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NASA Procedures and Guidelines |
This Document is Obsolete and Is No Longer Used.
| TOC | Change | Preface | Chapter1 | Chapter2 | Chapter3 | Chapter4 | Chapter5 | Chapter6 | Chapter7 | Chapter8 | AppendixA | AppendixB | ALL | |
4.1 Frequency of Inspection
4.1.1 NASA Centers or Component Facilities will establish a formal schedule of inspections for all operations/facilities. All active areas and operations of each establishment shall be inspected at least annually (Requirement 22037 4.1.1(1). More frequent inspections shall be conducted in all establishments where there is an increased risk of accident, injury, or illness due to the nature of the workplace (Requirement 31562 4.1.1(2).
4.1.2 Any facility, structure, operation, vehicle, or equipment that is in an inactive status must be inspected at least annually (Requirement 22038 4.1.2(1). Prior to reactivation, the facility, structure, vehicle, operation, or equipment shall undergo a thorough inspection to identify potential hazards (Requirement 31563 4.1.2(2).
4.1.3 Sufficient unannounced inspections and unannounced follow-up inspections shall be conducted to ensure the identification and abatement of hazardous conditions (Requirement 22039).
4.1.4 Special inspections may be conducted at the request of safety and health committees, employees or their representatives, or upon notice of an unsafe or unhealthful condition.
4.2 Qualifications of Inspectors
4.2.1 Qualified inspectors shall conduct inspections (Requirement 22041).
4.2.2 Safety and health specialists must meet the qualifications as defined in 29 CFR 1960.2 and paragraph 1.2.9 of this NPR (Requirement 22042 4.2.2(1). The Center or Component Facility safety and/or health official(s) shall be responsible for the determination and certification of qualified personnel including those stated in paragraph 1.2.9 of this NPR (Requirement 31564 4.2.2(2).
4.2.3 Inspectors shall have sufficient documented training and experience in safety and health necessary for the recognition, evaluation, and general abatement of suggestions/procedures of health and safety hazards (Requirement 22043).
4.3 Conduct of Inspections
4.3.1 Inspections will be conducted in accordance with 29 CFR 1960.26.
4.3.2 The supervisor in charge of the establishment, or a person empowered to act for that official, shall undertake immediate abatement, or cease operations and withdraw exposed personnel who are not necessary for abating an imminent danger condition (Requirement 22045 4.3.2(1). In the event the supervisor in charge of the establishment needs assistance to undertake full abatement, that official shall promptly contact the responsible Center officials, who shall assist in the abatement effort (Requirement 31565 4.3.2(2).
4.3.3 Inspection personnel shall be provided the proper support equipment necessary to conduct a thorough inspection of the establishment involved (Requirement 22046).
4.4 Employee Reports of Alleged Unsafe or Unhealthful Conditions
4.4.1 It is NASA policy to ensure that all alleged hazardous conditions are investigated, all identified safety and health risks are properly assessed and controlled, and pertinent close-call and lessons-learned situations are promptly publicized to prevent reoccurrences (Requirement 59668).
4.4.2 All written reports and imminent danger oral reports of unsafe or unhealthful conditions will be recorded as received by the Center or Component Facility safety and/or health official(s) and a file maintained as to the disposition. (Electronic versions are acceptable for recordkeeping purposes.) As a minimum the file shall contain the following:
a. Date and time received (Requirement 31566).
b. File number assigned (Requirement 31567).
c. Location of condition (Requirement 31568).
d. Description of condition reported (Requirement 31569).
e. Hazard Classification (Requirement 31570).
f. Action taken (Requirement 31571).
4.5 Notice of Unsafe or Unhealthful Conditions
4.5.1 Notice of Unsafe or Unhealthful Condition (NF 1390) or equivalent (any equivalent form must be approved by the DASHO or designee), hereinafter referred to as the notice (See Appendix A for sample), shall be issued not later than 15 days after completion of the inspection for safety violations or not later than 30 days for health violations (Requirement 22050 4.5.1(1). If the notice cannot be issued within the prescribed time period, reasons for the delay must be documented (Requirement 31572 4.5.1(2). The hazard notice will be posted if deemed necessary by the local safety and/or health official(s).
4.5.2 The notice shall be sent to the supervisor in charge of the establishment for correction (and posting if directed by the safety or health office) (Requirement 22051). Local safety and health office(s) will establish closed-loop procedures to ensure necessary follow-up and correction.
4.5.3 The supervisor in charge of the establishment shall ensure that a copy of the notice is filed and retained for a period of 5 years after abatement and made available to OSHA or NIOSH officials upon request (Requirement 22052). (Electronic versions are acceptable for recordkeeping purposes.)
4.5.4 The notice shall indicate the risk assessment for the condition described (Requirement 22053). A risk assessment process should be used to analyze and status overall risk potential. The risk assessment/analysis must be accomplished using two elements: Severity and Probability. (Requirement 31573).
