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NPD 1000.5C
Effective Date: July 13, 2020
Expiration Date: July 13, 2025
Printable Format (PDF)

Subject: Policy for NASA Acquisition - Updated w/Change 2

Responsible Office: Associate Administrator

Change Log



Date Approved



Associate Administrator


Administrative changes made to:
- Update responsibilities to provide clarification of roles.
- Add details to the Chief Acquisition Officer role expanding the indirect reference to 41 U.S.C. § 1702(b).
- Remove redundancy and overlap with NPD 1000.3 Chapter 3.
- Remove references to retired Strategy Implementation Planning and Agency Strategy Implementation Planning processes, as well as duplicative enumeration of Acquisition Strategy Council (ASC) authorities which are properly specified in NPD 1000.3 under the ASC charter.


Office of the Administrator


Administrative changes made to move the language "Provide functional management and policy guidance on grants and cooperative agreements" from the Chief Financial Officer's section in 5e to the Assistant Administrator for Procurement's section in 5d. This change properly aligns grants policy under the Office of Procurement.

NAII 1000.1 Decision Framing Meeting (DFM) and Pre-Acquisition Strategy Meeting (Pre-ASM) Guide

NAII 1000.2 Acquisition Strategy Meeting (ASM) Guide


a. This NASA Policy Directive (NPD) provides the overall policy framework for NASA's strategic acquisition process with appropriate references to other key processes and directives. This strategic acquisition process complies with NASA's obligations as a Federal agency and is applicable to all of NASA's major areas of investment to ensure the efficient and effective use of the resources entrusted to the Agency.

b. NASA's strategic acquisition process supports obtaining, or advancing the development of, the systems, research, services, construction, and supplies to fulfill the Agency's mission and other activities that advance the Agency's statutory objectives. Within the framework of this strategic acquisition process, NASA utilizes multiple types of transactions under various authorities to meet these objectives. These transactions include, but are not limited to, contracts for goods and services through procurements; grants and cooperative agreements to accomplish a public purpose; international agreements; Space Act Agreements (SAAs); Interagency Agreements (IAAs), leases, concession agreements, property loan agreements, and Cooperative Research and Development Agreements (CRADAs). This NPD establishes the strategic acquisition governance framework under which these transactions will be used.

c. This strategic acquisition process supports NASA's strategic management system, as defined in NPD 1000.0, Governance and Strategic Management Handbook, by augmenting the Agency governance structure for decision making with the processes necessary to support efficient and effective execution of Agency programs and projects. This strategic acquisition process is rooted in and aligns to NPD 1001.0, NASA Strategic Plan, fulfills an identified need or objective, and ends with the completion of a program or project or the final disposition of a product or service (see Attachment E, Figure 1.0, NASA Strategic Acquisition Process). The integration of the strategic acquisition process and the strategic management system ensures special attention is given to major acquisitions and significant adjustments to portfolio content.

d. This integration of the strategic acquisition process and the strategic management system is initiated by the Strategy Implementation Planning (SIP) process and eventually reaches the Acquisition Strategy Council (ASC) that guides specific acquisition decisions. The ASC allows the early identification and evaluation of issues such as the appropriate application of administration priorities, Agency strategic planning and new initiatives in a portfolio of programs and projects, and budget availability to assess both short-term and long-term alignment.

(1) The ASC, with the Associate Administrator as Convening Authority and Chair, approves acquisition approaches (Acquisition Strategy Meetings (ASM)) for large, high-profile programs as recommended by the sponsoring Mission Directorate, and makes other decisions on acquisition matters as authorized in NPD 1000.3 Chapter 3. ASMs provide decision-making forums where senior Agency management discusses and approves program and project acquisition strategies, especially the "make-buy" elements of the programs/projects. These elements have significant and long-term impacts on the Agency's workforce, its needed size and core capabilities, the Center roles, the potential external partnerships (international, interagency, industrial, and academic), and the overall acquisition risk. All ASMs, regardless of Convening Authority, are subject to guidance in NAII 1000.2, Acquisition Strategy Meeting Guide, and any needed antecedent meetings are subject to guidance in NAII 1000.1, Pre-Acquisition Strategy Meeting Guide.

