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NASA Procedures and Guidelines

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NPR 9420.1
Eff. Date: December 24, 2008
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Budget Formulation

| TOC | Preface | Chapter1 | Chapter2 | Chapter3 | Chapter4 | Chapter5 | Chapter6 | Chapter7 | AppendixA | AppendixB | AppendixC | ALL |

Chapter 7. Other Budget Submissions after the Start of the Fiscal Year

7.1 Overview

7.1.1 After the President's Budget has been transmitted to the Congress, the President may propose changes in the budget by transmitting appropriations requests to revise the original budget request for the current year (supplemental) or budget year (amendment), including proposed appropriations language for legislative initiatives (e.g., items included in the budget as legislative proposals). All proposed revisions must conform to the policies of the President. The requests may be for additional amounts or proposed changes in appropriations language that do not affect amounts previously requested, such as technical corrections or changes in a limitation on the use of trust funds. These requests may be either supplemental appropriations or amendments, depending upon when they are transmitted and whether they affect text only or budget amounts. Office of Management and Budget (OMB) directs that agencies take every effort to postpone actions that require supplemental appropriations. However, proposals that decrease or eliminate amounts should be submitted whenever such changes are warranted.

7.2 Agency Requirements

7.2.1 NASA shall make every effort to avoid the need to request a budget supplement or amendment. However, should a supplement or amendment be required, NASA shall comply with all legal, regulatory, and policy requirements governing such budget requests.

7.3 Roles and Responsibilities

7.3.1 OCFO. With input from Mission Directorates and PA&E, OCFO develops the appropriate budget request and supporting documents and submits them to OMB and Congress after obtaining the approval of the NASA Administrator.

7.3.2 NASA Administrator. Approve any proposed budget supplemental or amendment requests prior to their submission to OMB and Congress.

7.4 Budget Supplementals and Amendments Defined

7.4.1 Supplementals. Appropriations requests that are transmitted after completion of action on an annual appropriations bill by the Appropriations Committees of both Houses are called supplementals. They may be transmitted prior to, with, or subsequent to transmittal of the succeeding annual budget document. Supplemental requests that are known at the time of budget preparation are normally transmitted to the Congress with the budget, rather than later as separate transmittals. However, each case is decided separately. OMB representatives inform NASA of which supplementals are transmitted with the budget so NASA can submit the necessary information. These supplementals usually request additional amounts not previously anticipated or requesting changes in appropriations language that do not affect amounts previously appropriated.

7.4.2 Amendments. Proposed actions that revise the President's Budget request and are transmitted prior to completion of action on the budget request by the Appropriations Committees of both Houses of Congress are called amendments. These include appropriations language for activities authorized since transmittal of the President's Budget that were included in the budget as a legislative proposal.

7.5 Submission Requirements

7.5.1 When requesting supplementals and amendments that increase the amounts contained in the budget, agencies may be required to provide proposals for reductions (offsets) elsewhere in the agency. OMB will only consider requests for supplementals and amendments when:

a. Existing law requires payments within the fiscal year (e.g., pensions and entitlements);

b. An unforeseen emergency situation occurs (e.g., natural disaster requiring expenditures for the preservation of life or property);

c. New legislation enacted after the submission of the annual budget requires additional funds within the fiscal year;

d. Increased workload is uncontrollable except by statutory change; or

Liability accrues under the law and it is in the Government's interest to liquidate the liability as soon as possible (e.g., claims on which interest is payable).

Any additional information on submission requirements for both supplementals and amendments may be found in OMB Circular No. A-11, Section 110.

| TOC | Preface | Chapter1 | Chapter2 | Chapter3 | Chapter4 | Chapter5 | Chapter6 | Chapter7 | AppendixA | AppendixB | AppendixC | ALL |
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