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NPR 1400.1H
Effective Date: March 29, 2019
Expiration Date: December 31, 2024
Printable Format (PDF)

Subject: NASA Directives and Charters Procedural Requirements (Updated w/Change 10)

Responsible Office: Chief of Staff

| TOC | ChangeLog | Preface | Chapter1 | Chapter2 | Chapter3 | Chapter4 | Chapter5 | AppendixA | AppendixB | AppendixC | AppendixD | AppendixE | AppendixF | ALL |

Appendix C. Verification Matrices

Table C-1. NPR 1400.1 Measurement/Verification Matrix

Do developers follow the required processes specified in this NPR for Agency-level directives initiated or revised after the effective date of this NPR? To determine compliance, the Mission Support Directorate monitors the processing of each Agency-level directive through NODIS and the subsequent signature process to ensure that all process steps and requirements are completed correctly by all of the process participants.

1400.1 Paragraph

Process Steps/Requirements


Not Compliant

Prior to Official Review

Did the Responsible Office:
a. Submit a NHQ Form 184 and load draft directive to DMT for a compliance review?
b. Forward compliance results to the directive's originator?
c. Load the revised draft in NODIS and notify DMT to confirm completion of corrective actions?
d. E-mail directive to respective ALR to verify GAO/OIG audit findings?

If yes, compliant. If no, not compliant.

Note: Confirmation of completion is indicated on NHQ Form 184.



Official Review

Did the Responsible Office:
(1) Request review of directive in the NODIS DMS via the 184 Form and provide cost/benefit impacts (e.g., financial, human resources, technical)?
(2) Disposition all comments?

If yes, compliant. If no, not compliant.

Did the Reviewing Offices:
a. Submit comments and concurrence by the suspense date?
b. Provide specific comment that provides basis for nonconcurrence and why?
c. Notify Responsible Office when proposed requirements prevent implementation and raise unresolved mandates to the Quarterly Forum?

If yes, compliant. If no, not compliant.

Did the Responsible Office send final draft directive to OCHCO for union coordination and OGC for legal review prior to assembly and forwarding the signature package to DMT?

If yes, compliant. If no, not compliant.

Note: Confirmation of completion is indicated on NHQ Form 184 and OCHCO's e-mail to the union.


Signature Package Assembly


Did the Responsible Office prepare final signature package with the material listed below?

If yes, compliant. If no, not compliant.

a. ADS to include the following:
(1) Evidence of concurrences from reviewing organizations and the concurrence of the responsible OIC.
(2) Administrator's Headquarters Action Tracking (HATS) ID (e.g., A/2015-00344).
(3) HATS due date.
(4) Quality Control Liaison's (QCL) name, number, and date of QCL review.
(5) Special Instructions (if any).
(6) DM's name and number.
(7) Quality Liaison’s name and number.
(8) Action Officer’s name and number.
b. ADS' Executive Summary to include the following:
(1) Purpose and justification for new requirement(s).
(2) Summary of significant changes if directive is being revised.
(3) Summary of significant comments received during the review.
(4) Cost/benefit impacts for new resources that may be needed and a justification for why resources need to be expended to identify unfunded mandates.
(5) Strategic impact (if any).
(6) Description of Presidential initiative/external action (if any).
c. The original of the proposed (new or revised) directive.
d. A track changes version of the revised directive.
e. A copy of the directive's review report of all comments and dispositions.
f. E-mails verifying completion of attorney and union reviews.
g. One copy of each directive to be cancelled by the proposed directive when it is approved.
h. Documented disagreement with OIG on the NHQ 117 Form.



Extensions on Suspense Dates


Did the Responsible Office:
a. Request extension on draft directives 10 days prior to the suspense date?
b. Request a waiver to receive additional time if the 3rd 30-day extension has lapsed?

If yes, compliant. If no, not compliant.



Process Steps


Did Responsible Office meet suspense date to place directive on the review schedule?

Was the directive coordinated, approved, and published within established timeline?

Did MSD distribute notification of new/revised directive?

Did MSD update the Standards Update Notification System?

Did the Responsible Office provide the documents listed below for the directive's ePackage?