(2) NASA does not release pre-decisional acquisition material outside the Agency. Briefings, minutes, decisions and actions associated with Decision Framing, Pre-ASM, ASM, or Procurement Strategy meetings are working materials not intended for release to auditors or stakeholders outside of the approved participants. The externally releasable products of the acquisition process are solicitations which reflect the Agency's final decision-making related to a particular acquisition (e.g., Requests for Information, Requests for Proposals, Broad Agency Announcements, etc.).

e. It is NASA policy to:

(1) Have a strategic acquisition process that complies with:

(a) All applicable laws and regulations.

(b) Applicable Agency and Center directives, requirements, procedures, and processes.

(c) The Agency's core values as defined in NPD 1000.0.

(2) Execute the strategic acquisition process through a disciplined strategic management system employing:

(a) Clearly defined roles, responsibilities, processes, and requirements for planning and execution.

(b) Both a short-term and long-term perspective.

(c) Monitoring and/or metrics that ensure effective implementation.

(d) Appropriate authorizations and approvals that ensure decisions are made in a timely manner. Decisions, approvals, and authorizations are documented in signed statements by the convening authority. A signed statement between authorized employees of NASA organizations serves as a binding agreement between those organizations. A change requires renewed approvals and authorizations or creation of a new agreement.

(e) A process that integrates applicable lessons learned and knowledge sharing.

(f) Appropriate consideration of all NASA authorities when developing the acquisition strategy.

(3) Have checks and balances built into the strategic acquisition process that ensure:

(a) NASA capabilities, as required by senior Agency management to efficiently and effectively implement the NASA Strategic Plan, are maintained, including workforce and infrastructure, over both the short term and long term, with the recognition that maintenance of these internal capabilities is defined and driven by mission demand.

(b) Existing NASA capabilities are used before acquiring new capabilities (regardless of supplier) when existing capabilities are available and are considered necessary for NASA's strategic future.

(c) All major new acquisitions and significant adjustments to portfolio content are reviewed by senior Agency management to ensure they fulfill an identified need that is aligned with the NASA Strategic Plan and are compatible with expected resources and capabilities.

(d) The acquisition strategy is reviewed and agreed upon by senior Agency management (i.e., through the ASM) before authorizing resource expenditures for major acquisitions.

(e) Application of Technical Authority, Formal Dissent, independent review, safety, quality assurance, security, and tailoring principles, as defined in NASA policies and procedural requirements, are intended for application as part of any major acquisition.

(4) Ensure that personnel involved in the strategic acquisition process have the appropriate skills, competencies, and certifications across the range of management, technical, and business disciplines necessary to carry out their individual acquisition responsibilities.

(5) Ensure that organizations, having a substantive interest in the acquisition strategy, are effectively engaged into the strategic acquisition process as appropriate and throughout the duration of their interest in order to include their needs, benefit from their experience, and encourage communication.

(6) Ensure acquisitions have realistic cost estimates and achievable schedules that:

(a) Cover all costs associated with meeting the need or achieving the objective, including costs such as institutional support requirements, technology investments, and multi-Center operations.

(b) For major acquisitions, utilize probabilistic cost and schedule estimate(s) and confidence level(s) that have been approved by the decision authority.

(7) Ensure when acquisition decisions are made, execution phases have consistent acquisition commitments to assure overall alignment of Agency resources with cost estimates by fiscal year and applicable Federal budget account projections.

(8) Ensure organizations meet programmatic, institutional, technical, cost, and schedule commitments to fulfill the NASA acquisition strategy.

