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NPR 1080.1B
Effective Date: February 21, 2017
Expiration Date: March 21, 2025
Printable Format (PDF)

Subject: Requirements for the Conduct of NASA Research and Technology (R&T)

Responsible Office: Science Mission Directorate

| TOC | Preface | Chapter1 | Chapter2 | Chapter3 | Chapter4 | Chapter5 | Chapter6 | AppendixA | AppendixB | AppendixC | ALL |

Chapter 6. R&T Misconduct

6.1 Handling of R&T Misconduct Allegations

6.1.1 R&T misconduct means fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism in proposing, performing, or reviewing R&T or in reporting R&T results. R&T misconduct does not include honest error or differences of opinion. For R&T that is sponsored or conducted by NASA, the organization accomplishing activity is responsible for compliance with NASA's R&T misconduct policy.

6.1.2 NASA handles allegations of R&T misconduct following the requirements published by the Office of Science and Technology Policy (65 Federal Register 76260, Dec. 6, 2000). NASA's policies and procedures for handling these investigations are published in 14 CFR pt. 1275.

6.1.3 NASA individuals, who receive allegations of R&T misconduct that may have occurred within or outside NASA, notifies the NASA Inspector General. The NASA Inspector General is responsible for R&T misconduct inquiries and investigations and for the preparation and submission of its findings and recommendations in a report to NASA. The cognizant MDAA or MSOD is responsible for implementing any administrative actions that may result from adjudication of research misconduct.

| TOC | Preface | Chapter1 | Chapter2 | Chapter3 | Chapter4 | Chapter5 | Chapter6 | AppendixA | AppendixB | AppendixC | ALL |
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