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NASA Procedures and Guidelines

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NPR 8580.1
Effective Date: November 26, 2001
Cancellation Date:
Responsible Office: LD2

Implementing The National Environmental Policy Act And Executive Order 12114





P.1 Purpose
P.2 Applicability
P.3 Authority
P.4 References
P.5 Cancellation

Chapter 1: Purpose

1.1 Introduction
1.2 Purpose

Chapter 2: NASA's National Environmental Policy Act Responsibilities

2.1 National Environmental Policy Act
2.2 Council on Environmental Quality Regulations
2.3 Additional CEQ Guidance

Chapter 3: NASA National Policy Act Overview

3.1 Introduction
3.2 Applicability to NASA Activities
3.3 Management-Level Roles and Responsibilities
3.4 Timing NEPA Compliance with Project Planning
3.5 Public Involvement
3.6 Integrating NEPA with Other Environmental Review and Consultation Requirements
3.7 The NEPA Process
3.8 NEPA Noncompliance
3.9 Deviations from NASA Regulations

Chapter 4: Categorical Exclusions

4.1 Categorical Exclusions
4.2 NASA Categorical Exclusions
4.3 When a CATEx May Not Be Appropriate
4.4 Process for Making a CatEx Determination
4.5 CatEx's That May Not Require a REC

Chapter 5: Environmental Assessments

5.1 Environmental Assessments
5.2 Specific NASA Actions Normally Requiring an EA
5.3 Recommended Format and Content of an EA
5.4 Nonexceptional Action EA's (Local)
5.5 Exceptional Action EA's
5.6 Summary of Roles and Responsibilities for EA's
5.7 Mitigation and Monitoring

Chapter 6: Environmental Impact Statements

6.1 Environmental Impact Statements
6.2 NASA Actions Requiring an EIS
6.3 Required Format and Content of an EIS
6.4 EIS process and Responsibilities
6.5 Summary of the Roles and Responsibilities for the EIS Process
6.6 Mitigation and Monitoring

Chapter 7: Special Topics of Concern

7.1 Introduction
7.2 Emergency Circumstances
7.3 Classified, Privileged, or Other Protected Information
7.4 Legislative EIS's
7.5 Supplemental EIS's
7.6 Programmatic NEPA Documents
7.7 Tiering
7.8 Interim Actions
7.9 Incomplete and Unavailable Information
7.10 Modifying FONSI's and ROD's
7.11 Disagreements Between Agencies on EIS Analyses
7.12 EPA Rating of EIS's and What it Means
7.13 Cumulative Impacts
7.14 Facility Closures
7.15 Conflict of Interest in Preparing NEPA Documents
7.16 Cooperative Arrangements
7.17 Electronic Media
7.18 NEPA and Environmental Remediation Activities
7.19 Metrics

Chapter 8: How To Write Better Environmental Assessments and Environmental Impact Statements

8.1 Introduction
8.2 Overall Guidance for Writing EA's and EIS's

Chapter 9: Environmental Resources Document

9.1 Environmental Resources Document
9.2 Format and Content

Chapter 10: Executive Order 12114, Environmental Effects Abroad of Major Federal Actions

10.1 Executive Order 12114
10.2 What EO 12114 is Not
10.3 The Role of the Office of the General Counsel
10.4 Other NASA Responsibilities and Actions

Chapter 11: Potential Sources of Environmental Information

11.1 Use of Environmental Resource Documents
11.2 Land Use, Soils, Geology, and Topography
11.3 Floodplains
11.4 Wetlands
11.5 Cultural Resources
11.6 Threatened and Endangered Species
11.7 Fish and Wildlife Resources
11.8 Vegetation
11.9 Coastal Areas
11.10 Air Quality
11.11 Water Quality
11.12 Aesthetics
11.13 Transportation
11.14 Socioeconomic and Community Resources
11.15 Sources of Electronic Information

Chapter 12: Other NEPA References

Chapter 13: Index

Appendix A: Common Metric/British System Equivalents

Appendix B: Glossary/Definitions

Appendix C: National Environmental Policy Act

Appendix D: Council On Environmental Quality Regulations

Appendix E: NASA's Policy and Procedures

Appendix F: Executive Order 12114: Environmental Effects Abroad of Major Federal Actions

Appendix G: Other Guidance

Appendix H: Federal Statutes, Regulations, and Executive Orders Related to the NEPA Review Process

Appendix I: Record of Environmental Consideration and Environmental Evaluation Checklist Examples

Appendix J: Other NEPA Documents

Appendix K: Questions and Answers about NASA NEPA Regulations

Appendix L: Abbreviations and Acronyms

List of Figures

3-1 The NEPA Process
4-1 Process for Categorical Exclusion Determination
5-1 Sample Title Page for an Environmental Assessment
5-2 Typical Table of Contents for an Environmental Assessment
5-3 Nonexceptional Environmental Assessment Process
5-4 Format and Content of a Finding of No Significant Impact
5-5 Exceptional Action Environmental Assessment Process
6-1 Required Format of an Environmental Impact Statement
6-2 Required Cover Sheet for an Environmental Impact Statement
6-3 Environmental Impact Statement Preparation Process
6-4 Format for the Notice of Intent
6-5 Outline of a Record of Decision

List of Tables

2-1 Council On Environmental Quality Guidance
3-1 Environmental Decision Points
3-2 Summary of Consultation Requirements
3-3 Potential Pitfalls of Noncompliance
4-1 Typical Roles and Responsibilities for the CatEx Process
5-1 Typical Roles and Responsibilities for the Environmental Assessment Process
6-1 Typical Roles and Responsibilities for the EIS Process
7-1 Follow Up Actions Based on U.S. EPA EIS Rating
8-1 Required Chapters of an EA and EIS Based on CEQ and NASA NEPA Regulations
8-2 Summary Preparation Guidance Common to Environmental Assessments and Environmental Impact Statements
11-1 Web Sites for Environmental Information


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