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CFR Petitions

Petition for Withdrawal or Modification of a NASA Guidance Document

Fill in the Appropriate Fields Below. (* denotes Required Field)

Request Types:

  • Modification: NASA should modify the document in some way. In the justification field, please provide specifics of what you think should be changed and why.
  • Withdrawal: NASA should withdraw the document entirely. In the justification field, please provide your explanation of why the document should be withdrawn.
  • Complaint: NASA is not following the requirements of the OMB Good Guidane Bulletin or is improperly treating the document as a binding requirement. In the justification field, please tell us which and provide supporting evidence.
NASA Guidance Document:
Responsible Office:
* Type of Change Requested:
Petitioner Information:
(Provide e-mail address to receive a response to this petition from the NASA responsible office.)
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