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NPR 8800.15A
Eff. Date: September 01, 1998
Cancellation Date: June 21, 2010

Real Estate Management Program Implementation Manual

| TOC | Change | Preface | Chapter1 | Chapter2 | Chapter3 | Chapter4 | Chapter5 | Appendices | AppendixA1 | AppendixA2 | AppendixA3 | AppendixA4 | AppendixA5 | AppendixA6 | AppendixA7 | AppendixA8 | AppendixA9 | AppendixA10 | AppendixA11 | AppendixA12 | AppendixA13 | AppendixA14 | AppendixA15 | AppendixA16 | AppendixA17 | AppendixB1 | AppendixB2 | AppendixC1 | AppendixC2 | AppendixC3 | ALL |

CHAPTER 5. Relocatable Buildings - Authorization, Acquisition, Use, and Disposal

5.1. Introduction

Relocatable buildings may be purchased and used within NASA when they constitute the most feasible and economical means of satisfying interim facility requirements. Buildings used to satisfy such requirements will normally be funded from program or local resources. Relocatable buildings are accounted for as Real Property, except for nonrigid structures such as tents and inflatables, which are to be accounted for as personal property. If acquisition of a relocatable building is by lease, Chapter 2, Real Property Acquisition Actions, applies.

5.2. Definitions

5.2.1. The following key words and their meanings are used in this Chapter. Relocatable Buildings. Buildings or other enclosed structures used as working space, shelter, or to store equipment and other personal property that are designed to be easily erected, dismantled, moved, and reused. This includes office/house trailers, prefabricated modular structures, tents, rigid and nonrigid inflatable structures, and similar structures. Specifically excluded from this definition are built in place, pre-engineered metal buildings, woodframe buildings, and mobile equipment such as communications vans or trailers. Excluded structures and vehicles shall be acquired through the normal facility or equipment approval process, as appropriate. Interim Facility Requirement. A short-term (generally less than 3 years) requirement for facilities caused by peaks in NASA missions, or to satisfy other urgent requirements pending approval and funding via the normal construction of facilities budget cycle.

5.3. Procedures for Acquisition/Disposal of Relocatable Buildings

5.3.1. Acquisition Procedures. When a NASA Center proposes to acquire a relocatable building, a request for approval to take the action will be forwarded to the cognizant Institutional Associate Administrator for concurrence. After concurrence, the request will be forwarded to the Director, Facilities Engineering and Real Property Division, Office of Institutional and Corporate Management, NASA Headquarters. The request must provide the following detailed information: Complete justification for the acquisition, including an evaluation of the effect on NASA programs if the request is not approved. State whether this is the total acquisition needed to meet the requirement considering the amount of equipment, space, and acreage. Provide a utilization schedule for the duration of the requirement. Proposed utilization. Give square foot allowance per person and per various items of equipment. Account for utilization of all other space. Provide a plan depicting sighting and land use factors. Justification of method of acquisition. Compare costs and benefits of methods proposed with all practical alternatives. If contractor will use facility, compare advantages of NASA acquisition with contractor acquisition. Costs of acquisition. Breakdown costs to show site preparation and other Center charges. Include other costs that may be incurred such as rehabilitation, alteration, and repair. Identify type and source of funds. Projection. Estimated annual operation and maintenance costs. Duration. Estimated time in months the facility will be required.

5.3.2. Disposal Procedure. Relocatable buildings that are accounted for as Real Property will be disposed of in accordance with the procedures set forth in chapter 4 of this NPR.

| TOC | Change | Preface | Chapter1 | Chapter2 | Chapter3 | Chapter4 | Chapter5 | Appendices | AppendixA1 | AppendixA2 | AppendixA3 | AppendixA4 | AppendixA5 | AppendixA6 | AppendixA7 | AppendixA8 | AppendixA9 | AppendixA10 | AppendixA11 | AppendixA12 | AppendixA13 | AppendixA14 | AppendixA15 | AppendixA16 | AppendixA17 | AppendixB1 | AppendixB2 | AppendixC1 | AppendixC2 | AppendixC3 | ALL |
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