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NASA Procedures and Guidelines

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NPR 7120.5D
Eff. Date: March 06, 2007
Cancellation Date: March 12, 2007

NASA Space Flight Program and Project Management Requirements

| TOC | Preface | Chapter1 | Chapter2 | Chapter3 | Chapter4 | AppendixA | AppendixB | AppendixC | AppendixD | AppendixE | AppendixF | AppendixG | AppendixH | AppendixI | Figure2-2 | ALL |

APPENDIX B.   Acronyms

AA                         Associate Administrator

ACD                      Architectural Control Document

AO                        Announcement of Opportunity

AoA                      Analysis of Alternatives

ASM                      Acquisition Strategy Meeting

ASP                      Acquisition Strategy Planning

ATD                      Advanced Technology Development

B&AR                    Basic and Applied Research

CADRe                 Cost Analysis Data Requirement

CAIB                     Columbia Accident Investigation Board

CD                        Center Director

CDR                      Critical Design Review

CE                        Chief Engineer

CERR                    Critical Events Readiness Review

CFO                      Chief Financial Officer

CHMO                  Chief Health and Medical Officer

CM                        Configuration Management

CMC                      Center Management Council

CPD                      Center Policy Directive

CPR                      Center Procedural Requirements (also Contract Performance Report)

CSMAO                Chief Safety and Mission Assurance Officer

DA                        Decision Authority (also Deputy Administrator)

DR                        Decommissioning Review

EAC                      Estimate At Completion

EMO                      Environmental Management Office

EPO                      Education and Public Outreach

EVM                      Earned Value Management

EVMS                    Earned Value Management System

FAD                       Formulation Authorization Document

FAR                       Federal Acquisition Regulation

FRR                       Flight Readiness Review

FTE                       Full-Time Equivalent

GDS                      Ground Data System

GFE                       Government Furnished Equipment

GFY                      Government Fiscal Year

GSE                       Ground Support Equipment

HMA                     Health and Medical Authority

IBPD                      Integrated Budget and Performance Document

IBR                        Integrated Baseline Review

ICA                       Independent Cost Analysis

ICE                        Independent Cost Estimate

ILS                         Integrated Logistics Support

IMS                       Integrated Master Schedule

IPAO                     Independent Program Assessment Office

IT                           Information Technology

KDP                      Key Decision Point

LCC                       Life-Cycle Cost

LDE                      Lead Discipline Engineer

LRR                      Launch Readiness Review

MCR                      Mission Concept Review

MD                        Mission Directorate

MDAA                  Mission Directorate Associate Administrator

MDM                     Meta-Data Manager

MDPMC               Mission Directorate Program Management Council

MDR                      Mission Definition Review

MMT                     Mission Management Team

MO&DA               Mission Operations and Data Analysis

MOA                     Memorandum of Agreement

MOS                      Mission Operations System

MOU                     Memorandum of Understanding

MSO                      Mission Support Office

MSOD                   Mission Support Office Director

MSPSP                  Missile System Pre-Launch Safety Package

NAR                      Non-Advocate Review

NEPA                    National Environmental Policy Act

NESC                    NASA Engineering and Safety Center

NFS                       NASA Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) Supplement

NGO                      Needs, Goals, and Objectives

NID                       NASA Interim Directive

NOA                      New Obligational Authority

NODIS                  NASA On-Line Directives Information System

NPD                      NASA Policy Directive

NPR                      NASA Procedural Requirements

OCE                       Office of the Chief Engineer

OCFO`                   Office of the Chief Financial Officer

OCHMO               Office of the Chief Health and Medical Officer

OER                      Office of External Relations

OMB                      Office of Management and Budget (Executive Office of the White House)

ORR                      Operational Readiness Review

OSMA                   Office of Safety and Mission Assurance

OSTP                     Office of Science and Technology Policy (Executive Office of the White House)

PA&E                    Program Analysis and Evaluation

PA&R                    Programmatic Audit and Review

PAO                      Public Affairs Office

PAR                      Program Approval Review

PCA                       Program Commitment Agreement

PDR                       Preliminary Design Review

PFAR                     Post-Flight Assessment Review


PIR                        Program Implementation Review

PLAR                    Post-Launch Assessment Review

PMC                      Program Management Council

PNAR                   Preliminary Non-Advocate Review

POP                       Program Operating Plan

PP&E                     Property, Plant, and Equipment

PPAR                    Preliminary Program Approval Review

P/SDR                  Program/System Definition Review

PRR                      Production Readiness Review

PCE                       Program (or Project) Chief Engineer

PSM                      Procurement Strategy Meeting

PSR                       Program Status Review

P/SRR                  Program/System Requirements Review

QSR                       Quarterly Status Report

RFA                      Request for Action

RFP                       Request for Proposal

RID                       Review Item Discrepancy

RM                        Review Manager

ROM                      Rough Order-of-Magnitude

SAR                      System Acceptance Review

SDR                      System Definition Review

SEMP                    Systems Engineering Management Plan

SIR                        System Integration Review

SMA                      Safety and Mission Assurance

SMO                      Systems Management Office

SMSR                    Safety and Mission Success Review

SOMD                   Space Operations Mission Directorate

SRB                       Standing Review Board

SRR                       System Requirements Review

STEM                    Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics

TA                        Technical Authority

TBD                      To Be Determined

ToR                       Terms of Reference

V&V                      Verification and Validation

WBS                       Work Breakdown Structure

| TOC | Preface | Chapter1 | Chapter2 | Chapter3 | Chapter4 | AppendixA | AppendixB | AppendixC | AppendixD | AppendixE | AppendixF | AppendixG | AppendixH | AppendixI | Figure2-2 | ALL |
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