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NASA Procedures and Guidelines

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NPR 8810.1
Eff. Date: April 28, 2005
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Master Planning Procedural Requirements

| TOC | Preface | Chapter1 | Chapter2 | Chapter3 | ALL |

Chapter 1. Introduction

1.1 Master Planning

1.1.1 Master planning is an analytical process undertaken to evaluate the numerous factors that affect a NASA Center and insure that the future real property development of the Center effectively and efficiently supports the missions carried out and supported by the Center. The product of this analytical process is a Center Master Plan (CMP), which establishes the Center's concept for the future.

1.1.2 The Center Master Plan (CMP):

  1. Provides a comprehensive presentation of the existing, as well as projected assets to meet the mission needs of the NASA Center, and how those assets relate to the present and future mission of the Center, as well as the context of the Center and its interrelationship with its surrounding area, the local community and national policy.
  2. Reflects the Center's concept for development of its real property assets to implement NASA's Strategic Plan.
  3. Provides for sustainable development of the Center and its facilities and infrastructure.
  4. Integrates with and supports both the Center's planning and budgeting process.
  5. Reflects the Center's concept for stewardship of its environmental and cultural resources and operating, to the extent practicable, in harmony with the surrounding community.
  6. Is built on a series of inter-related documents and databases that are electronically retrievable.
  7. Includes Geographical Information System (GIS) capability to aid in graphical display of existing conditions and facilities as well as proposed improvements. CMPs built on a basis of electronically configured spatial data will enable the utilization of the GIS to deliver superior information services to NASA managers making decisions on infrastructure requirements to support NASA programs.

1.1.3 The CMP will:

  1. Provide a concept for the future development of the real property assets of the Center to support NASA's current and future missions.
  2. Support operational change at the Center.
  3. Facilitate coordination with Center supported programs and customers.
  4. Facilitate coordination with Center stakeholders.
  5. Enable future budget requests to include Center requirements in support of programs.
  6. Ensure proper stewardship of real property assets of the Center, including buildings, other built systems and natural resources.
  7. Provide a basis for cooperative planning with local, regional, state, and other governmental organizations.
  8. Assist NASA in achieving agency policy under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) for productive harmony with the human environment.

1.2 Center Master Plan

1.2.1 The CMP is the overall plan for Center development. The CMP is the Center's statement of its concept for the orderly management and future development of the Center's real property assets that sustain NASA's mission. The CMP includes land, facilities, resources, and infrastructure in support of the dynamic Center activities. The CMP provides a narrative, statistical, and a graphic record of existing conditions (natural features, buildings, structures, utilities, transportation systems and other improvements) at the Center. It also provides a context for the development of the Center in terms of the Center's interrelationship with its surrounding area, the local community, and national policy. The CMP includes current, as well as proposed future capabilities necessary to support program requirements, Mission Directorate requirements, and NASA's Strategic Plan.

1.2.2 NASA's Agency-wide vision and mission provide a clear, unified, and long-term direction for all of NASA's activities. The vision and mission also provide the context for planning and program development. The vision and mission are the guiding principles for the Strategic Plan and thereby, all sub-ordinate plans, including the CMPs. The CMP is the natural extension of NASA's planning process (see Figure 1-1). NASA's planning process starts with long-term vision and mission and flows to a more focused near-term plan and supporting documentation. These near-term plans are used to construct resource requirements for programs, projects, and the assets required to move those programs forward. As such, the CMP is a tool to be used in the development of Center budgets, as well as program and project planning. The CMP is the link between the programs and projects and the requirements for Center development. The CMP will support the development and orderly execution of each Center's implementation plan.

1.2.3 The CMP is a vital management tool to be used by the Center staff in all planning activities to ensure the efficient and effective use of real property resources supporting Center operations. Further, the CMP is a tool that enables program and project managers to develop plans that are safe, prudent, and cost-effective and reflect the Center's stewardship role towards its environmental and cultural resources. Decision-making in the face of uncertainties that affect cost, schedule, and technical parameters demands that NASA managers understand the impact of trade-offs on the potential for program success. CMPs support an understanding of the impacts of the trade-offs. The CMP provides information needed to make well-informed decisions, and allows NASA stakeholders to see how and why NASA makes real property asset decisions that support NASA's mission.

