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NPR 8715.6E
Effective Date: April 18, 2024
Expiration Date: April 18, 2029
Printable Format (PDF)

Subject: Orbital Debris Mitigation

Responsible Office: Office of Safety and Mission Assurance

| TOC | Preface | Chapter1 | Chapter2 | Chapter3 | AppendixA | AppendixB | AppendixC | ALL |

Chapter 2. Roles and Responsibilities

2.1 Chief, Safety and Mission Assurance

The Chief, SMA, as stated in NPD 1000.3, The NASA Organization, is responsible for advising the Administrator and other senior officials on matters related to risk, safety, and mission success. As part of this responsibility, the Chief, SMA:

a. In coordination with the Space Environment Sustainability Advisory Board (SESAB), establishes Agency orbital debris mitigation policy, requirements, and guidelines for NASA programs and projects consistent with national policy and international guidelines.

b. Maintains and advises the Agency on the application of models and tools to characterize the orbital debris environment and assess the risk of orbital debris generation and disposal methods.

c. Reviews, monitors, and periodically reports to the Agency on compliance with orbital debris mitigation requirements by NASA programs and projects.

d. Coordinates the adjudication of requests for relief to requirements in this NPR and NASA- STD-8719.14 with the Office of the Administrator and relevant Mission Directorates.

e. Initiates, in coordination with the relevant offices, notifications of Agency leadership and external agencies concerning uncontrolled reentries of NASA objects.

f. In coordination with OIIR, promotes the determination, adoption, and use of international orbital debris mitigation guidelines through international fora, such as the Inter-Agency Space Debris Coordination Committee (IADC) and the International Organization for Standardization (ISO).

The Chief, SMA maintains the ODPO to support the implementation of these responsibilities. As directed by the Chief, SMA, the ODPO:

a. Collects measurement data to characterize the orbital debris populations and the ever- changing orbital debris environment.

b. Maintains and leads the advancement of orbital debris models, assessment tools, and mitigation standards.

c. Provides technical evaluations of the Orbital Debris Assessment Reports (ODAR) and End of Mission Plans (EOMP).

d. Tracks the compliance with orbital debris mitigation measures by NASA programs and projects.

e. Assists U.S. Government departments and agencies on matters related to the characterization of the orbital debris environment and the application of orbital debris mitigation measures and policies.

f. Contributes to the determination, adoption, and use of international orbital debris mitigation guidelines through international fora such as the United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space, the IADC, and ISO.

2.2 Center-Level SMA Technical Authority

The Center-Level SMA Technical Authority, as defined in NPR 7120.5, NASA Space Flight Program and Project Management Requirements, will support the Chief, SMA in overseeing the implementation of procedures and technical requirements defined in this NPR and applicable standards by programs and projects at their Center, and ensures MDAAs and OSMA are informed regarding potential concerns about non-compliances with these documents.

2.3 Mission Directorate Associate Administrator

The MDAAs sponsoring NASA spaceflight missions and contributions to missions are accountable for the implementation of responsible orbital debris mitigation measures by spacecraft, embedded or attached spacecraft elements, other hardware contributions, and supporting launch services.

Accordingly, MDAAs:

a. Consider the adequacy of orbital debris mitigation measures during decisions regarding the formulation, implementation, extension, and termination of their missions.

b. Ensure missions use launch services that are subject to NASA-STD-8719.14 or a comparable standard accepted by the governmental entity providing authorization for the launch.

c. Initiate, in coordination with the relevant offices, notifications of Agency leadership and external agencies concerning controlled reentries of spacecraft under NASA authority.

d. Request relief from requirements for non-compliance(s) with orbital debris mitigation requirements by spacecraft or launch vehicles to be operated or operating under NASA authority.

2.4 Managers Responsible for NASA Spacecraft

NASA Project Managers responsible for spacecraft to be operated or operating under NASA’s authority (including secondary payloads):

a. Plan and implement orbital debris mitigation measures for their spacecraft, including embedded or attached hardware elements provided by others, in compliance with NASA-STD- 8719.14.

b. Obtain the review and acceptance by the Chief, SMA or delegated organization of planned and implemented orbital debris mitigation measures for their spacecraft.

c. Continue to consider orbital debris mitigation objectives and requirements as an integral aspect of operational decisions.

2.5 Managers Responsible for Acquired Spaceflight Services

NASA Project Managers responsible for the acquisition of spaceflight services (including launch services):

a. Use services that are subject to NASA-STD-8719.14 or a comparable standard accepted by the governmental entity providing authorization for the launch.

b. If services are provided under NASA’s authority to conduct spaceflight activities, obtain the review and acceptance by the Chief, SMA or delegated organization of planned and implemented orbital debris mitigation measures.

c. When services are not performed under NASA’s authority, inform Agency leadership and relevant offices, via the Mission Directorate sponsoring the mission, of any known exceptions to orbital debris mitigation standards imposed by the authorizing governmental entity.

2.6 Managers Responsible for Hardware Contributions to Spaceflight Systems

NASA Program and Project Managers responsible for hardware elements to be embedded in or attached to a spacecraft or launch vehicle will plan and implement measures to support compliance by the spacecraft or launch vehicle with applicable orbital debris mitigation standards and review processes. This applies whether the hosting spacecraft or launch vehicle is managed by NASA or a partner organization.

2.7 Office of International and Interagency Relations (OIIR)

The Associate Administrator for OIIR, in coordination with the MDAA and OSMA:

a. Negotiates responsibilities and standards for the implementation of orbital debris mitigation with interagency or foreign partners participating in a joint mission.

b. Notifies the Secretary of State of any non-compliance with the ODMSP, as required by the U.S. National Space Policy.

| TOC | Preface | Chapter1 | Chapter2 | Chapter3 | AppendixA | AppendixB | AppendixC | ALL |
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