Separate PDF
- ADS, NHQ Form 117

Combined PDF
- Directive.
- Background Tab.
- Review Report.
- Track changes version of the directive (redline).
- Cancelled directive.
- Confirmation of Attorney and Union Reviews.



Download Table C-1

Table C-2. NPR 1400.1 Measurement/Verification Matrix
NASA Policy Directive (NPD) or Center Policy Directive (CPD)

Do developers prepare directives in accordance with the requirements for the content and structure of directives that are specified in this NPR for Agency-level directives initiated or revised after the effective date of this NPR? To determine content compliance, the Mission Support Directive's Team reviews the contents of each Agency-level directive during the NODIS review and verifies that the content requirements have been met.

1400.1 Paragraph



Not Compliant


Does the NPD contain no more than five pages, excluding attachments, and contain the required elements below? If yes, compliant. If no, not compliant:

a. Masthead with Directive ID, Effective/Expiration Date, Responsible Office, and Subject.

b. Change Log (Not used in revisions to Agency-level directives).


Does the NPD contain policy statements with the required introductory language as indicated below? Do these policy statements omit use of the term "shall?" If yes, compliant. If no, not compliant.

Policy provides a general statement of the principles, fundamental values, and general direction of the Agency or Center that is used to determine present and future decisions. Policy statements do not contain requirements "shall" statements and are introduced (e.g., "It is NASA Policy to" or "This directive establishes policy for").


Does the NPD provide the scope of the required application of the directive by listing the required applicability statements below? If yes, compliant. If no, not compliant.

(a) "This directive is applicable to NASA Headquarters and NASA Centers, including Component Facilities and Technical and Service Support Centers."

(b) If the directive applies to Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), a Federally Funded Research and Development Center (FFRDC), include this statement, "This directive is applicable to the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, a Federally Funded Research and Development Center (FFRDC), only to the extent specified in the NASA/Caltech Prime Contract." If the directive does not apply to JPL, an FFRDC, remove the applicability statement referencing JPL, an FFRDC, if mentioned.

Note 1: A directive does not apply to JPL, an FFRDC, unless it is on the Listing of the NASA Directives and Standards in the NASA/Caltech (JPL) Prime Contract and has been incorporated into the NASA/Caltech Prime Contract.

Note 2: JPL, an FFRDC, may review new and revised directives even if they are not in the NASA/Caltech Prime Contract, and provide comments or no comments as deemed necessary. However, inherently governmental directives are usually not reviewed by JPL since they only apply to the government.

(c) If the directive applies to other contractors, recipients of grants or cooperative agreements, or parties to other agreements, include this statement, "This directive is applicable to other contractors, recipients of grants or cooperative agreements, or parties to other agreements only to the extent specified in contracts, grants or cooperative agreement, or other agreements."

Note 1: Only list the type of document (i.e., contract, grant, or agreement) to which the directive applies. For example, if the directive is not applicable to a "grant," only list "contract or agreement" to indicate the directive's applicability.

Note 2: This statement alone is not sufficient to stipulate requirements for the contractor or recipient of the grant. Requirements can be delineated by adding a note after the requirements' paragraph. See paragraphs 2.17.2 or 2.20.3 for examples of delineating requirements between civil servants and contractors or recipients of grants.

(d) For CPDs, include a statement similar to 3.6.2c(2)(a) above to ensure applicability at the Center and associated facilities.

(e) "In this directive, all mandatory actions (i.e., requirements) are denoted by statements containing the term "shall." The terms: "may" or "can" denote discretionary privilege or permission, "should" denoted a good practice and is recommended, but not required, "will" denotes expected outcome, and "are/is" denotes descriptive material."

(f) "In this directive, all document citations are assumed to be the latest version unless otherwise noted."


Does the NPD contain a list of NPDs or external authority(ies) or requirements that justify establishing it? If yes, compliant. If no, not compliant.


Does the NPD contain a list of applicable documents and forms that contain provisions or other pertinent requirements directly related and necessary to the performance of the activities specified by the directive? If not, is "None" stated? If yes, compliant. If no, not compliant.


Does the NPD's responsibility statements provide an explanation of who (by position or organization) is responsible implementing the policy stated. If yes, compliant. If no, not compliant.


