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NPR 8800.15C
Effective Date: October 30, 2014
Expiration Date: October 07, 2024
Printable Format (PDF)

Subject: Real Estate Management Program w/Change 2, December 20, 2022

Responsible Office: Office of Strategic Infrastructure

| TOC | ChangeHistory | Preface | Chapter1 | Chapter2 | Chapter3 | Chapter4 | Chapter5 | Chapter6 | Chapter7 | Chapter8 | AppendixA | AppendixB | AppendixC | AppendixD | AppendixE | AppendixF | AppendixG | ALL |

Chapter 3. Reporting Requirements

3.1 Overview

3.1.1 All NASA-owned and NASA-occupied real property shall be included in reports required to fulfill both Congressional and regulatory agency reporting requirements; therefore, reports need to be accurately prepared.

3.1.2 This is also applicable to all NASA-owned real property held by contractors, the physical accountability and recording of which are set forth in the NASA FAR Supplement, Subpart 1845.5.

3.2 Federal Real Property Council and the Federal Real Property Profile Reporting Requirements

3.2.1 Executive Order 13327 Executive Order 13327 requires Federal agencies to report all real property owned, leased from others, and otherwise-managed Federal real property assets within and outside the United States, including improvements on Federal land. The FRPC established the role of the Senior Real Property Officer and mandated the creation of a centralized, online real property database. All executive branch agencies are required to submit data at the constructed-asset level to the Federal Real Property Profile (FRPP) on an annual basis. This data is used by OMB to ensure proper management of Federal real property assets. All Federal agencies are required to upload data elements required by the Annual Guidance for Real Property Inventory Reporting, Federal Real Property Council by December 15 of each year.

a. For owned real property (assets for which the United States holds title), the Federal agency that exercises real property accountability is responsible for reporting the asset in the annual FRPP.

b. For leased real property, the Federal agency that signed the lease is responsible for reporting the asset in the annual FRPP.

c. For otherwise-managed real property, the Federal agency that entered into the agreement with the state or foreign government is responsible for reporting the asset in the annual FRPP.

3.2.2 Center Reporting Responsibilities NASA Centers shall ensure that all data for real property under their management and accountability control is current and accurate. Updates to the RPMS should be made in a timely and ongoing manner. NASA Centers shall respond to data validation queries from FRED in a timely manner and, by November 15 of each year, ensure that all real property data is uploaded into the RPMS. A complete list of reporting deadlines can be found in the NASA Real Estate Desktop Guide.

3.2.3 Verification and Validation Plan FRED will conduct annual reviews of RPMS and DM assessment data (see 3.2.4). Any discrepancies that are identified will be discussed with the RPAOs and FUOs for clarification and correction, as needed. FRED reviews will be done with an emphasis on getting the corrections made before the November 15 reporting deadline. In addition to the annual review, FRED will conduct periodic reviews of RPMS data, as needed, to meet Headquarters reporting requirements and other ad hoc data calls. FRED will also conduct site visits as part of the verification and validation plan. Site visits will involve inspections of a random sampling of the Center's real property to ensure that it is properly recorded. On-site reviews will be conducted on a three-year schedule, and all Centers will be visited during the three-year term.

3.2.4 Deferred Maintenance Assessment The Deferred Maintenance (DM) assessment is one element of NASA's real property management efforts. Third-party assessors provide facility condition evaluations and DM cost estimates for all Center real property assets and submit a report of their findings to FRED. Center staff shall facilitate the logistics of the assessment site visit and provide information to the assessors, as needed. RPAOs shall review the annual DM assessment results report, which identifies inconsistencies in RPMS data, validate DM findings, and consult with FRED on correcting any data discrepancies.

3.3 Office of Management and Budget and General Services Administration Reporting Requirements

3.3.1 Space Budget Justification NASA Headquarters is required to submit an annual rental space budget justification to GSA and OMB, including amounts for services covered by basic rental charges assessed by GSA but excluding amounts above standard services, as outlined in OMB Circular A-11 (2006) Section 54, Rental Payments for Space and Land and Appendix B, Budgetary Treatment of Lease-Purchases and Leases of Capital Assets. This information is used by OMB to evaluate NASA's budget request for rent, by GSA to refine its estimates of rental costs, and by NASA to analyze space requirements and rental costs. Each Center shall complete GSA Exhibit 54 using an electronic spreadsheet available from GSA to submit rental data.

a. Each submission shall:

(1) Support budget year requests and list all applicable appropriations or other funding sources by account.

(2) Report space requirements to the nearest square foot and state obligations in thousands of dollars, rounding amounts to the nearest thousand. FRED shall issue an annual data call for Exhibit 54 following receipt of the request from GSA. The report will be due in accordance with instructions from the OCFO.

3.4 Other Reporting Requirements

3.4.1 In compliance with the Recording and Coding Guide for the Structure Inventory and Appraisal of the Nation's Bridges, dated December 1995, NASA shall submit its most current National Bridges Inventory (NBI) data on bridges to the Office of Bridge Technology, Federal Highway Administration. The data collected pertains only to bridges on Federal land that is accessible by the general public.

3.4.2 FRED shall request NBI data from the Centers annually.

| TOC | ChangeHistory | Preface | Chapter1 | Chapter2 | Chapter3 | Chapter4 | Chapter5 | Chapter6 | Chapter7 | Chapter8 | AppendixA | AppendixB | AppendixC | AppendixD | AppendixE | AppendixF | AppendixG | ALL |
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