Figure 1-1 The Center Master Plan's Role in NASA Planning Process

1.2.4 The CMP is a vital management tool for predicting and managing costs for long-term projects that may involve many unknowns at their inception. NASA has an obligation to assess expected costs accurately. By understanding infrastructure risks and cost, NASA managers can continue to conduct their projects and programs in a manner that increases public trust and confidence.

1.2.5 The CMP provides a reference for review and approval of specific facility projects as part of the normal budget formulation and execution process. It also provides a basis for cooperative planning with other Federal, State, Tribal, Regional and local government agencies.

1.2.6 The CMP provides the context and basis for all siting decisions for construction and demolition projects, as well as for relocation of functions at the Center. All construction and other facilities infrastructure projects must be consistent with the CMP.

1.3 Overview

1.3.1 This NPR contains NASA procedural requirements for Center master planning for real property. This NPR includes instructions for accomplishing the master planning process, as well as specifying the required content of a CMP.

1.3.2 Each Center and component facility shall develop and maintain a CMP. The CMP is a living document and shall be kept current with changes to the Center's mission, facilities and infrastructure. The CMP shall be prepared in accordance with NPD 8810.2, Master Planning for Real Property. The CMP shall address a planning horizon of not less than 20 years.

1.3.3 The NASA Center Director is responsible for approving and signing the Center's Master Plan. This responsibility cannot be delegated. The Center Director is to designate a specific organizational element to be responsible for maintaining the CMP at the Center.

1.3.4 The Center Director is to conduct periodic reviews, at not less than 3-year intervals, of the master plan in order to validate the CMP and to ensure that the Center's missions and objectives are adequately translated into the CMP. Review and update of the Center's CMP must reflect the most current projections for the Center's Capital Improvement Plan. A verification letter of the 3-year review, validating the CMP as current with the Center mission, is to be maintained with the CMP.

1.3.5 The Center Director must provide the draft Center's CMP to the Director, Facilities Engineering and Real Property Division and the appropriate Headquarters Center Executive, for review and concurrence by NASA Headquarters whenever newly prepared, or significantly modified. The Center shall present the CMP to these headquarters offices during development of the CMP so these headquarters offices may aid in establishing the direction and development of the CMP. NASA Headquarters Facilities Engineering and Real Property Division will notify the Center Director within 30 days of any outstanding issues regarding the CMP or will provide concurrence with the CMP to the Center Director within that time period. NASA Headquarters concurrence of a CMP shall not be construed as approval of any specific facilities project identified within the CMP.

1.3.6 A critical review of each NASA Center CMP will be performed by NASA Facilities Engineering and Real Property Division and the appropriate Headquarters Center Executive every three years from adoption of a newly prepared or significantly modified CMP. This review will be undertaken to determine whether the CMP addresses the NASA Strategic Plan, the NASA Asset Management Plan for real property, Directorate Strategy, current NASA policies and guidance, statutory and regulatory requirements and other Federal Government performance objectives. The Director, Facilities Engineering and Real Property Division will coordinate the CMP review with all other Mission Directorate and Mission Support Offices, and management officials, as appropriate. The Facilities Engineering and Real Property Division will provide a report to the Center Director on the outcome of the review. The report is to delineate issues and concerns found during the course of the review. The NASA Asset Management Plan for real property has been developed in response to Executive Order 13327, "Federal Real Property Management." The NASA Asset Management Plan for real property is the primary document for overall management of NASA real property including all constructed assets, i.e., buildings, utilities, runways, etc.

1.3.7 An agency-wide capital plan will be developed by the Facilities Engineering and Real Property Division based on the Centers' Capital Improvement Plans and the NASA Asset Management Plan for Real Property. The agency-wide capital plan shall be maintained by the Facilities Engineering and Real Property Division, and updated annually to reflect changes to the Center Capital Improvement Plans (CIP) that reflect current projects and changes to out-year projects and proposals. The Center's Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) shall be maintained by the Center to prioritize and track the Center's 5-year plan for facility modification and improvement. The Center shall update its CIP annually to reflect current projects and changes to out-year projects and proposals.

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