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NPR 8800.15A
Eff. Date: September 01, 1998
Cancellation Date: June 21, 2010

Real Estate Management Program Implementation Manual

| TOC | Change | Preface | Chapter1 | Chapter2 | Chapter3 | Chapter4 | Chapter5 | Appendices | AppendixA1 | AppendixA2 | AppendixA3 | AppendixA4 | AppendixA5 | AppendixA6 | AppendixA7 | AppendixA8 | AppendixA9 | AppendixA10 | AppendixA11 | AppendixA12 | AppendixA13 | AppendixA14 | AppendixA15 | AppendixA16 | AppendixA17 | AppendixB1 | AppendixB2 | AppendixC1 | AppendixC2 | AppendixC3 | ALL |

CHAPTER 4. Disposition of Real Property

4.1. Introduction

NASA does not have direct authority to dispose of its excess real estate assets and, therefore, must comply with the applicable provisions of the Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949, as amended, 40 U.S.C. 471 et seq. This Act established the General Services Administration as the agency responsible for the disposal of Federal assets and the sole authority to institute regulations for such actions. These regulations are appropriately called "Federal Property Management Regulations (FPMR) FPMR 101-47, titled, "Utilization and Disposal of Real Property," details the procedures and forms required by a Federal agency, requesting the disposition of Federal real estate.

4.2. Prerequisites To Exercise Disposal Actions

4.2.1. Before a disposal action can be initiated, the following criteria must be met Real Property must be excess to the needs of the holding Center. Real Property must have been screened for possible use by other NASA Centers and determined to be not needed. Real Property must have a recorded capitalized value not in excess of $50,000. Disposal action proposed must have been reviewed for legal sufficiency and concurred in by the Center`s Chief Counsel's office.

4.3. Exclusions

Excess Real Property having a recorded capitalized value over $50,000 will be submitted to Headquarters for review and approval by the Director, Facilities Engineering and Real Property Division, Office of Institutional and Corporate Management.

4.4. Procedures

4.4.1. Centers may dispose of Real Property on behalf of NASA, subject to the conditions and limitations set forth in paragraphs 4.2 and 4.3 in accordance with Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949, and applicable policies and regulations.

4.4.2. Center Directors authorized to dispose of NASA real estate in accordance with the provisions of 14 CFR 1204.503 and 1204.504, may redelagate this authority without the power of further redelegation. Such redelegation shall be in writing and a copy furnished to the Director, Facilities Engineering and Real Property Division, NASA Headquarters.

4.4.3. Center Directors and personnel authorized disposal authority shall ensure that feedback is provided to keep the Director, Facilities Engineering and Real Property Division, NASA Headquarters, fully and currently informed of significant actions, problems, or other matters of substance related to disposal actions.

4.5. Environmental Considerations

4.5.1. The NASA disposing official shall coordinate with the Center Environmental Office as early as possible to ensure that all environmental requirements, particularly the closure requirements of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) and the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA), are addressed in accordance with NPD 8800.16. Environmental documentation should, at a minimum, include the following: An Environmental Baseline Survey that reviews the operational history of the Real Property to identify potential environmental issues including, but not limited to, hazardous substance activities, equipment containing polychlorinated biphenyls, asbestos containing materials, underground storage tank systems, wetlands, and floodplains. In many cases, required remediation will need to be completed prior to the actual transfer of the property. National Environmental Policy Act documentation to assess potential environmental impacts of the action in accordance with NPR 8840.x. An Environmental Assessment or Environmental Impact Statement may be required.

4.6. Safety Considerations

4.6.1. The NASA disposing official shall coordinate with the Center Safety and Mission Assurance (SMA) office as early as possible to ensure that all safety hazards, and issues have been identified and addrtessed to comply with NASA standards, procedures, and guidelines. Safety documentation should include a Safety Baseline Survey that provides the operational safety history of the Real Property which identifies the potential safety hazards and concerns as related, but not limited to, facility safety, fire protection, confined space entry, nuclear safety, radiation protection, explosives, and pressurized systems. This may result from providing past records of Safety and/or Facility Deficiencies Inspections. In many cases, required abatement actions will need to be completed prior to the actual transfer of the property.

| TOC | Change | Preface | Chapter1 | Chapter2 | Chapter3 | Chapter4 | Chapter5 | Appendices | AppendixA1 | AppendixA2 | AppendixA3 | AppendixA4 | AppendixA5 | AppendixA6 | AppendixA7 | AppendixA8 | AppendixA9 | AppendixA10 | AppendixA11 | AppendixA12 | AppendixA13 | AppendixA14 | AppendixA15 | AppendixA16 | AppendixA17 | AppendixB1 | AppendixB2 | AppendixC1 | AppendixC2 | AppendixC3 | ALL |
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