Do responsibility statements use the term "shall" because there is no corresponding NPR to place requirements? Do responsibility statements omit use the term "shall" because there is a corresponding NPR to place requirements? If yes, compliant. If no, not compliant.


Does the NPD have a delegation of authority? If not, is "None" stated? If yes, compliant. If no, not compliant. Delegations are reserved for direct delegation from the Administrator, Official-in-Charge, or a Center Director to a specific position.


Does the NPD have measurement/verification statements that explain how compliance with requirements will be measured/verified to support senior management's evaluation of performance? Do these statements omit use of the term "shall?". If yes, compliant. If no, not compliant.


Are the NPD's cancelled directives listed with the number(s), title(s), and effective date(s)? If there are no cancellations, is "None" stated? If yes, compliant. If no, not compliant.


Are the NPD's paragraphs numbered/lettered in accordance with the Figure 3.2 below? (Right click to download figure) If yes, compliant. If no, not compliant.



Does the NPD's "shall" statements, if any, comply with the requirements in the requirements, along with Table A also below? (Right click to download table) If yes, compliant. If no, not compliant.

a. Identify all requirements statements by using the term "shall" to denote mandatory compliance.

b. Designate at least one official (by position title) or organization or office title as responsible and accountable for development, implementation, maintenance, and/or verification of the requirement set forth in the "shall" statement.

c. Identify what action should be accomplished or what product should be provided to demonstrate compliance with the requirement.

d. Identify specific requirements, not general responsibilities with broad application.

e. Provide a description of how requirements will be measured/verified in the measurement/verification section of the directive.

f. Separately state each individual requirement statement (i.e., one "shall" statement per single paragraph and one "shall" statement per paragraph with subparagraphs).

g. Exclude replication of existing internal or external policy statements, procedural requirements, responsibilities, or text from other documents. However, paraphrasing or cross-referencing may be used to summarize information in a way that is significantly different from the original text (i.e., responsible office's own words). NASA directives may supplement, clarify, or make more stringent external requirements or designate who is responsible for implementation of external requirements.

h. Exclude technical requirements in NASA directives. Technical requirements may be included in NASA technical standards, then cited in NASA directives.



Are the NPD's document citations cited according to their purpose as described below? If yes, compliant. If no, not compliant.

a. Authority document citations list the higher-level document(s) that authorize establishing the policy or requirements contained in the directive. Authority documents can be cited in the text of directives in order to provide the context, as determined by the Responsible Office.

b. Applicable documents and forms citations consist of documents and forms incorporated by reference in the text of the directive, contain provisions or other pertinent requirements directly related to and necessary for the performance of the activities specified by the directive, and use only controlled and current forms.

(1) Cite all applicable documents and forms listed in paragraph 4 at least once within the text of the NPD. Use statements to introduce applicable documents and forms (e.g., as required by, according to, under, or per).

(2) Conversely, list all applicable documents and forms cited within the text of the NPD in paragraph 4.

c. References are documents that may be cited in the text of the directive, but do not constitute requirements to perform activities in the directive. These documents may consist of internal and external requirements and other resources considered to be useful as background information for the reader (to help in understanding the subject-matter).

(1) If citing reference documents listed in an NPD's attachment, cite at least once in the text of the directive. Use statements to introduce reference documents (e.g., additional information on this subject is available at/in..., for additional information, see...).

(2) Conversely, list reference documents cited in the text of the NPD in in the attachment.


Are the NPD's document citations cited and listed in accordance with the formatting requirements below? If yes, compliant. If no, not compliant.

a. List documents in the following order: United States Code, Public Law, Executive Orders, Code of Federal Regulations, Federal Register Notices, Office of Management and Budget Circulars, NPDs, NPRs, NIDs, NCs, CPDs, CPRs, CIDs, NASA Technical Standards, NASA Forms, non-NASA Government standards, and other documents.

b. List numbered documents in numerical order first and non-numbered documents list in alphabetical order second within each category.

