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NPR 8820.2G
Eff. Date: June 05, 2014
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Facility Project Requirements (FPR)

| TOC | Preface | Chapter1 | Chapter2 | Chapter3 | Chapter4 | Chapter5 | Chapter6 | AppendixA | AppendixB | AppendixC | AppendixD | AppendixE | AppendixF | ALL |

Chapter 6. Disposal/Deconstruction

6.1 Demolition Plan

6.1.1 The FPM shall develop a management plan that is compliant with NPR 8580.1 and NPR 8800.15 for disposal/demolition projects and any other projects requiring disposal and/or deconstruction.

6.1.2 Authority to Dispose/Demolish. The FPM shall submit a letter to the Director, Integrated Asset Management Division, signed by the Center Director or designee, requesting authority to proceed with the disposal/demolition. This authority is separate from the request to include the facility in the demolition program as part of the PPBE process. FED reviews and approves the request with an NHQ DIV799DF Demolition of Facilities Project Approval Form generated at HQ.

6.1.3 Determination to Demolish. The FPM shall evaluate disposal alternatives such as transfer to another agency or adaptive reuse (McKinney Act screening) (for more information, see NPR 8800.15, Real Estate Management Program, Chapter 8).

6.1.4 Requesting Inclusion in the Demolition Program

a. The FPM shall request funding for demolition of the facility as part of the PPBE process 24 to 26 months prior to the start of demolition.

b. The FPM shall identify the earliest demolition date and any schedule constraints and reference the Annual PPBE Guidance for requirements.

6.1.5 Compliance with NHPA. For projects where existing buildings will be modified or disposed of, the FPM shall contact the Historic Preservation Officer (HPO) for their determination of historic eligibility. If eligible, the FPM, in cooperation and coordination with the HPO, shall develop an adaptive reuse feasibility report. The HPO will identify mitigating measures such as a Historic American Building Survey (HABS) or a Historic American Engineering Record (HAER) based on existing mitigation measures outlined in NASA's Programmatic Agreement on Historical Preservation or in accordance with section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA).

6.1.6 Environmental Baseline Survey. Prior to demolition, an Environmental Baseline Survey shall be required and will be managed by the Center Environmental Officer or designee. Its purpose is to identify hazardous substances (e.g., asbestos and lead) for removal as part of the demolition and prior to demolition (chemical containers).

6.1.7 Compliance with NEPA. The initial record of environmental planning and an environmental checklist shall be completed by the FPM and coordinated through the Center Environmental Management Office 24 months before the start of demolition under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). Additional actions may be required based upon the environmental impacts identified on the checklist.

6.1.8 Personal Property Reuse Plan. 12 to 24 months before the start of demolition; equipment, property and artifacts for reuse by the Government or disposal by other means shall be identified by the FPM, in cooperation with the HPO, property disposal officers, programs, and other customers who are assigned personal property within the facility.

6.1.9 Salvage Material Inventory/Diversion Plan. Identifying salvage materials and including them to offset the cost of a demolition contract is encouraged on all demolition projects. During design and 6 to 12 months before the start of demolition, the FPM shall identify the types and amount of materials that could either have salvage value as recycled material or be reused. One of the primary goals of the FPM is to minimize demolition waste going to a landfill.

6.1.10 Clearing the Building of Noncollateral Equipment and Debris. 6 to 12 months before the start of demolition, the FPM shall work with the property disposal officer to ensure that any personal property is properly disposed of separate from facility demolition.

6.1.11 Evaluating Infrastructure Impact. The FPM shall ensure that impacts to utilities, roads, other facilities, and security are investigated and evaluated 12 to 24 months prior to the start of demolition. Demolition of a facility may remove either the supply of or the demand for essential services, requiring modifications to associated systems.

6.1.12 Sustainment Plan. The FPM, as part of decommissioning, shall determine the protection and maintenance requirements for safety, property, security, and environmental impacts between facility deactivation and demolition.

6.1.13 Safety Baseline Survey. The FPM shall ensure a safety baseline survey is performed as part of decommissioning. The survey identifies potential safety hazards and concerns such as:

a. Facility safety.

b. Fire protection.

c. Confined space entry.

d. Nuclear safety.

e. Radiation protection.

f. Explosives.

g. Pressurized systems.

6.1.14 Pollution Prevention and Abatement Plan. The FPM shall ensure a pollution prevention and abatement plan is completed as part of decommissioning to determine required remediation. The plan identifies potential environmental risks associated with the work, such as:

a. Hazardous waste disposal.

b. Run off/erosion.

c. Underground storage tank systems.

d. Wetlands.

e. Floodplains.

6.1.15 Communication Plan. 6 to 12 months prior to the start of demolition and during design, the FPM shall determine if a plan is needed to communicate information about the demolition and impacts to the Center and surrounding community.

6.2 Demolition Planning Checklist

6.2.1 The FPM shall utilize the Demolition Planning Checklist in creating the demolition plan. (Refer to Appendix E.)

| TOC | Preface | Chapter1 | Chapter2 | Chapter3 | Chapter4 | Chapter5 | Chapter6 | AppendixA | AppendixB | AppendixC | AppendixD | AppendixE | AppendixF | ALL |
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