integrated performance of critical (sub)system performance.
    • Critical software performance, security, and safety.
    • Integrated human-system performance.
    • Implementation of the standards cited in paragraph 2.2.5.
    A summary of the flight test results for each test objective with links to the detailed test reports. X
    A description of how the crew workload for the reference mission was validated and determined to be acceptable. X
    A summary of how the safety analysis related to loss of crew was updated based on the results of validation/verification and used to support validation/verification of the design in circumstances where testing was not accomplished. X

    X - One time item
    I - Initial release of item
    U - Update of item

    | TOC | ChangeHistory | Preface | Chapter1 | Chapter2 | Chapter3 | AppendixA | AppendixB | AppendixC | AppendixD | AppendixF | AppendixE | ALL |
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