c. List document and form citations using the following format:
(1) National Aeronautics and Space Act, 51 U.S.C. § 20113 (a).
(2) White House Conference on the Arts Act of 1990, Pub. L. 101-509, 104 Stat. 1427 (1990).
(3) Regulatory Planning and Review, E. O. 12866, 3 CFR 638 (1993).
(4) National Space Grant College and Fellowship Program, 14 CFR pt. 1259.
(5) Environmental statements or availability, 71 FR 67389 (Nov. 21, 2006).
(6) OMB Circular A-19, Legislative Coordination and Clearance (09/20/1979).
(7) NPD 1400.1, Documentation and Promulgation of NASA Internal Requirements.
(8) NPR 1400.1, NASA Directives and Charters Procedural Requirements.
(9) NID 8000.104, Acquisition of Administrative Office Space.
(10) NC 1000.33, Partnership Council.
(11) NASA-STD-8709.2, NASA Safety and Mission Assurance Roles and Responsibilities for Expendable Launch Vehicle Services.
(12) NHQ Form 184, NASA Directive Request Summary.

Note: For documents listed in paragraphs 3.3.2c(1)-(5), the name appears first and the citation location appears second. For documents listed in paragraphs 3.3.2c(6)-(12), the document type and number appear first and the name appears second.

d. Cite documents and forms within the text of directives as follows:

(1) Use the document name and citation location and exclude the name, after first use, when citing within the text of directives for documents described in paragraphs 3.3.2c(1)-(5) (e.g., First use: The National Aeronautics and Space Act, 51 U.S.C. § 20113 (a) - Second use: 51 U.S.C. § 20113 (a)).

(2) Use the document type, number, and name, but exclude the name, after first use, when citing within the text of directives for citations described in paragraphs 3.3.2c(6)-(12) (e.g., First use: NPR 1400.1, NASA Directives and Charters Procedural Requirements - Second use: NPR 1400.1).

e. Exclude the revision letter designation and change numbers when citing or listing NASA directives or charters within NASA directives or charters.

f. Ensure that documents and forms cited in the directive are approved documents that are available to the reader.

g. Include a document's title and URL in a footnote if it is not a Federal statute or regulation, a NASA directive, or is not available in the NASA Technical Standards System to show readers precisely where to find the cited document.

h. Use resource links in NPR 1400.1 to ensure that citations are current and accurate.

i. Use the following abbreviations for citations described in paragraphs 3.3.2b(1)-(5):
(1) United States Code - U.S.C.
(2) Federal Register - FR.
(3) Code of Federal Regulations - CFR.
(4) Part - pt., Parts - pts.
(5) Subpart - subpt., Subparts - subpts.
(6) Appendix - app.
(7) Chapter - ch., Chapters - chs.
(8) Subchapter - subch. Subchapters - subchs.
(9) Section - §, Sections - §§
(10) Section - sec.


Does the NPD use the required format and writing styles described below? If yes, compliant. If no, not compliant.

a. Format Styles:

(1) Use page numbers (e.g., 1, 2, 3) in NPRs, but exclude page numbers from the table of contents.

(2) Align all text along the left margin (i.e., left justify or flush left).

(3) Indent and italicize notes.

(4) Bold section, attachment, figure, and table headings and include a period after each secton number, attachment letter, and figure and table numbers and letters as follows:
(a) 1. [Title].
(b) Attachment A. [Title].
(c) Figure 1. [Title] or Table 1. [Title] in Sections.
(d) Figure A. [Title] or Table A. [Title] in Attachments.

(5) Center figures and tables.

(a) Number all figures and tables (e.g., Figure 1. or Table 1.) placed in chapters using the number of the chapter. Add the figure number and title at the bottom of the figure and add the table number and title at the top of the table. If there is more than one figure or table in a chapter, add a dash and an additional number to indicate that it is the first, second, or third figure or table (e.g., Figure 1-1, 1-2, 1-3, or Table 1-1, 1-2, 1-3, etc.).

(b) Letter all figures and tables (e.g., Figure A. or Table A.) placed in appendices using the letter of the appendix. Add the figure letter and title at the bottom of the figure and add the table letter and title at the top of the table. If there is more than one figure or table in the appendix, add a dash and a number to indicate that it is the first, second, or third table (e.g., Figure A-1, A-2, A-3 or Table A-1, A-2, A-3, etc.).

