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NPR 8900.1B
Effective Date: December 16, 2016
Expiration Date: September 08, 2025
Printable Format (PDF)

Subject: NASA Health and Medical Requirements for Human Space Exploration

Responsible Office: Office of the Chief Health & Medical Officer

| TOC | Preface | Chapter1 | Chapter2 | Chapter3 | AppendixA | AppendixB | AppendixC | AppendixD | AppendixE | AppendixF | AppendixG | AppendixH | ALL |

Appendix C. Process for Establishing Human Health, Human Performance and Medical Standards

C.1 Standard Setting Process

C.1.1 Health, human performance, and medical standards are initiated by the CHMO and are developed under the supervision of the delegated HMTA (i.e., JSC CMO) with participation of other Centers and external experts. Final approval is executed by the CHMO.

C.1.2 Health, human performance, and medical standards are established by the OCHMO per the following process:

a. A recommendation for development of a new standard or revision of an existing standard may originate anywhere in the Agency, such as in the OCHMO, the HEOMD, the AMB, or the Human Health and Performance Directorate (HH&P) at JSC and is forwarded to the CHMO for consideration.

b. The CHMO reviews the recommendations and, if warranted, initiates development or revision of a standard and establishes a standards development team under the supervision of the delegated HMTA.

Note: The standards development team includes internal NASA experts and may include external discipline experts.

c. The standards development team drafts the standard, which is reviewed according to the process established by the delegated HMTA with the concurrence of the CHMO.

d. The delegated HMTA then reviews the draft standard and provides a recommendation for approval of the new or revised standard to the CHMO.

e. The CHMO determines whether or not independent technical review of the draft standard is required by an external team and convenes a team to conduct the review, where appropriate.

f. The draft/revised standards are distributed to affected and interested parties (e.g., Flight Operations Directorate/Astronaut Office, mission directorates, functional staff offices, Centers, etc.) for review and comment.

g. The draft/revised standards are presented to the NASA MPB, which provides a recommendation for approval to the CHMO.

h. The CHMO considers comments and recommendations and either rejects, recommends further modifications, or executes final approval of the standard.

i. Implementation of the standards is overseen by the delegated HMTA.

j. Periodic review of the standards occurs as required.

| TOC | Preface | Chapter1 | Chapter2 | Chapter3 | AppendixA | AppendixB | AppendixC | AppendixD | AppendixE | AppendixF | AppendixG | AppendixH | ALL |
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