(9) Incorporate a risk-informed decision-making process that includes the identification, analysis, and management of programmatic, institutional, technical, cost, schedule, environmental, safety, management, industry, security, supply chain, and external policy risks that might jeopardize the successful execution of the Agency's acquisition strategies. When needed, conduct enhanced financial due diligence on industry suppliers. The process includes the philosophy of Risk Leadership, as described in NPD 1000.0.

(10) Consider, when developing an acquisition strategy, the full spectrum of acquisition approaches to advance the Agency's mission and objectives, taking into consideration best value, appropriate competition, supply chain, and the Agency's policies, principles, and guidance related to its core capabilities. Such considerations will optimize the use of NASA's, industry's, and academia's expertise, consistent with these policies, principles, and guidelines.

(11) Ensure that execution of the acquisition strategy respects and appropriately maintains the relationship between NASA and its suppliers or partners, including their separate roles and responsibilities.

(12) Promote competition and small business participation throughout the strategic acquisition process.

(13) Require disclosure of financial interests from those persons participating in the strategic acquisition process, and avoid personal conflicts of interest in all acquisitions.

(14) Ensure that organizational conflicts of interest are identified and resolved as early as possible in the strategic acquisition process.

(15) Require robust and formal documentation of NASA Acquisition Plans.


a. This NPD is applicable to NASA Headquarters and NASA Centers, including Component Facilities and Technical and Service Support Centers. This language applies to contractors, grant recipients, or parties to agreements only to the extent specified or referenced in the appropriate contracts, grants, or agreements.

b. In this directive, all document citations are assumed to be the latest version unless otherwise noted.

c. In this NPD, "shall" denotes a mandatory action, "may" or "can" denote discretionary privilege or permission, "should" denotes a good practice and is recommended but not required, "will" denotes expected outcome, and "are/is" denotes descriptive material.


a. Federal Information Technology Acquisition Reform Act (FITARA), 40 USC § 11319.

b. Office of Federal Procurement Policy Act, Chief Acquisition Officers and Senior Procurement Executives, 41 U.S.C. § 1702.

c. National Aeronautics and Space Act of 1958, as amended, 51 U.S.C. § 20101.

d. Services Acquisition Reform Act of 2003 (SARA), Pub. L. 108-136, enacted as title 14 of the Fiscal Year 2004 National Defense Authorization Act.

e. The Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR), 48 CFR Chap. 1.

f. NPD 1000.0, NASA Governance and Strategic Management Handbook.




a. The Administrator shall:

(1) Issue Agency strategic guidance and ensure all major new acquisition initiatives fulfill an identified need or mission objective aligned with the NASA Strategic Plan.

(2) Appoint a Chief Acquisition Officer (CAO), as defined in 41 U.S.C. § 1702(b), to ensure that the Agency's mission is achieved through the management of the Agency's acquisition activities.

b. The NASA Associate Administrator shall:

(1) Chair the Acquisition Strategy Council (ASC).

(2) Serve as the convening authority for Pre-ASMs and ASMs for acquisitions with a value greater than $1B; Category 1 projects; projects requiring a coordinated acquisition strategy across multiple Centers; and funded Space Act Agreements; and for pre-ASMs and ASMs convened at the discretion of the Associate Administrator.

(3) Ensure that proposed acquisition strategies have resulted from consideration of the full spectrum of acquisition approaches.

(4) Oversee acquisition policy, integration, and performance.

(5) Approve Agency acquisition strategies.

(6) Balance acquisition strategy decisions for individual programs and projects against the Agency's portfolio, such that the portfolio remains consistent with Agency strategic guidance.

(7) Ensure the execution of all program and project acquisition strategies through NASA's disciplined strategic management system.

c. The NASA Chief Acquisition Officer, currently the Deputy Administrator, shall:

(1) Advise and assist the head of the Agency and other officials to ensure that the Agency mission is achieved through acquisition decision processes.

(2) Concur with the direction of acquisition policies for the Agency, including implementation of the unique policies, regulations, and standards of the Agency.

(3) Ensure acquisition decisions are consistent with all applicable laws and establish clear lines of authority, accountability, and responsibility for acquisition decision making within the Agency.