(6) Number/letter all paragraphs. If there is not a second paragraph immediately following at the same level or no subparagraphs, do not number/letter the paragraph. Exclude periods behind numbered paragraphs (e.g., use 3.5.1 or 3.5.1h, not 3.5.1. or 3.5.1.h.), but include periods behind lettered paragraphs (e.g., use i., not i).

b. Writing Styles:

(1) Use NPR 1450.10 to supplement the style requirements in NPR 1400.1.

(2) Exclude caveat phrases, ambiguous terms, and vague terms (e.g., "as applicable," "as appropriate," "whenever possible," "as soon as possible," "in a timely manner," "etc.") within requirements statements.

(3) Use the correct terms to denote action or other forms of action as follows:
"Shall" denotes mandatory actions (i.e., requirements).
"May" denotes a discretionary privilege or permission.
"Can" denotes statements of possibility or capability.
"Should" denotes a good practice and is recommended, but not required.
"Will" denotes expected outcome.
"Are/Is" denotes descriptive material.

Note: Adherence to paragraphs 3.5.1a(1)-(5) is under the discretion of the Center official responsible for the format styles for Center-level directives.


Does the NPD's attachments exclude requirements "shall" statement for civil service employees? If yes, compliant. If no, not compliant.


Are the NPD's attachment paragraphs numbered using the letter of the attachment (e.g., A.1, A.2), excluding attachments containing acronyms and definitions? If yes, compliant. If no, not compliant.


Are the NPD's definitions listed in Attachment A in accordance with the requirements below? If yes, compliant. If no, not compliant. (a) List the definitions in alphabetical order. (b) Provide only definitions for terms used in the NPD and only if the definitions are different than those used in dictionaries or other standard usage.


Are the NPD's acronyms listed in Attachment B in alphabetical order? If yes, compliant. If no, not compliant.


If there is a measurement/verification matrix, is it included in the NPD's Attachment C? If yes, compliant. If no, not compliant.

Note: To avoid blank attachments, if there are no definitions placed in Attachment A or acronyms placed in Attachment B, a measurement/ verification matrices can be placed in either of these attachments only if there are no other attachments that can be placed before the matrices.

Download Table C-2

Table C-3. NPR 1400.1 Measurement/Verification Matrix
NASA Procedural Requirements (NPR) or Center Procedural Requirements (CPR)

Do developers prepare directives in accordance with the requirements for the content and structure of directives that are specified in this NPR for Agency-level directives initiated or revised after the effective date of this NPR? To determine content compliance, the Mission Support Directive’s Team reviews the contents of each Agency-level directive during the NODIS review and verifies that the content requirements have been met.

1400.1 Paragraph



Not Compliant


Does the NPR's table of contents contain the elements below? If yes, compliant. If no, not compliant:

a. Masthead with the Directive Number, Effective Date, Expiration Date, Responsible Office Title, and Subject Title.

b. Change Log. (Not used in revisions to Agency-level directives.)

c. Preface titles, chapter titles, second-level paragraph titles, and appendix titles.

Note: Figures and tables may be listed in the NPR's table of contents.




Are the NPR's Chapters separated by page breaks and contain subdivided paragraphs that are numbered in accordance with Figure 3-4 below. (Right click to download figure) If yes, compliant. If no, not compliant.


Note: Use Figure 3-2 below if paragraphs go beyond the 4th level. (Right click to download figure)





Does the NPR's Preface contain the six required paragraphs listed below that are numbered in accordance with Figure 3-3 also below? (Right click to download figure) If yes, compliant. If no, not compliant.

P.1 Purpose
P.2 Applicability
P.3 Authority
P.4 Applicable Documents and Forms
P.5 Measurement/Verification
P.6 Cancellation





Does the purpose describe the rationale for establishing the NPR and what will be accomplished by implementing it? If yes, compliant. If no, not compliant.




Does the NPR provide the scope of the required application of the directive by listing the required applicability statements below? If yes, compliant. If no, not compliant.

(a) “This directive is applicable to NASA Headquarters and NASA Centers, including Component Facilities and Technical and Service Support Centers.”

