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NPR 4000.1
Effective Date: April 09, 2010
Expiration Date: June 09, 2027
Printable Format (PDF)

Subject: NASA Logistics Management Operations Compensating Controls Reviews, (Revalidated with Change 2, March 21, 2022)

Responsible Office: Office of Strategic Infrastructure

| TOC | Preface | Chapter1 | Chapter2 | Chapter3 | AppendixA | AppendixB | AppendixC | ALL |

Appendix A. Definitions

Activity Address Codes. A six-position code, composed of numbers, letters, or a combination of both, assigned for use on requisition documents submitted to Government supply sources to identify the requisitioner, the consignee, and the payee.

Compensating Controls Review. A review to assess the performance of Logistics Management Operations at NASA Centers.

Contract Property. Government property in the possession of contractors. Includes both property furnished by the Government from existing inventory and property acquired by the contractor and titled to the Government through the operation of the property clause.

Controlled Property. All nonsensitive equipment with an acquisition cost of $5,000 or more that has an estimated service life of 2 years or more and will not be consumed or expended in an experiment. Also, selected items of equipment, such as weapons and certain types of hazardous devices with an acquisition cost less than $5,000 that are designated and identified as sensitive by the holding Center.

Desktop/Just-In-Time Deliveries. Immediate delivery of items or services to the computer desktop as the need arises.

Excess Personal Property. Personal property determined unnecessary to the needs or discharge of the duties of the holding organization and, therefore, returned to the Center Property Disposal Officer (PDO) for reutilization or disposal.

Excess Warehouse. A warehouse for storing property that has been determined excess for ease of screening and final disposition.

Federal Catalog System. A system that encompasses the naming, description, classification, and numbering as well as the publication of related identification data of all items carried under centralized inventory control by DoD and civilian agencies of the Federal Government.

Idle Personal Property. Equipment not in current use, held for a specified time for other potential needs before further disposition.

Purchase Card Transactions. The use of a Government-issued credit card for the authorized purchase of goods or services.

Reports of Survey. A report of administrative action taken to investigate and review the loss, damage, or destruction of Government property and to assemble pertinent facts and determine the extent of such loss, damage, or destruction.

Sensitive Property. An item of equipment that due to its pilferable nature or the possibility of its being a hazard requires stringent control. A sensitive item can be capital or noncapital equipment. Generally, sensitive items are controlled at an acquisition cost of $500 or more and are desirable for personal use.

Specialized Motor Equipment. A vehicle or trailer modified to accommodate unique or unusual cargo for specific mission requirements.

Stevenson-Wydler Act. The Stevenson-Wydler Technology Innovation Act of 1980 as amended, 15 U.S.C. 3710 et seq., Section 303 of Pub. L. 102-245 (February 14, 1992):

(i) Research Equipment - The Director of a laboratory, or the head of any Federal agency or department, may give research equipment that is excess to the needs of the laboratory, agency, or department to an educational organization or nonprofit institution for the conduct of technical and scientific education and research activities. Title of ownership shall transfer with a gift under the section.

| TOC | Preface | Chapter1 | Chapter2 | Chapter3 | AppendixA | AppendixB | AppendixC | ALL |
| NODIS Library | Property, Supply and Equipment(4000s) | Search |


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