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NPR 1400.1H
Effective Date: March 29, 2019
Expiration Date: December 31, 2024
Printable Format (PDF)

Subject: NASA Directives and Charters Procedural Requirements (Updated w/Change 10)

Responsible Office: Chief of Staff

| TOC | ChangeLog | Preface | Chapter1 | Chapter2 | Chapter3 | Chapter4 | Chapter5 | AppendixA | AppendixB | AppendixC | AppendixD | AppendixE | AppendixF | ALL |

Appendix E. Sample Cost/Benefit Impacts

E.1 Impact to Headquarters (HQ) and Center Responsible Offices

E.1.1 HQ and Center Responsible Offices will need to exclude requirements (i.e., shall statements) from NPDs and CPDs that have corresponding NPRs and CPRs. The benefit of this requirement is that it allows requirements to be documented in the responsibility section of NPDs and CPDs that do not have corresponding NPRs and CPRs. There are no costs or burdens associated with these requirements, as applicability begins when these NPDs and CPDs are revised.

E.1.2 HQ and Center Responsible Offices, requesting waiver from requirements in NPR 1400.1, will need to complete Table C. The benefit of implementing Table C is to ensure that the information, described in paragraphs 5.4.2a-e, is submitted in order to determine if the waiver is justified. There are no costs associated or burdens associated with this requirement because only the methodology for requesting waivers has changed from submitting memorandum to request waivers to submitting Table C, not the process itself.

E.1.3 Responsible Offices at HQ will need to e-mail the final draft of directives, a redlined version to show where the changes are made, and summaries of the significant changes made to directives to GC for a legal review and HCO to coordinate a 30-day union consultation at the end of the comment and disposition period instead of before the official review begins and prior to submitting the signature package This is a minor adjustment to the current process, as it only changes the point at which drafts are forwarded to HCO for the union consultation, but now includes GC in that distribution. GC's review of the final draft will be done simultaneously with the union consultation, and GC will complete its review of the signature package before approval continues. The benefit of implementing this requirement is that it enables legal review and union consultation on final drafts that incorporate comments received during the comment and disposition period that potentially yield significant changes from the initial drafts. There are no costs or burdens associated with this requirement, as only the process steps are being rearranged.

E.2 Impact to the NMO

The NMO will need to review all directives that reference JPL (an FFRDC) as having applicability, in order to verify if requirements described in directives are also described in the Caltech contract with the FFRDC. The benefit of this verification is that it will enable the Agency to ensure that requirements applicable to FFRDC are consistently described in both directives and in the Caltech contract and will enable the Agency to remove the FFRDC applicability statements from directives that are not applicable. There are no costs or burdens associated with this requirements.

E.3 Impact to Agency DMs

Agency DMs will need to ensure that directive originators adhere to the new changes in NPR 1400.1 as respective directives are created or revised. There are no costs associated with this requirement as processes are already in place to ensure that DMs comply. The benefit of implementing these requirements is that it provides DMs clarification on what they are required to do to manage directives activities in their organizations.

| TOC | ChangeLog | Preface | Chapter1 | Chapter2 | Chapter3 | Chapter4 | Chapter5 | AppendixA | AppendixB | AppendixC | AppendixD | AppendixE | AppendixF | ALL |
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