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NPR 6000.1H
Effective Date: November 10, 2010
Expiration Date: June 10, 2025
Printable Format (PDF)

Subject: Requirements for Packaging, Handling, and Transportation for Aeronautical and Space Systems, Equipment, and Associated Components

Responsible Office: Office of Strategic Infrastructure

| TOC | Preface | Chapter1 | Chapter2 | Chapter3 | AppendixA | AppendixB | AppendixC | ALL |

Appendix A: Definitions

Classes of Shipping and Handling. Designation of the criticality and complexity of shipping a particular item based on the following:

Class I. Mission-essential items that, in the event of loss, damage, or delay in shipment, would adversely affect the program or project.

Class II. Delicate or sensitive items not covered by Class I or Class III. These items are those that may be damaged readily by improper handling.

Class III. Items requiring special handling and monitoring.

Class IV. Those items that may be transported or handled through the use of normal commercial transportation means.

Contract Date Requirements List. A listing of the technical information and reports required for a contract including submittal and approval criteria and instruction.

Contractor. The Center transportation support services contractor or a program or project contractor responsible for shipping on behalf of NASA.

Hazmat Employees. All persons who participate in shipping hazardous materials, such as explosives or radioactive materials.

Levels of Protection for Preservation, Packaging, and Packing. Designation of the protection level required for shipping a particular item based on the following:

Level A. Maximum protection level required for protection of material against the most severe worldwide shipment, handling, and storage conditions.

Level B. Intermediate protection level required for protection of material under anticipated favorable conditions during worldwide shipment, handling, and storage conditions.

Level C. Minimum protection level required for protection of material under known favorable conditions.

Mission Essential Item. An item of equipment or a part for which the lack of immediate issue on call at the demand source would adversely affect a program or project schedule, safety, or reliability.

NASA Critical Space Item Label. A standardized, distinctive label that is prominently displayed on all interior and exterior shipping containers for items on the Transport Critical Item List. The label alerts shipping and handling personnel to the criticality of the item.

Packaging. The application and use of adequate protective measures to prevent damage during transportation and storage, including application of package wraps, cushioning, and complete identification markings.

Packaging, Handling and Transportation Record, NASA Form 1426. The official record defining the specific levels and means of preservation, packaging, packing, marking, handling, and shipping instructions for mission-essential items.

Packing. The final placement of items or packages in exterior shipping containers or other media, including necessary blocking, bracing, cushioning, weatherproofing, exterior strapping, and marking.

Preservation. The application and use of adequate protective measures to prevent deterioration from environmental hazards. Measures include appropriate cleaning and drying methods, preservatives, and wrapping for protection from chemical danger.

Special Design Packaging. Packaging that is used for items possessing characteristics requiring specially designed cushioning, blocking and bracing, or specially designed containers to provide necessary protection. The approval of a packaging engineer or specialist is required. Special design packaging applies to items that present any of the following:

a. Special handling, packaging, or transportation problems because of restrictive shock or vibration characteristics.

b. A requirement for special environmental control.

c. A requirement for special or critical pressure or temperature limits.

d. A requirement for specialized container design, handling devices, fixtures, or monitoring devices.

e. A requirement to meet special conditions and limitations of storage.

f. Special kitting requirements containing hazardous materials.

g. Kitting processes containing special design packaging.

Transport Critical Item List. A list of items prepared by the contractor and approved by a Center Transportation Officer. The list includes items that are deemed mission essential or that require special handling, monitoring, or an escort.

Transportation Official. The official(s) assigned the central responsibility for implementing traffic management functions.

Unit Package. The first tie wrap or container applied to a single item or several items of the same identifying number or nomenclature, or a group of items included under one identifying number or nomenclature that comprise a complete or identifiable package.

| TOC | Preface | Chapter1 | Chapter2 | Chapter3 | AppendixA | AppendixB | AppendixC | ALL |
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