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NPR 3600.1C
Effective Date: September 01, 2022
Expiration Date: September 01, 2027
Printable Format (PDF)

Subject: Attendance and Leave

Responsible Office: Office of the Chief Human Capital Officer

| TOC | Preface | Chapter1 | Chapter2 | Chapter3 | Chapter4 | Chapter5 | Chapter6 | Chapter7 | AppendixA | AppendixB | AppendixC | ALL |

Chapter 7. Emergency Leave Transfer Program (ELTP)

7.1 Overview

7.1.1 This chapter sets forth required procedures for processing annual leave donations and employee requests to become a leave recipient under an ELTP that has been authorized by OPM and the Agency as a result of a major disaster or emergency that results in severe adverse effects (e.g., loss of life or property, serious injury, or mental illness as a result of a direct threat to life or health) for a substantial number of employees in accordance with 5 CFR pt. 630.

7.1.2 The ELTP provides a method under which unused accrued/restored annual leave of an employee may be donated to an ELTP to assist emergency leave transfer recipients approved to receive such leave due to the established major disaster or emergency.

7.1.3 The NSSC, in coordination with the Agency program manager establishes and communicates procedures for donating leave and submitting applications to become a leave recipient.

7.1.4 The ELTP Board consists of three to five individuals, including:

a. OCHCO senior manager.

b. Servicing HR Director (or designee).

c. Labor representative.

d. Senior Center representative (optional).

7.2 Eligibility

7.2.1 All Agency employees who are eligible to earn annual leave may donate leave to the ELTP.

7.2.2 Any employee who earns annual leave and has been adversely affected by the established emergency or disaster may submit a leave recipient request. Employees may also apply for donated annual leave to assist an affected family member provided that the family member has no reasonable access to other forms of assistance.

7.2.3 An employee or the family member is considered to be adversely affected if the established disaster or emergency has caused a severe hardship to such a degree that the employee's absence from work is required. When an employee applies for the emergency leave transfer program, the ELTP Board may require the employee to document his or her relationship to a family member.

7.3 Procedures for Donating Leave

7.3.1 An employee may voluntarily submit a request via the Agency time and attendance system to donate or transfer a specified number of hours of accrued or restored annual leave to the Agency ELTP. Employees will be notified when leave donations are accepted.

7.3.2 Leave hours may be donated to an ELTP bank from the Agency's VLBP, with the approval of the VLBP Board or, during a Government-wide transfer of annual leave, by another agency.

7.3.3 Employees may donate an unlimited amount of leave to an established ELTP bank, subject to ELTP Board limitations.

7.4 Application to Become an Emergency Leave Recipient

7.4.1 An employee may apply to become a leave recipient by submitting a completed application via the Agency time and attendance system. If an employee is not able to apply, a personal representative may submit a written request using OPM Form 1637, Application to Become a Leave Recipient Under the Emergency Leave Transfer Program, on behalf of the employee.

7.5 Approval of Leave Recipients

7.5.1 The ELTP Board decides on all employee requests to become a leave recipient and determines the leave distribution (i.e., number of hours to eligible recipients) based on the employee's requested number of hours, the estimated duration of the emergency, and the total number of eligible recipients and the number of hours available in the ELTP bank.

7.5.2 The ELTP Board shall document decisions and provide a written rationale for disapproval of a request. All decisions are reported to the NSSC for processing.

7.6 Distribution of Leave Hours to Approved Recipients

An emergency leave recipient may receive a maximum of 240 hours of donated annual leave at any one time from an ELTP for each disaster or emergency. The ELTP Board may allow an employee to receive additional disbursements of donated annual leave based on the continuance of an ongoing disaster or emergency and the employee's continuing need. Each disbursement of transferred annual leave may not exceed 240 hours.

7.7 Accrual of Leave While Using Donated Leave

An emergency leave recipient using donated leave continues to accrue annual and sick leave at the same rate as if the employee were in a paid leave status. The employee's annual leave is subject to annual leave limitations in paragraph 3.5.1.

7.8 Use of Donated leave

7.8.1 An approved emergency leave recipient is not required to exhaust accrued annual and sick leave before receiving donated annual leave under the ELTP. In accordance with applicable regulations, any donated annual leave an emergency leave recipient receives from an ELTP bank may be used only for purposes related to the disaster or emergency for which the emergency leave recipient was approved.

7.8.2 Leave recipients will document use of ELTP donated leave in the Agency time and attendance system.

7.9 Termination of a Disaster/Emergency

7.9.1 Employees can only use donated leave for a set time, which is determined by the ELTP Board in accordance with applicable regulations outlined in 5 CFR ยง 630.1116.

7.9.2 When the emergency is terminated, any unused donated leave will be returned to the leave donor(s).

| TOC | Preface | Chapter1 | Chapter2 | Chapter3 | Chapter4 | Chapter5 | Chapter6 | Chapter7 | AppendixA | AppendixB | AppendixC | ALL |
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