(4) Monitor the performance of acquisition activities and acquisition programs of the Agency, evaluating the performance of those programs on the basis of applicable performance measurements, and advising the head of the Agency regarding the appropriate business strategy to achieve the mission of the Agency.

(5) Review acquisition decisions and work with appropriate Agency personnel to ensure that decisions are equitable and represent the goals of the Agency and Administration.

d. The Assistant Administrator (AA) for Procurement shall, as related to this NPD, serve as the Agency's Deputy CAO, Senior Procurement Executive, and Competitive Sourcing Official.

(1) Support the CAO to ensure that the Agency's mission is achieved through the management of the Agency's FAR-based acquisition activities in accordance with 41 U.S.C. § 1702(b).

(2) Ensure the appropriate use of full and open competition in the acquisition of property and services by the Agency.

(3) Ensure the development and maintenance of an acquisition career management program to ensure that there is an adequate professional workforce.

(4) Establish requirements for documentation of Acquisition Plans.

(5) Provide functional management and policy guidance on grants and cooperative agreements.

e. The NASA Chief Financial Officer shall:

(1) Oversee all financial management activities relating to acquisition.

(2) Ensure that through the PPBE process Agency resources are strategically aligned and managed to meet the Agency's acquisition goals and plans.

f. The NASA Chief Human Capital Officer shall:

(1) Ensure that acquisition strategy considerations and deliberations reflect consistency with the Agency's Strategic Workforce Planning principles, processes, and guidelines, as described in NPD 3010.1C.

(2) Ensure that the implementation of the acquisition decisions is reflected in workforce-related guidance.

g. The NASA Chief Information Officer shall:

(1) Ensure that all NASA acquisition requirements meet Federal laws and directives related to information systems, cybersecurity, and information technology.

(2) Ensure that all NASA acquisition requirements are consistent with NASA standards for information systems, information technology, and cybersecurity.

h. The NASA Chief Engineer shall:

(1) Develop program and project management policy directives that appropriately address strategic acquisition processes.

(2) Oversee engineering management functions that support NASA acquisitions, including assessment of engineering capabilities and integration, and the implementation of the engineering Technical Authority processes.

(3) Oversee, assess, and ensure integration of the program and project management functions and capabilities that support NASA acquisitions.

(4) Manage services that promote effective knowledge management and ensure

i. The Chief Safety and Mission Assurance Officer shall ensure that safety, reliability, mission security, supply chain risk management, and quality requirements are properly considered and incorporated into NASA strategic acquisition processes in accordance with Federal regulations, Agency policy, and other authorities.

j. The General Counsel shall:

(1) Advise on risk inherent to specific acquisitions or the acquisition path.

(2) Ensure the consistent application of NASA policies and the consideration of applicable statutes, regulations, and/or other authorities (e.g., Space Act Agreements).

(3) Prescribe Agency-wide policies governing the conduct of activities arising under NASA's "other transaction" authority provided in 51 U.S.C. § 20113(e) and under NASA's authority to enter into Cooperative Research and Development Agreements under 15 U.S.C. Ã??Ã?§ 3710a.

(4) Ensure that identified potential personal conflicts of interest are avoided or mitigated to the maximum extent possible.

(5) Provide advice and assist in evaluating identified organizational conflict of interest issues upon the request of the contracting officer.

k. The NASA Associate Administrator for International and Interagency Relations shall:

(1) Coordinate all NASA international cooperative and reimbursable activities and partnerships, as well as Agency-level policy interactions with executive branch departments and agencies.

(2) Review procurements from foreign entities, as defined in the NASA Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR) Supplement.

l. The NASA Associate Administrator for Small Business Programs shall promote small business participation in NASA acquisitions in accordance with 48 CFR § 19.201.

m. NASA Mission Directorate Associate Administrators shall:

(1) Implement the decisions of the ASC as related to pre-ASMs and ASMs associated with their respective Mission Directorates.

