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NPR 8715.3E
Effective Date: December 16, 2021
Expiration Date: December 21, 2026
Printable Format (PDF)

Subject: Requesting Relief from Agency Mission Assurance Requirements

Responsible Office: Office of Safety and Mission Assurance

| TOC | Preface | Chapter1 | AppendixA | AppendixB | ALL |

Chapter 1. Requesting Relief from Agency Mission Assurance Requirements

1.1 Overview of the NASA Safety Program

1.1.1 It is Agency policy that all requirements are complied with unless relief is formally granted. Requesting relief from requirements is both an expected and accepted part of establishing proper requirements. Documented authorizations of relief are frequently referred to as either waivers or deviations.

1.1.2 NASA cannot authorize relief from external requirements, such as Federal, state, or local regulations, voluntary consensus standards incorporated by reference in Federal regulations, or Requests for relief from a Federal, state, or local safety regulation are reviewed by the NASA Headquarters Office of Safety and Mission Assurance and submitted to the appropriate Federal, state, or local agency for approval.

1.2 Roles and Responsibilities

1.2.1 The Chief, SMA is the Approving Authority for relief from Agency mission assurance requirements. The Approving Authority is the person or organization responsible for oversight of the requirement and authorized to grant relief from the requirement.

1.2.2 The Chief, SMA delegates the approving authority of Agency Mission Assurance requirements imposed on programs and projects, including the acceptance of alternate technical standards, to the program or project SMA TA except for the following areas for which the Chief, SMA retains this authority:

a. Orbital debris mitigation, including requirements in NPR 8715.6, NASA Procedural Requirements for Limiting Orbital Debris and Evaluating the Meteoroid and Orbital Debris Environments, and standards incorporated by reference therein.

b. Planetary protection, including requirements in NPR 8715.24, Planetary Protection Provisions for Robotic Extraterrestrial Missions, NID 8715.129, Biological Planetary Protection for Human Missions to Mars, and standards used to implement those requirements as agreed to between the program or project and OSMA.

c. Nuclear flight safety, including requirements in NPR 8715.26, Nuclear Flight Safety, and standards used to implement those requirements as agreed to between the program or project and OSMA.

d. Human-rating spaceflight systems, including requirements in NPR 8705.2, excluding standards incorporated by reference therein.

e. Mission risk classification, including requirements in NPR 8705.4, excluding standards incorporated by reference therein.

f. Mishap investigations, including requirements in NPR 8621.1, NASA Procedural Requirements for Mishap and Close Call Reporting, Investigating, and Recordkeeping.

g. NASA interim directives that replace or augment the documents cited above.

1.2.3 The Chief, SMA consults with the Associate Administrator, Administrator, and other stakeholders as appropriate when authorizing relief from requirements in those areas.

1.2.4 The Mission Directorate Associate Administrator will submit the request when the Chief, SMA is the Approving Authority.

1.3 Requesting Relief from Agency Mission Assurance Requirements

1.3.1 The requestor shall include the following information in the request:

a. The requirement(s) for which relief is being sought.

b. A description of the request for relief (i.e., the nature of the proposed departure from the requirement).

c. The reasons and justification for the relief, why it is not possible, or desirable, to comply with the requirement.

d. The resulting change in risk to the public, workforce, high-value property, and orbital and planetary environments.

e. The resulting change in risk to crew safety and mission success.

f. Confirmation the relief does not conflict with applicable Federal statutes or regulations, or with Agency policy or higher-level requirement.

g. When and whether compliance will be achieved.

h. Alternate actions to be taken for managing the risk.

i. Findings and recommendations from the program or project SMA TA regarding the technical merits of the case.

j. For matters involving human safety risk, formal agreement to assume the risk from the actual risk taker(s) (or official spokesperson[s] and applicable supervisory chain).

1.3.2 Relief is not granted until the request has been approved and any increase in risk has been accepted by the appropriate authorities based on the risk impacts.

1.3.3 NPR 8000.4 contains requirements for decisions to accept risk to safety and mission success.

| TOC | Preface | Chapter1 | AppendixA | AppendixB | ALL |
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