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NASA Procedures and Guidelines

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NPR 3451.1B
Eff. Date: June 04, 2009
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NASA Awards and Recognition Program

| TOC | Preface | Chapter1 | Chapter2 | Chapter3 | Chapter4 | Chapter5 | Chapter6 | AppendixA | AppendixB | ALL |

Chapter 3. Employee Suggestion Program

3.1 Employees are eligible for awards and recognition in response to adopted suggestions made in accordance with the Government Employee's Incentive Awards Act, Title III of Public Law 763, enacted September 1, 1954.

3.2 The law established a Government-wide program encouraging all employees to improve the efficiency and economy of Government operations.

3.3 A suggestion is a constructive proposal that results in a saving or an improvement to the Federal Government and/or NASA. It poses a solution to a problem, a solution to a potential problem, or an opportunity to effect change.

3.4 Any Government employee or group of employees and contractors may submit a suggestion.

3.5 A former Government employee or the estate of a deceased employee may submit a suggestion, provided the suggestion was based on knowledge gained while the individual was a Government employee.

3.6 Contractor employees are ineligible for cash awards under the NASA Employee Suggestion Program; however, if a team contains a contractor employee, that team member shall receive a certificate and no cash award.

3.7 A cash award may be awarded to members of the Armed Forces but only in accordance with regulations prescribed by the Department of Defense.

3.8 A suggestion, whether adopted as submitted, or in part, that directly contributes to the economy or efficiency or directly increases effectiveness of Government operations, qualifies for a non-monetary recognition, time-off, or monetary recognition, depending on the potential savings or profitability of the idea.

3.9 The suggestion can be outside the suggester's job responsibilities or, if within their job responsibilities, so superior that it warrants special recognition.

3.10 The suggestion must be submitted in writing either before adoption or within a specified time thereafter to the Center's Suggestion Program.

3.11 The amount of the award must be in proportion to the benefits realized by the Government.

3.12 If a cash award is deemed appropriate, the amount can range from $25 to $25,000.

3.12.1 Award should not exceed recipient's annual salary.

Benefit Award
Up to $10,000

10 percent of the benefits

$10,001 - $100,000

$1,000 for the first $10,000 in benefits, plus three percent of benefits over $10,000

$100,001 or more

$3,700 for the first $100,000 in benefits plus .005 of benefits over $100,000.

3.13 A suggester is an employee who submits an idea for improvement, either individually or as a member of a group. All NASA employees are potential suggesters under this program.

3.14 Suggestion Program Coordinators are responsible for the administration and promotion of the NASA Suggestion Program within their Centers. Coordinators receive and process suggestions, monitor the evaluation process, facilitate award recommendations, promote the program, and educate employees on the Suggestion Program.

3.15 Suggestion Evaluators are responsible for reviewing and analyzing employees' ideas, determining the feasibility of adoption, and in some instances, making final decisions on adoption.

3.16 Evaluation procedures may include any or all of the following positions:

a. Individual Evaluator--an individual assigned to review suggestions and determine the feasibility of implementation. This person is usually a supervisor or manager in the area(s) impacted by the suggestion or is responsible for implementation.

b. Evaluation Team--a group of persons assigned by the Center to review suggestions, determine the feasibility of implementation, and/or make final decisions on adoption.

c. Subject-Matter Expert--a person with a specific expertise related to the suggestion being evaluated. This person could be called upon by the evaluator or evaluation team to provide technical input and otherwise assist with the evaluation of the suggestion.

3.17 Comments made by the evaluator shall be thorough, understandable, and non-offensive because they form the basis for the reply to the suggester and are provided as an attachment to that reply.

3.18 Suggestions can result in tangible dollar savings, a higher-quality product, or make it easier to get work done. Implemented suggestions also result in process improvement that saves the Government time and/or money and may include:

a. Reduction in the cost of operations or service.

b. Elimination of unnecessary operation or service.

c. Improvement in the quality of operations or service.

d. Development of new tools, equipment, processes, or procedures to accomplish the preceding purposes.

e. Improved employee morale.

3.19 The suggestion need not be new or original and shall result from the suggester's previous work, experience, research, or education.

3.20 The suggestion shall clearly define what is proposed, explain why the suggester feels the idea would improve effectiveness or efficiency of Government operations, outline how the suggester proposes that the idea be implemented, and include estimated savings (including the formula used to estimate the savings) to be realized.

3.21 Suggestions approved for adoption within the originating Center and determined to merit consideration at other NASA Centers, as well as other agencies or departments of the Federal Government, are the responsibility of the originating Center.
3.21.1 The originating Center is responsible for identifying other organizations that may benefit from the suggestion and should coordinate directly with the appropriate NASA organizations or Centers or other Federal Government agencies to coordinate the efforts for implementation.
3.22 Suggestions approved for adoption with tangible benefits exceeding the amount authorized for payment within a Center should be forwarded to the NASA Headquarters Workforce Management and Development Division for appropriate coordination and approval.

| TOC | Preface | Chapter1 | Chapter2 | Chapter3 | Chapter4 | Chapter5 | Chapter6 | AppendixA | AppendixB | ALL |
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