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NASA Procedures and Guidelines

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NPR 9610.1A
Eff. Date: October 29, 2015
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Accounts Receivable, Billing, and Collection

| TOC | Preface | Chapter1 | Chapter2 | Chapter3 | Chapter4 | Chapter5 | Chapter6 | AppendixA | AppendixB | AppendixC | ALL |

Chapter 4 Receipt of Funds

4.1 Accounting for Collections

4.1.1 Overview. This chapter establishes requirements for the deposit of money in the custody of NASA employees and agents.

4.1.2 Public Debt Collections. When NASA receives public money from any source, NASA will deposit these funds into an account of the U.S. Treasury, unless otherwise specifically authorized by law, using one of the several methods established or approved by the Department of Treasury. The Agency OCFO shall guide and coordinate the implementation and utilization of the most modern available deposit mechanisms offered by Treasury to ensure that NASA uses secure and effective deposit practices for the deposit of money in the custody of NASA employees and agents. The NSSC will coordinate with the Agency, Deputy Chief Financial Officer (Finance) (DCFO(F)) before changing or implementing new deposit mechanisms or practices. EFT. To the extent possible, NSSC will use the electronic options available through Treasury BFS. EFT will be used for deposits. In most cases, commercial banking institutions are approved by Treasury as general depositories to accept NASA deposits. If, for some reason, Treasury BFS determines NASA should make a deposit in a Federal Reserve Bank (FRB), BFS will authorize NASA to make deposits at the nearest FRB. Collectively, the commercial banks and FRBs are referred to as depositories. As such, making a deposit in a pre-approved depository is considered to be making a deposit in the Treasury. NSSC shall coordinate any prospective changes in depositories with the Agency DCFO.

4.1.3 Intragovernmental Debt Collection. NASA delinquent debt collections are processed through Treasury and will be sent to NASA on a biweekly basis via the IPAC system to the appropriate Agency Location Code (ALC). Collections will be promptly recorded in NASA's core financial system and subsequently reconciled. Upon receipt of reports from Treasury, collections should be accounted for in the following manner:

a. Principal should be credited to the appropriate accounts receivable general ledger account.

b. Interest should be credited to Interest Receivable, Not Otherwise Classified Fund.

c. Penalty charges should be credited to Penalties and Fines Receivable, Not Otherwise Classified Fund.

d. Administrative charges should be credited to Administrative Fees Receivable, Not Otherwise Classified.

4.2 Treasury Designated General Depositories

4.2.1 Financial Institutions (FIs). The Treasury BFS determines those FIs eligible to be designated as general depositories. These may include credit unions, banks, savings banks, savings and loan, building and loan, and homestead associations if they meet criteria established by the Treasury. Except when specifically directed by Treasury BFS, NASA cannot make deposits at a FRB.

4.2.2 Treasury Automated Lockbox Network (NETWORK). With the approval of Agency OCFO or DCFO and Treasury BFS, NSSC shall enter into agreements with commercial depositories to perform lockbox remittance services. This permits commercial depositories to act as agents for NASA's deposit activities.

4.3 Processing Checks Received

4.3.1 NASA Intragovernmental Receivables are collected via the IPAC system. NASA should only receive checks from the collection of public receivables and the following conditions apply: Check Inscription. Payers should make a check payable to "NASA", not to the Department of Treasury. However, if a check is made payable to Treasury, NASA should accept it and process it immediately. TFM, Volume 1, Part 5, Section 2025, contains instructions for handling checks received by one agency and made payable to another. Checks should not be made payable to individual NASA employees under any circumstances. Payers should be directed to submit all checks directly to NSSC. Any checks received by a NASA Center shall be sent to NSSC without delay. The receiving Center will make a copy of the check and any other documents submitted with the check before sending the check to NSSC for deposit. Record of Checks Deposited. NSSC will maintain records and copies of checks according to the procedures documented in Treasury's TFM, Volume 1, Part 5, Chapter 2030, which includes the specific information that should be shown on the record for each check deposited. Sufficient detail to process a stop payment should be included and a duplicate check should be obtained, if necessary. Records of checks deposited by the NSSC will be kept in the NSSC's official record retention system and are also located at the Treasury Paper Check Conversion Over the Chanel Application (OTCnet). NSSC shall ensure that records are available for the Deposit Ticket and Debit Voucher, along with records of deposited checks, and:

a. Use SF 215, OTCnet Deposit Tickets and SF 5515, Debit Vouchers when making deposits to depositories.

b. Cross-reference each check to the applicable SF 215. Other deposit practices NSSC shall adhere to are:

a. Receipts totaling $5,000 or more will be deposited on the same day received prior to depository cut-off time.

b. Deposits will be made as late as possible prior to the specified cutoff time to maximize daily deposit amounts.

c. Money received too late in the day to meet the deposit cut-off time will be deposited the following business day.

d. Adequate internal controls will be in place to ensure the security of all undeposited funds.

e. Collections totaling less than $5,000 may be accumulated and deposited when the total reaches $5,000. However, deposits will be made by Thursday of each week, regardless of the amount accumulated.

f. Generally, deposits are limited to one per day per deposit site. However, when beneficial to the Government, multiple daily deposits may be made.

4.3.2 OTCnet. It is NASA policy that NSSC shall deposit all checks through the Treasury's OTCnet process with the exception of checks drawn on non-U.S. banks or for non-U.S. funds. Those checks will be manually deposited at the local commercial bank. The mailing of deposits (versus hand-carrying) to FRBs or commercial banks may be done only when specifically authorized in writing by Treasury BFS. In these cases, the deposit timeframe requirements apply to the mailing of deposits.

4.3.3 Loss of Checks Prior to Deposit. When a check submitted to NSSC to cover an indebtedness (Accounts Receivable) is lost, destroyed or mutilated, NSSC will immediately request the drawer to stop payment on the original check and to submit or replace the check without the execution of an agreement of indemnity (see 1 TFM 5-5030). If a replacement check cannot be obtained without giving an agreement of indemnity, NSSC will transmit the case promptly to the following address:

Division of Financial Management
Bureau of the Fiscal Service
Department of the Treasury
Room A5-B
P.O. Box 1328
Parkersburg, WV 26101-1328

Telephone (304) 480-8200

4.3.4 The Government Losses in Shipment Act, as amended (40 U.S.C. §§ 721-726), covers the shipment of deposits prepared and made per the Act's prescribed regulations. Therefore, the Centers and NSSC shall not insure such remittances.

4.3.5 Reporting Large Deposits. NASA shall report daily aggregate deposits (excluding Treasury checks) of $50 million or more to Treasury BFS's Cash Forecasting Division. See TFM, Volume 1, Part 6, Chapter 8500, paragraph 8535.10, for instructions.

4.3.6 Requirements for the Deposit Ticket. Collected funds requiring deposit are received in the form of cash or paper check. NSSC shall prepare deposits according to TFM requirements and this chapter for electronic generation of the SF 215, Deposit Ticket.

4.3.7 Should Centers or NSSC detect counterfeit currency, the Secret Service should be notified immediately.

| TOC | Preface | Chapter1 | Chapter2 | Chapter3 | Chapter4 | Chapter5 | Chapter6 | AppendixA | AppendixB | AppendixC | ALL |
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