(b) If the directive applies to Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), a Federally Funded Research and Development Center (FFRDC), include this statement, "This directive is applicable to the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, a Federally Funded Research and Development Center (FFRDC), only to the extent specified in the NASA/Caltech Prime Contract." If the directive does not apply to JPL, an FFRDC, remove the applicability statement referencing JPL, an FFRDC, if mentioned.

Note 1: A directive does not apply to JPL, an FFRDC, unless it is on the Listing of the NASA Directives and Standards in the NASA/Caltech (JPL) Prime Contract and has been incorporated into the NASA/Caltech Prime Contract.

Note 2: JPL, an FFRDC, may review new and revised directives even if they are not in the NASA/Caltech Prime Contract, and provide comments or no comments as deemed necessary. However, inherently governmental directives are usually not reviewed by JPL since they only apply to the government.

(c) If the directive applies to other contractors, recipients of grants or cooperative agreements, or parties to other agreements, include this statement, "This directive is applicable to other contractors, recipients of grants or cooperative agreements, or parties to other agreements only to the extent specified in contracts, grants or cooperative agreement, or other agreements."

Note 1: Only list the type of document (i.e., contract, grant, or agreement) to which the directive applies. For example, if the directive is not applicable to a "grant," only list "contract or agreement" to indicate the directive's applicability.

Note 2: This statement alone is not sufficient to stipulate requirements for the contractor or recipient of the grant. Requirements can be delineated by adding a note after the requirements' paragraph. See paragraphs 2.17.2 or 2.20.3 for examples of delineating requirements between civil servants and contractors or recipients of grants.

(d) For CPDs, include a statement similar to 3.6.2c(2)(a) above to ensure applicability at the Center and associated facilities.

(e) “In this directive, all mandatory actions (i.e., requirements) are denoted by statements containing the term “shall.” The terms: “may” or “can” denote discretionary privilege or permission, “should” denoted a good practice and is recommended, but not required, “will” denotes expected outcome, and “are/is” denotes descriptive material.”

(f) “In this directive, all document citations are assumed to be the latest version unless otherwise noted.”




Does the NPR contain a list of directives or external authority(ies) or requirements that justify establishing it? If yes, compliant. If no, not compliant.




Does the NPR contain a list of applicable documents and forms that contain provisions or other pertinent requirements directly related and necessary to the performance of the activities specified by the directive? If not, is "None" stated? If yes, compliant. If no, not compliant.




Does the NPR have measurement/verification statements that explain how compliance with requirements will be measured/verified to support senior management’s evaluation of performance? Do these statements omit use of the term “shall?". If yes, compliant. If no, not compliant.




Are the NPR's cancelled directives listed with the number(s), title(s), and effective date(s)? If there are no cancellations, is “None” stated? If yes, compliant. If no, not compliant.




Does the NPR's "shall" statements, if any, comply with the requirements in the requirements, along with Table A also below? (Right click to download table) If yes, compliant. If no, not compliant.

a. Identify all requirements statements by using the term “shall” to denote mandatory compliance.

b. Designate at least one official (by position title) or organization or office title as responsible and accountable for development, implementation, maintenance, and/or verification of the requirement set forth in the “shall” statement.

c. Identify what action should be accomplished or what product should be provided to demonstrate compliance with the requirement.

d. Identify specific requirements, not general responsibilities with broad application.

e. Provide a description of how requirements will be measured/verified in the measurement/verification section of the directive.

f. Separately state each individual requirement statement (i.e., one “shall” statement per single paragraph and one “shall” statement per paragraph with subparagraphs).

g. Exclude replication of existing internal or external policy statements, procedural requirements, responsibilities, or text from other documents. However, paraphrasing or cross-referencing may be used to summarize information in a way that is significantly different from the original text (i.e., responsible office’s own words). NASA directives may supplement, clarify, or make more stringent external requirements or designate who is responsible for implementation of external requirements.

h. Exclude technical requirements in NASA directives. Technical requirements may be included in NASA technical standards, then cited in NASA directives.