(2) Ensure all new acquisition initiatives and ongoing programs and projects in their portfolio fulfill an identified need aligned with the NASA Strategic Plan and meet the Agency statutory objectives.

(3) Consider the full spectrum of acquisition authorities when developing and proposing the Directorate's acquisition strategy, ensuring the proposed strategy aligns with the objectives and requirements and appropriate legal authority.

(4) Base acquisitions on realistic cost estimates and schedules, informed by an Analysis of Alternatives (AOA) when appropriate.

(5) Ensure that a risk-informed strategic acquisition process is included in their risk management activities. Such activities will include the philosophy of Risk Leadership, as described in NPD 1000.0.

(6) Ensure consistency between acquisition cost estimates and commitments by fiscal year and applicable budget account projections to ensure overall alignment with expected resources.

(7) Ensure that individual programs and projects are budgeted and have funding strategies in accordance with NASA acquisition policies and as approved by the relevant decision authority of the responsible management council (e.g., the ASC).

(8) Promote competition and small business participation throughout the strategic acquisition process.

(9) Serve as the convening authority or appropriate functional sponsor for the acquisition of all relevant Mission Directorate projects other than those where the convening authority is the AA. Pre-ASMs and ASMs are conducted at the discretion of the convening authority and are not always required.

n. The NASA Mission Support Directorate Associate Administrator shall additionally:

(1) Develop, manage, and sustain the Agency's institutional capabilities required for execution of NASA's acquisitions.

(2) Ensure institutional capabilities are developed and maintained to support acquisition delivery through all subordinate organizations, with specific acquisition responsibilities permitted to be delegated to the Assistant Administrators for Procurement and Strategic Infrastructure.

o. The Assistant Administrator for Strategic Infrastructure shall manage Agency acquisition activities related to real property programs that include NASA aircraft, facility design and construction, facility maintenance and repair, utilities systems and supplies, operations, utilization and real estate acquisition and disposal management, and management of the Construction of Facilities resources.

p. NASA Center Directors shall, as related to this NPD:

(1) Monitor the status and progress of acquisitions executed at their Center.

(2) Ensure the Center program and project personnel are engaged in accomplishing acquisitions related to a Center's responsibilities, working in coordination with functional owners and in accordance with Agency policies.

(3) Ensure that Center risk management activities include a risk-informed strategic acquisition process. Such activities will include the philosophy of Risk Leadership, as described in NPD 1000.0.

(4) Promote competition and small business participation throughout the strategic acquisition process.

q. Program and project managers or equivalent shall:

(1) Consider the full spectrum of acquisition approaches when developing an acquisition strategy for their program or project and base acquisitions on realistic planning, cost, and schedule.

(2) Ensure that organizations having a substantive interest in an acquisition are effectively engaged in the strategic acquisition process as appropriate and throughout the duration of the organizations' interest.

(3) Document program or project commitments (and changes) and be accountable for performance of the acquisitions for which they are responsible.

(4) Ensure that a risk-informed strategic acquisition process is included in their risk management activities. Such activities will include the philosophy of Risk Leadership, as described in NPD 1000.0.

(5) Respect and appropriately maintain the relationship between NASA and its suppliers and partners, including their separate roles and responsibilities.

(6) Oversee, assess, and ensure integration of the security and license management functions and capabilities that support NASA acquisitions.


The aforementioned designation of Mission Directorate Associate Administrators (MDAAs) or others as convening authorities for ASM and Pre- ASMs constitutes an allowable delegation of authority.


a. Compliance with this policy will be measured by the ASC's evaluation of performance.

b. Compliance with this policy will be ensured by internal and external management control systems and reporting.


a. NPD 1000.5B, NASA Acquisition Policy, dated December 19, 2013.

b. NID 1000.110, NASA Interim Directive: Updated Requirements for Acquisition Strategy Implementation Described in NPD 1000.5, NASA Policy for Acquisition.