4.6 Abatement of Unsafe or Unhealthful Conditions
4.6.1 In response to reports of suspected unsafe or unhealthful conditions, Center or Component Facility safety and/or health official(s), as appropriate, shall conduct inspections as soon as possible but no later than indicated in the following timeframes: For reported imminent danger conditions, immediate notification to their supervisor will be made and employees removed from exposure to the alleged imminent danger condition until an inspection has been made (within 24 hours as required by 29 CFR 1960) (Requirement 31575). Serious conditions - 3 working days (Requirement 31576). Less than serious conditions (all others) - 20 working days (Requirement 31577).
4.6.2 Where unsafe or unhealthful conditions are abated immediately upon discovery, the notice shall be noted to that affect and be filed and maintained in accordance with paragraph 4.5 of this NPR (Requirement 22055).
4.6.3 Where conditions will be abated within 30 calendar days, the notice will so indicate (Requirement 22056).
4.6.4 Where conditions will require more than 30 calendar days to abate, the supervisor in charge of the establishment shall promptly prepare an abatement plan with the appropriate consultation of the establishment`s safety and/or health official(s) (Requirement 22057 4.6.4(1). The NASA Safety and Health Hazard Abatement Form (NF 1584), or equivalent (any equivalent form must be approved by the DASHO or designee), may be used by NASA Centers or Component Facilities for this purpose. The plan shall contain an explanation of the circumstances of the delay in abatement, a proposed timetable for the abatement, and a summary of steps being taken in the interim to protect employees from being adversely exposed to the unsafe or unhealthful working condition (Requirement 31578 4.6.4(2). A copy of the plan shall be sent to the Center safety and health committee and to representatives of the employees (Requirement 31579 4.6.5(3). Any changes in an abatement plan will require the preparation of a new plan in accordance with the provisions of this paragraph (Requirement 31580 4.6.4(4). A copy of each abatement plan will be maintained by each Center or Component Facility safety office or occupational health office, whichever is appropriate, for review during program evaluations. A summary of all open abatement plans and a listing of those closed during the reporting period will also be provided to the DASHO or designee as part of the input to the annual report. (See Chapter 7.)
4.6.5 When a hazard cannot be abated with the authority and resources of the supervisor in charge of the establishment, that official shall request assistance from the Center Director (Requirement 22058 4.6.5(1). The local safety/health official, any established committee and/or employee representatives, and all personnel subject to the hazard shall be advised of this action and of interim protective measures in effect and shall be kept informed of subsequent progress on the abatement plan (Requirement 31582 4.6.5(2). The NASA Safety and Health Hazard Abatement Form (NF 1584), or equivalent (any equivalent form must be approved by the DASHO or designee), will be used for all hazards requiring resource assistance from Headquarters, and a copy will be forwarded to the DASHO. (See Appendix B for sample.)
4.6.6 When a hazard in leased space cannot be abated without assistance of the General Services Administration (GSA) or other lessor Federal agency, the Center or Component Facility shall notify such agency (Requirement 22059). If the hazard cannot be abated in a timely fashion and requires an abatement plan per paragraph 4.6.4, copies of the abatement plan and associated correspondence will be provided to the DASHO.
4.6.7 For those deficiencies that can be rectified within 30 days, written notification by the supervisor in charge of the establishment indicating the corrective action and associated cost, along with verification of proper abatement by the safety and health office(s), is required (Requirement 22060). (Use NASA Form 1390, "Notice of Unsafe or Unhealthful Conditions," or equivalent (any equivalent form must be approved by the DASHO or designee).)
4.7 Access for OSHA and NIOSH representatives
Official representatives of OSHA and the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) are authorized to enter NASA establishments for purposes of inspection and/or evaluation of conditions therein. The NASA DASHO or designee must be notified immediately of any OSHA inspection or visit (Requirement 22061 4.7(1). Access to security controlled areas will be coordinated with the Center security officer. Such representatives shall be required to present appropriate identification, receive necessary security clearance, and be escorted during their visits (Requirement 31584 4.7(2). OSHA and NIOSH representatives shall, upon request, be provided available safety and health information on the Center or Component Facility to be visited (Requirement 31585 4.7(3). Upon request, they should also be provided photographic support, if available. Arrangements shall be made for such officials to interview and be accompanied by employees or representatives of employees during their visit (Requirement 31586 4.7(4). Within 10 working days following written notification of findings of an inspection by OSHA or an evaluation by NIOSH, NASA Centers or Component Facilities will provide a summary of any findings and corrective action necessary to the DASHO.
4.8 Accident Investigation
4.8.1 Details on accident investigation policy and procedures are found in NPR 8621.1 "NASA Procedural Requirements for Mishap Reporting, Investigating, and Recordkeeping."
4.8.2 Any information or evidence uncovered during accident investigations which would be of benefit in developing a new OSHA standard or in modifying or revoking an existing standard should be promptly transmitted to the Secretary of OSHA.
| TOC | Change | Preface | Chapter1 | Chapter2 | Chapter3 | Chapter4 | Chapter5 | Chapter6 | Chapter7 | Chapter8 | AppendixA | AppendixB | ALL | |
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