NASA Policy Directive |
NPD 2521.1B Effective Date: August 18, 2015 Expiration Date: February 28, 2025 |
This NASA policy directive establishes the Communications Material Review (CMR) system to help ensure that NASA-funded communications material effectively and consistently conveys information about NASA's mission, projects, programs, safety practices, and other activities for internal audiences or for external audiences, or for a combination of both audiences. Internal audiences are defined as NASA employees and NASA contractors. External audiences are defined as all others, including but not limited to the public, schools, colleges, universities, conference attendees, all media, media outlets, and social media followers, as well as Federal, state, and local governmental entities. Efficient coordination and effective management of NASA resources enable more strategically focused communications. Through adherence to the CMR policy, the NASA Graphics Standards Manual (Style Guide), and the NASA Communications Portfolio system, NASA will ensure visual consistency of its communications products. In addition, the CMR system supports effective utilization of resources to avoid redundancy and minimize waste. However, the CMR does not provide editorial review and approval of the content of NASA communications material.
a. This directive applies to NASA Headquarters, all NASA Centers, including Component Facilities, and all individuals, organizations, or other entities that prepare, create, or determine communications material, regardless of medium, using NASA appropriated funds. This language applies to JPL, other contractors, grant recipients, or parties to agreements only to the extent specified or referenced in the appropriate contracts, grants, or agreements. This NPD does not apply to the Office of the Inspector General.
b. In this directive, all mandatory actions (i.e., requirements) are denoted by statements containing the term "shall." The terms: "may" or "can" denote discretionary privilege or permission, "should" denotes a good practice and is recommended, but not required, "will" denotes expected outcome, and "are and is" denotes descriptive material.
c. In this directive, all document citations are assumed to be the latest version unless otherwise noted.
a. Release of Information to News and Information Media, 14 CFR 1213.100- .109 (2007).
b. NASA Seal, NASA Insignia, NASA Logotype, NASA Program Identifiers, NASA Flags, and the Agency's Unified Visual Communications System, 14 CFR 1221 (1993).
c. Establishment of the NASA Unified Visual Communications System, 14 CFR 1221.108 (2013).
d. Managing Agency Communications, NPD 1380.1 (2013).
e. Release and Management of Audiovisual Products, NPD 1383.1C (2005).
f. Management of NASA Scientific and Technical Information, NPD 2200.1 (2014).
g. Electronic and Information Technology Accessibility, NPR 2800.2.
h. NASA Space Flight Program and Project Management Requirements, NPR 7120.5E (2012).
NASA Graphics Standards Manual (NASA Style Guide), NASAstyleguide_complete_012709TAGGED.pdf.
a. The Office of Communications is responsible for issuing and managing this directive.
b. The Associate Administrator for Communications, is responsible for developing policy and standards for communications material, establishing goals and objectives, and assessing CMR performance.
c. The Associate Administrator for Communications, has designated the CMR Lead to be responsible for the CMR process and to implement and monitor the Agency's use of the NASA Insignia and the NASA Unified Visual Communications System in accordance with the NASA Style Guide and NASA policy directives and Section 1221.100, et seq., of Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR 1221). In addition, the CMR Lead will guide and direct the implementation of CMR policy, including the Communications Portfolio system. External use of the NASA Insignia will continue to be governed by 14 CFR 1221 with the NASA Associate Administrator for Communications and/or designee reviewing use of the NASA Insignia by outside entities, including but not limited to advertisers, merchandisers, filmmakers, private companies, etc.
d. Each NASA Center will identify a Center CMR point of contact for implementing policies and methodology, disseminating CMR information and standards, and coordinating Center compliance with the CMR, NASA Graphics Standards Manual (Style Guide) and Communications Portfolio requirements. The authority of the Center point of contact will be established and supported by the Center Director and the Headquarters Office of Communications. Center policies will adhere to the guidelines set out in this NPD.
e. Each NASA Mission Directorate (MD) and Headquarters Mission Support Office (MSO) will designate a CMR point of contact for implementing policies and methodology, disseminating CMR information and standards, and coordinating MD and MSO compliance to the CMR process. The authority of the point of contact will be established and supported by the MD or MSO director and the Headquarters Office of Communications.
An annual metrics report will be prepared by the Headquarters Office of Communications CMR Lead that will provide total materials created and produced, arranged by type, initiating office, cost, target audiences, purpose, and other measurements as deemed necessary by the Associate Administrator for Communications. In addition, metrics on the workflow process will be kept to help measure improvements. This metrics report will be delivered to the Associate Administrator for Communications no later than the end of the fiscal year or the calendar year, according to his or her requirements.
NPD 2521.1A, Communication Material Review, dated January 11, 2010.
A.1 NPD 8610.6G Graphic Markings on Space Transportation Vehicles, U.S. Components of the International Space Station Component Systems, and Payloads.
A.2 NPR 1387.1G, NASA Exhibit Programs.
A.3 NPR 1441.1E, NASA Records Management Program Requirements.
B.1 The following implementation elements define the CMR policy:
1. NASA-funded communications material subject to CMR policy, the NASA Graphics Standards Manual (Style Guide) and NASA Communications Portfolio requirements includes, but is not limited to, newsletters, posters, bookmarks, brochures, flyers, handouts, customized stationery products, DVD/CD packaging, signage, social media products, banner stand and pop-up graphics, infographics and other design and artwork. In addition, CMR can be used to provide guidance for proper use of the NASA insignia or other identifiers and designs on NASA Television programs and slates, as well as other forms of communication material, such as electronic media.
2. Exempt from submission are:
a. Material subject to 14 CFR Part 1213, Release of Information to News and Information Media, such as press releases, media advisories, and NASA television video files.
b. Technical and scientific papers subject to NPD 2200.1, Management of NASA Scientific and Technical Information.
c. Presentations including one-off poster sessions. Also exempt are all normal and routine business or intra-agency correspondence, electronic mail, litigation materials, directives, regulations, etc., which does not affect a significant NASA audience or does not contain information of general NASA interest.
d. Because exemptions are updated periodically, refer to the Communications Portfolio section of for the most current exemptions.
B.2 All NASA-funded internal and external communications material will comply with the NASA Graphics Standards Manual (currently known as the NASA Style Guide), 14 CFR Part 1221, and all other relevant policies and procedures as approved by the Headquarters Office of Communications and are posted on the NASA Communications Web site at
B.3 Guidelines: All NASA-funded internal and external communications material will be submitted to the online Communications Portfolio system at
B.4 Evaluation Criteria: NASA communications products covered by this policy are evaluated based on the criteria found on the Office of Communications Web site and the requirements and guidelines found in the NASA Graphics Standards Manual (Style Guide).
This document does not bind the public, except as authorized by law or as incorporated into a contract. This document is uncontrolled when printed. Check the NASA Online Directives Information System (NODIS) Library to verify that this is the correct version before use: