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NPR 3730.1A
Effective Date: June 13, 2018
Expiration Date: December 13, 2028
Printable Format (PDF)

Subject: NASA Suitability Program (Updated with Change 2)

Responsible Office: Office of the Chief Human Capital Officer

| TOC | ChangeHistory | Preface | Chapter1 | Chapter2 | Chapter3 | Chapter4 | AppendixA | AppendixB | ALL |

Chapter 1. Introduction

1.1 Scope

1.1.1 This directive applies to individuals being considered for employment or for appointees, defined as employees who are in their first year of Federal appointment, and employees subject to background investigations in accordance with 5 CFR ยง 731.104.

1.1.2 A suitability action is the cancellation of eligibility, removal, cancellation of reinstatement eligibility, or a debarment. A non-selection of an applicant, including the cancellation of eligibility for a specific position or a withdrawal of a tentative job offer is not considered a suitability action, even if it is based on the criteria for making a suitability determination.

1.1.3 A suitability or fitness determination is separate and distinct from a security clearance determination or a Homeland Security Presidential Directive (HSPD) -12 determination, which are based on the person's personal conduct or influences that could affect his or her trustworthiness and whether or not the person is an unacceptable risk to life, safety, or health to persons, assets, networks, or information, respectively. These programs are the responsibility of the Assistant Administrator (AA), Office of Protective Services (OPS).

1.1.4 Other matters relating to an employee's character or conduct are outside the scope of this directive. Consult your Human Resources advisor for further information.

1.2 Authority to Take Suitability Actions

1.2.1 The NSSC manages and administers the Agency suitability program in accordance with 5 CFR pt. 731.

1.2.2 Suitability actions are processed in accordance with 5 CFR 731, subpt. D.

1.2.3 A suitability action is not authorized for employees who have completed the first year in a position that is subject to an investigation or for applicants or appointees to positions not covered by suitability regulations. In these situations, management officials will consult HR for advice on the appropriate course of action.

1.2.4 A suitability action is not authorized for any employee who has completed the first year in a position that is subject to an investigation or for applicants or appointees to positions not covered by suitability regulations. In these situations, management officials will consult HR for advice on the appropriate course of action.

1.3 Suitability and Fitness Determinations

1.3.1 Suitability concerns an individual's character or conduct that may have an impact on the integrity or efficiency of the service. Covered positions are competitive service positions, excepted service positions that can be non-competitively converted to the competitive service, and career appointments in the Senior Executive Service (SES). Suitability determinations are made by the NSSC.

1.3.2 Fitness is a term used by the Agency to describe the examination of an individual's character or conduct that may have an impact on the integrity or efficiency of the service for positions not covered by suitability regulations, such as an excepted service position under 5 CFR pt. 302. Fitness determinations are made by the Centers, based on investigative reports completed by the NSSC.

1.3.3 As a condition of employment, applicants, appointees, and employees are subject to background investigations commensurate with the position designated risk or sensitivity level of their position in order to protect the integrity and promote the efficiency of the service, unless the person has been previously determined suitable or fit under criteria established in 5 CFR pt. 731. The completion and favorable adjudication of a background investigation to determine suitability or fitness is a prerequisite for receiving an initial appointment and maintaining employment with the Federal Government.

Note: Since Federal agency fitness determination procedures may vary, the Agency will provide for reciprocal recognition of existing investigations and favorable adjudications for fitness only when equivalent 5 CFR pt. 731 adjudicative criteria was used.

1.3.4 Determinations are to be sufficiently documented to support the decision on whether employment, or continued employment, would or would not protect the integrity or promote the efficiency of the service.

1.3.5 A new background investigation will be initiated when an employee's position requires a higher level of investigation or when new information on an employee raises fitness questions.

| TOC | ChangeHistory | Preface | Chapter1 | Chapter2 | Chapter3 | Chapter4 | AppendixA | AppendixB | ALL |
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