Are the NPR's document citations cited according to their purpose as described below? If yes, compliant. If no, not compliant.

a. Authority document citations list the higher-level document(s) that authorize establishing the policy or requirements contained in the directive. Authority documents can be cited in the text of directives in order to provide the context, as determined by the Responsible Office.

b. Applicable documents and forms citations consist of documents and forms incorporated by reference in the text of the directive, contain provisions or other pertinent requirements directly related to and necessary for the performance of the activities specified by the directive, and use only controlled and current forms.

(1) Cite all applicable documents and forms listed in P.4 at least once within the text of the NPR. Use statements to introduce applicable documents and forms (e.g., as required by, according to, under, or per).

(2) Conversely, list all applicable documents and forms cited within the text of the NPR in P.4.

c. References are documents that may be cited in the text of the directive, but do not constitute requirements to perform activities in the directive. These documents may consist of internal and external requirements and other resources considered to be useful as background information for the reader (to help in understanding the subject-matter).

(1) If citing reference documents listed in an NPR's appendix, cite at least once in the text of the directive. Use statements to introduce reference documents (e.g., additional information on this subject is available at/in..., for additional information, see...).

(2) Conversely, list reference documents cited in the text of the NPR in in the appendix.




Are the NPD's document citations cited and listed in accordance with the formatting requirements below? If yes, compliant. If no, not compliant.

a. List documents in the following order: United States Code, Public Law, Executive Orders, Code of Federal Regulations, Federal Register Notices, Office of Management and Budget Circulars, NPDs, NPRs, NIDs, NCs, CPDs, CPRs, CIDs, NASA Technical Standards, NASA Forms, non-NASA Government standards, and other documents.

b. List numbered documents in numerical order first and non-numbered documents list in alphabetical order second within each category.

c. List document and form citations using the following format:
(1) National Aeronautics and Space Act, 51 U.S.C. § 20113 (a).
(2) White House Conference on the Arts Act of 1990, Pub. L. 101-509, 104 Stat. 1427 (1990).
(3) Regulatory Planning and Review, E. O. 12866, 3 CFR 638 (1993).
(4) National Space Grant College and Fellowship Program, 14 CFR pt. 1259.
(5) Environmental statements or availability, 71 FR 67389 (Nov. 21, 2006).
(6) OMB Circular A-19, Legislative Coordination and Clearance (09/20/1979).
(7) NPD 1400.1, Documentation and Promulgation of NASA Internal Requirements.
(8) NPR 1400.1, NASA Directives and Charters Procedural Requirements.
(9) NID 8000.104, Acquisition of Administrative Office Space.
(10) NC 1000.33, Partnership Council.
(11) NASA-STD-8709.2, NASA Safety and Mission Assurance Roles and Responsibilities for Expendable Launch Vehicle Services.
(12) NHQ Form 184, NASA Directive Request Summary.

Note: For documents listed in paragraphs 3.3.2c(1)-(5), the name appears first and the citation location appears second. For documents listed in paragraphs 3.3.2c(6)-(12), the document type and number appear first and the name appears second.

d. Cite documents and forms within the text of directives as follows:

(1) Use the document name and citation location and exclude the name, after first use, when citing within the text of directives for documents described in paragraphs 3.3.2c(1)-(5) (e.g., First use: The National Aeronautics and Space Act, 51 U.S.C. § 20113 (a) - Second use: 51 U.S.C. § 20113 (a)).

(2) Use the document type, number, and name, but exclude the name, after first use, when citing within the text of directives for citations described in paragraphs 3.3.2c(6)-(12) (e.g., First use: NPR 1400.1, NASA Directives and Charters Procedural Requirements - Second use: NPR 1400.1).

e. Exclude the revision letter designation and change numbers when citing or listing NASA directives or charters within NASA directives or charters.

f. Ensure that documents and forms cited in the directive are approved documents that are available to the reader.

g. Include a document’s title and URL in a footnote if it is not a Federal statute or regulation, a NASA directive, or is not available in the NASA Technical Standards System to show readers precisely where to find the cited document.

h. Use resource links in NPR 1400.1 to ensure that citations are current and accurate.

i. Use the following abbreviations for citations described in paragraphs 3.3.2b(1)-(5):
(1) United States Code - U.S.C.
(2) Federal Register - FR.
(3) Code of Federal Regulations - CFR.
(4) Part - pt., Parts - pts.
(5) Subpart - subpt., Subparts - subpts.
(6) Appendix - app.
(7) Chapter - ch., Chapters - chs.
(8) Subchapter - subch. Subchapters - subchs.
(9) Section - §, Sections - §§
(10) Section - sec.