Revalidated March 15, 2022. Original signed by:

/s/ Jim Bridenstine


Acquisition - Obtaining, or advancing the development of, the systems, research, services, construction, and supplies to fulfill the Agency's mission and other activities which advance the Agency's statutory objectives. (The definition of acquisition in this document is used in a broader context than the FAR definition to encompass the spectrum of various NASA acquisition authorities and approaches to achieve the Agency's mission and activities).

Acquisition Strategy - The plan or approach for using NASA's acquisition authorities to achieve the mission of a program or project. It includes the recommendations from make/buy analyses, the recommendations from competed/directed analyses, proposed partnerships and contributions, proposed infrastructure use and needs, budget, supply chain risks, and any other applicable considerations. The Acquisition Strategy is implemented by a strategic process including SIPs, Pre-ASMs, and ASMs.

Agency Strategy Implementation Planning (ASIP) - An annual meeting of the NASA senior leadership under the auspices of the Acquisition Strategy Council. The intent of the ASIP meeting is to evaluate Mission Directorate needs and Center capabilities to meet those needs, from which strategic direction for the development of the upcoming budget cycle is derived. Mission Directorates present their future program/project plans and strategies, including their acquisition profile and the expected opportunities for Centers. Each Center presents their current state and forecast for workforce capacity. The integrated ASIP discussion results in high-level guidance to the Executive Council for the budget Strategic Planning Guidance.

Acquisition Strategy Meeting (ASM) - A decision-making forum where senior Agency management reviews and approves program and project acquisition strategies. The ASM focuses on considerations such as impacting the Agency workforce, maintaining core capabilities, make-or-buy decisions, supporting Center assignments, potential partnerships, and risk.

Analysis of Alternatives (AOA) An analytically-based comparison of the effectiveness, suitability, and life-cycle cost of alternatives to meet a requirement or provide a capability. Acquisitions need to consider AOAs as part of the acquisition process, helping to ensure continuity between NPR 7120.5 and NPD 1000.5.

Approval - Permission by an authorized employee to proceed with a proposed course of action. Approvals will be documented in writing.

Competition - An acquisition strategy whereby more than one entity is sought to bid or propose in order to provide capabilities. The awardee is selected on the basis of criteria established by the activity for which the work is to be performed.

Cooperative Research and Development Agreements (CRADA) - CRADA means an agreement under 15 U.S.C. § 3710a, between one or more Federal laboratories and one or more non-Federal parties under which the Government, through its laboratories, provides personnel, services, facilities, equipment, intellectual property, or other resources with or without reimbursement (but not funds to non-Federal parties) and the non-Federal parties provide funds, personnel, services, facilities, equipment, intellectual property, or other resources toward the conduct of specified research or development efforts which are consistent with the missions of the laboratory; a CRADA does not include a procurement contract or cooperative agreement.

Major Acquisition - Acquisitions that are directed at and critical to fulfilling the Agency's mission, entail the allocation of relatively large resources or warrant special management attention.

Pre-Acquisition Strategy Meeting (Pre-ASM) A precursor meeting to the ASM, where a small group of senior Agency management discusses preliminary acquisition strategies, in preparation for the ASM, to enable insight for the Associate Administrator and to allow information exchange about strategic options prior to presenting the fully developed acquisition strategy at the ASM. Pre-ASMs are not always required, as determined by the convening authority.

Procurement - The acquiring by contract, with appropriated funds, of supplies or services (including construction) by and for the use of the Federal Government through purchase or lease, whether the supplies or services are already in existence or need to be created, developed, demonstrated, and evaluated.

Space Act Agreements (SAA) - The National Aeronautics and Space Act of 1958 (herein, the Space Act), as amended (51 U.S.C. § 20113(e)), authorizes NASA "to enter into and perform such ... other transactions as may be necessary in the conduct of its work and on such terms as it may deem appropriate, with any agency or instrumentality of the United States, or with any state, territory, or possession, or with any political subdivision thereof, or with any person, firm, association, corporation, or educational institution."

