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NPR 3451.1B
Eff. Date: June 04, 2009
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NASA Awards and Recognition Program

| TOC | Preface | Chapter1 | Chapter2 | Chapter3 | Chapter4 | Chapter5 | Chapter6 | AppendixA | AppendixB | ALL |

Chapter 4.   Non-monetary Awards

4.1  Definition

Non-monetary recognition can take on many forms including a letter of appreciation, letter of commendation, honorary medals and certificates, career service recognition awards, and TOAs.

4.2  Eligibility

4.2.1  Supervisors may grant these awards to employees for specific instances of contributions or achievements that warrant special recognition.

4.2.2  Contractors, academia, industry partners, and other stakeholders may be eligible for certain NASA Honor Awards and Center awards programs.  Consideration must be given to avoid preempting the authority of Federal contracting officers and contractor management. 

4.2.3  In general, appropriated funds may not be spent on awards for contractors or contractor employees.  Exceptions to this general rule must be coordinated through the Office of Chief Counsel at the Centers or the Office of General Counsel at NASA Headquarters.

4.3  Restrictions

Non-monetary awards are permitted during a Presidential election period (any period beginning June 1 in a calendar year in which the popular election of a President occurs and ending on January 20 following the date of such election) provided that the form of the non-monetary award avoids the appearance of replacing a bonus.  As non-monetary awards may take on a wide variety of forms with a wide variance, both in terms of direct costs and the appearance of such value, recognition by non-monetary awards should create the inherent impression of symbolic value (an honor being bestowed) rather than monetary worth (cash value).

4.4  Career Service Recognition

4.4.1  A career service recognition award and certificate are presented to all civil service employees as an emblem upon completion of each five years of service. 

4.4.2  Certificates of service, appropriate emblems, and appropriate length of service mementoes for 35 years and above, are presented for each five-year interval thereafter. 

4.4.3  Employees with 40 years or more of Federal service are eligible to receive certificates from the Administrator. 

4.4.4  Employees with 60 years or more of Federal service are eligible to receive a letter from the President.  This must be requested through the Center Incentive Awards Program Officer.

4.4.5  Eligibility for these awards is based on the total years of Federal service (including all honorable military service) to calculate the total service.

4.5  Awards Ceremony

The Government Employees Incentive Awards Act specifically authorizes agencies to “incur necessary expense(s) for the honorary recognition” of employees who meet the statutory criteria of Title 5 U.S.C. § 4503, Agency Awards.  An agency head may expend funds for food at an awards ceremony if it is determined that light refreshments will “materially enhance” the effectiveness of the ceremony.

| TOC | Preface | Chapter1 | Chapter2 | Chapter3 | Chapter4 | Chapter5 | Chapter6 | AppendixA | AppendixB | ALL |
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