Does the NPR use the required format and writing styles described below? If yes, compliant. If no, not compliant.

a. Format Styles:

(1) Use page numbers (e.g., 1, 2, 3) in NPRs, but exclude page numbers from the table of contents.

(2) Align all text along the left margin (i.e., left justify or flush left).

(3) Indent and italicize notes.

(4) Bold chapter, appendix, and second-level paragraph section headings and include a period after each chapter number, appendix letter, and figure and table numbers and letters as follows:
(a) Chapter 1. [Title].
(b) Appendix A. [Title].
(c) 1.1 [Title].
(d) Figure 1. [Title] or Table 1. [Title] in Chapters.
(e) Figure A. [Title] or Table A. [Title] in Appendices.

(5) Center figures and tables.

(a) Number all figures and tables (e.g., Figure 1. or Table 1.) placed in chapters using the number of the chapter. Add the figure number and title at the bottom of the figure and add the table number and title at the top of the table. If there is more than one figure or table in a chapter, add a dash and an additional number to indicate that it is the first, second, or third figure or table (e.g., Figure 1-1, 1-2, 1-3, or Table 1-1, 1-2, 1-3, etc.).

(b) Letter all figures and tables (e.g., Figure A. or Table A.) placed in appendices using the letter of the appendix. Add the figure letter and title at the bottom of the figure and add the table letter and title at the top of the table. If there is more than one figure or table in the appendix, add a dash and a number to indicate that it is the first, second, or third table (e.g., Figure A-1, A-2, A-3 or Table A-1, A-2, A-3, etc.).

(6) Number/letter all paragraphs. If there is not a second paragraph immediately following at the same level or no subparagraphs, do not number/letter the paragraph. Exclude periods behind numbered paragraphs (e.g., use 3.5.1 or 3.5.1h, not 3.5.1. or 3.5.1.h.), but include periods behind lettered paragraphs (e.g., use i., not i).

b. Writing Styles:

(1) Use NPR 1450.10 to supplement the style requirements in NPR 1400.1.

(2) Exclude caveat phrases, ambiguous terms, and vague terms (e.g., “as applicable,” “as appropriate,” “whenever possible,” “as soon as possible,” “in a timely manner,” “etc.”) within requirements statements.

(3) Use the correct terms to denote action or other forms of action as follows:
"Shall" denotes mandatory actions (i.e., requirements).
"May" denotes a discretionary privilege or permission.
"Can" denotes statements of possibility or capability.
"Should" denotes a good practice and is recommended, but not required.
"Will" denotes expected outcome.
"Are/Is" denotes descriptive material.

Note: Adherence to paragraphs 3.5.1a(1)-(4) is under the discretion of the Center official responsible for the format styles for Center-level directives.




Are the NPR's appendices separated by page brakes and attached at the end? If yes, compliant. If no, not compliant.




Does the NPR's appendices exclude requirements "shall" statement for civil service employees? If yes, compliant. If no, not compliant.




Are the NPR's appendix paragraphs numbered using the letter of the appendix (e.g., A.1, A.2), excluding appendices containing acronyms and definitions? If yes, compliant. If no, not compliant.




Are the NPR's definitions listed in Appendix A in accordance with the requirements below? If yes, compliant. If no, not compliant.
(i) List the definitions in alphabetical order.
(ii) Provide only definitions for terms used in the NPR and only if the definitions are different than those used in dictionaries or other standard usage.
(iii) Use bullets (e.g., “?”) for definitions with extended explanations.




Are the NPR's acronyms listed in Appendix B in alphabetical order? If yes, compliant. If no, not compliant.




If there is a measurement/verification matrix, is it included in the NPR's Appendix C? If yes, compliant. If no, not compliant.

Note: To avoid blank appendices, if there are no definitions placed in Appendix A or acronyms placed in Appendix B, a measurement/verification matrices can be placed in either of these appendices only if there are no other appendices that can be placed before the matrices.



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