Strategic Management/Strategic Management System - A series of integrated activities that enable the Agency to establish and execute strategy, make decisions, allocate resources, formulate and implement programs and projects, and measure performance. The comprehensive set of processes that NASA follows is collectively called the strategic management system, which is described in NPD 1000.0.

Strategy Implementation Planning Process (SIP)- The SIP process represents an integrated Agency-level activity to transform high-level Agency strategy into guidance for implementing NASA's portfolio and budget planning.

Supplier - An individual, partnership, company, corporation, association, or other service provider having a contract or agreement for the design, development, manufacture, maintenance, modification, or supply of items under the terms of a contract or agreement. A government activity performing any or all of the above is considered a supplier.

Supply Chain Risk Management - A systematic process for the proactive identification, assessment, avoidance, and mitigation of the broad array of risks associated with the supply chains (direct and lower tier suppliers of products and services) of programs and projects that threaten and, when realized, disrupt or deny the timely provisioning of affordable, quality products and services as required to perform Agency missions.


ASC - Acquisition Strategy Council

ASIP - Agency Strategic Implementation Planning

ASM - Acquisition Strategy Meeting

CAO - Chief Acquisition Officer

CFR - Code of Federal Regulations

COR - Contracting Officer's Representative

CRADA - Cooperative Research and Development Agreements

EC - Executive Council

FAR - Federal Acquisition Regulation

IAA - Inter-Agency Agreement

NAII - NASA Advisory Implementation Instructions

NFS - NASA FAR Supplement

NID - NASA Interim Directive

NPD - NASA Policy Directive

NPR - NASA Procedural Requirements

PPBE - Planning, Programming, Budget, and Execution

Pre-ASM - Preliminary Acquisition Strategy Meeting

SAA - Space Act Agreements

SIP - Strategy Implementation Planning Process

U.S.C. - United States Code


External Legislative and Governing Documents

C.1 Small Business Act, 15 U.S.C. § 644.

C.2 Stevenson-Wydler Technology Innovation Act of 1980, 15 U.S.C. § 3701 et seq.

C.3 The Clinger-Cohen Act of 1996 (Section 808 of Pub. L. 104-208; renaming, in pertinent part, the Information Technology Management Reform Act, Division E of Pub. L. 104-106), 40 U.S.C. 11101.

C.4 2 CFR pt. 200. See 81 FR 45852, published jointly by DOD, GSA, and NASA on July 14, 2016.

C.5 Export Administration Regulations (EAR), 15 CFR pts. 730-774.

C.6 International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR), 22 CFR pts. 120-130.

C.7 NASA Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) Supplement (NFS), 48 CFR Chap. 18.

C.8 Small Business Programs, 48 CFR Chap. 19.201.

C.9 NASA FAR Supplement, 48 CFR pt. 1807.170, Procurement Strategy Meeting.

C.10 NASA FAR Supplement, 48 CFR pt. 1807.71, Master Buy Plan.

C.11 OMB Circular A-11, Preparation, Submission, and Execution of the Budget.

C.12 OMB Circular A-76, Performance of Commercial Activities.

C.13 NAII 1050-1, Space Act Agreements Guide.

C.14 NASA library: NASA Acquisition Internet Service.

C.15 Office of Procurement Home Page.

C.16 NASA Lessons Learned Information System (LLIS).

C.17 NASA Cost Estimating Handbook.

C.18 NASA Strategic Sourcing Program (NSSP).

C.19 ANSI/EIA 748, Earned Value Management Systems.

C.20 DoDD 5000.1, The Defense Acquisition System, May 12, 2003.

C.21 Framework for Assessing the Acquisition Function at Federal Agencies,

U.S. Government Accountability Office, September 2005.


D.1 NPD 1000.3, The NASA Organization.

D.2 NPD 1001.0, 2018 NASA Strategic Plan.

D.3 NPD 1050.1, Authority to Enter Into Space Act Agreements.

D.4 NPD 1080.1, Policy for the Conduct of NASA Research and Technology (R&T).

D.5 NPD 1210.2, NASA Surveys, Audits, and Reviews Policy.

D.6 NPD 1360.2, Initiation and Development of International Cooperation in Space and Aeronautics Programs.

D.7 NPD 2086.1, Coordination of Remedies for Fraud and Corruption Related to NASA Acquisition Activities.

D.8 NPD 5000.2, Small Business Subcontracting Goals.

D.9 NPD 5101.1, Requirements for Legal Review of Procurement Matters.

D.10 NPD 5101.32, Procurement, Financial Assistance.

D.11 NPD 5104.1, Government Charge Cards.

D.12 NPD 7100.8, Protection of Human Research Subjects.

D.13 NPD 7120.4, NASA Engineering and Program/Project Management Policy.

D.14 NPD 7330.1, Approval Authorities for Facility Projects.

D.15 NPD 7410.1, Management of Contract and Grant Support Services Obtained From External Sources.

D.16 NPD 7500.2, NASA Technology Transfer Requirements.

D.17 NPD 8600.1, Capability Portfolio Management.

D.18 NPD 8700.1, NASA Policy for Safety and Mission Success.

D.19 NPD 8730.5, NASA Quality Assurance Program Policy.

D.20 NPD 8820.2, Design and Construction of Facilities.

D.21 NPD 8900.5, NASA Health and Medical Policy for Human Space Exploration.

D.22 NPD 9250.1, Capital Asset Identification and Treatment.

D.23 NPD 9501.1, NASA Contractor Financial Management Reporting System.

D.24 NPR 1080.1, Requirements for the Conduct of NASA Research and Technology (R&T).

D.25 NPR 2190.1, NASA Export Control Program.

D.26 NPR 2830.1, NASA Enterprise Architecture Procedures.

D.28 NPR 5101.33, Procurement Advocacy Programs.

D.30 NPR 5810.1, Standard Format for NASA Research Announcements (NRAs) and other Announcements for Grants and Cooperative Agreements.

D.32 NPR 7120.5, NASA Space Flight Program and Project Management Requirements.

D.33 NPR 7120.6, Knowledge Policy for Programs and Projects.

D.34 NPR 7120.7, NASA Information Technology and Institutional Infrastructure Program and Project Management Requirements.

D.35 NPR 7120.8, NASA Research and Technology Program and Project Management Requirements.

D.36 NPR 7123.1, NASA Systems Engineering Processes and Requirements.

D.37 NPR 7150.2, NASA Software Engineering Requirements.

D.38 NPR 7500.1, NASA Technology Commercialization Process w/Change.

D.39 NPR 8000.4, Agency Risk Management Procedural Requirements.

D.40 NPR 8580.1, Implementing the National Environmental Policy Act and Executive Order 12114.

D.41 NPR 8705.2, Human-Rating Requirements for Space Systems.

D.42 NPR 8705.5, Technical Probabilistic Risk Assessment (PRA) Procedures for Safety and Mission Success for NASA Programs and Projects.

D.43 NPR 8715.3, NASA General Safety Program Requirements. D.44 NPR 8735.2, Management of Government Quality Assurance Functions for NASA Contracts.

D.45 NPR 8820.2, Facility Project Requirements.

D.46 NPR 9090.1, Reimbursable Agreements.

D.47 NPR 9250.1, Property, Plant, and Equipment and Operating Materials and Supplies.

D.48 NPR 9420.1, Budget Formulation.

D.49 NPR 9470.1, Budget Execution.

D.50 NPR 9501.2, NASA Contractor Financial Management Reporting.

D.51 NAII 1000.1, Pre-Acquisition Strategy Meeting (Pre-ASM) Guide.

D.52 NAII 1000.2, Acquisition Strategy Meeting (ASM) Guide.


Figure 1. NASA Acquisition Strategy Process


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