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NPR 7120.11A
Effective Date: September 08, 2020
Expiration Date: September 08, 2025
Printable Format (PDF)

Subject: NASA Health and Medical Technical Authority (HMTA) Implementation

Responsible Office: Office of the Chief Health & Medical Officer

| TOC | Preface | Chapter1 | Chapter2 | Chapter3 | Chapter4 | Chapter5 | AppendixA | AppendixB | AppendixC | ALL |

Appendix A. Definitions

Acceptance. Agreement by the appropriate NASA management official to the change in the level of risk to programs, hardware, and personnel and taking the responsibility for the potential outcome of any increase in risk.

Adjudication. The process of review, concurrence, and approval of a request for relief from an Agency-wide HMTA standard. The process includes the approval or disapproval of the request by the CHMO (or delegated approval authority) and acceptance or rejection of the change in risk and acceptance of the new risk level by the appropriate NASA management official. A request is adjudicated when all steps in the process are complete.

Aeronautics. Activities related with the study, design, and manufacturing of air flight capable machines and the techniques of operating aircraft and rockets within the atmosphere.

Approval. Decision by the HMTA that a program or project position, issue resolution, or request for relief from HMTA standards, or program or project level requirement may be implemented after the appropriate NASA management official accepts the risk.

Chief Health and Performance Officer (CHPO). Personnel delegated by the LHIC CMO to serve as the direct HMTA working interface with programs or projects.

Chief Medical Officer (CMO). A physician assigned to designated NASA Centers by the CHMO who serves as the delegated HMTA for that Center.

Concurrence. A documented agreement by a management official that a proposed course of action associated with a program or project position, issue resolution, request for relief from HMTA standards, or program or project level requirements is acceptable.

Decide and Inform. Philosophy used by HMTA that allows lower level TAs to make independent decisions that are risk-neutral or reduce risk and also keep the next higher level of HMTA informed of those decisions.

Delegation. The official process for assigning TA to a named individual and communication of that delegation to the appropriate community.

Deviation. A documented authorization releasing a program or project from meeting a requirement before the requirement is put under configuration control at the level the requirement will be implemented.

Formal Dissent. A disagreement with a decision or action that is based on a sound rationale (not on unyielding opposition) that an individual judges is of sufficient importance that it warrants a specific review and decision by higher-level management, and the individual specifically requests that the dissent be recorded and resolved by the Formal Dissent process.

First Instantiation. The first representation of a standard in program or project-level requirements.

Health. Individual/cohort physical and psychological well-being.

Human Performance. The capabilities and needs of the human defined by physical, cognitive, and psychological traits that are applied to the design of vehicles and operational tasks to achieve mission success as captured in HMTA Standards.

Human System. The Human's capabilities and needs when considered in a systematic fashion programmatically on an equal footing to other systems in a given architecture.

Human System Disciplines. The family of human-related clinical, technical, and scientific disciplines closely associated with the performance capabilities and needs of the human (e.g. clinical medicine, nutrition, toxicology, physical performance, cognitive abilities, human factors, microbiology, and health physics) as captured in NASA STD 3001, NASA Space Flight Human System Standards.

Medical. The prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of acute or chronic illness or injury.

Relief. A waiver, deviation, or request for determination of non-applicability to modify or eliminate a stated standard and usually not meet the full intent and letter of the standard as stated.

Risk-Based Decision-Making. The process that organizes information about the possibility of various outcomes into an orderly structure that helps decision makers make better informed management choices.

Risk Neutral. Outcomes of programmatic decisions, proposed implementation, pursuit of standards/requirements deviations, and/or waivers that do not change the overall likelihood and consequence of the health, medical, and human performance risks baselined by CHMO for a particular program or project.

Subject Matter Expert (SME). Person recognized as an expert in the technical area under review.

Tailoring. The process used to adjust or seek relief from a prescribed requirement to accommodate the needs of a specific task or activity (e.g., program or project). If revised requirement meets/exceeds the parent standard, and has no increase in risk from the original requirement, then it may be accepted/implemented by the appropriate delegated authority; otherwise, a waiver/deviation may be required.

Technical Authority (TA). A part of NASA's checks and balances system that provide independent oversight of programs and projects in support of safety and mission success through the selection of individuals at delegated levels of authority. TA delegations are formal and traceable to the Administrator. Individuals with TA are funded independently of a program or project.

Technical Standards. NASA documents that contain common and repeated use of rules, conditions, guidelines, or characteristics for products, or related processes, production methods and related management system practices.

Traceability. The process of mapping original standards and requirements to implementing requirements.

Waiver. A documented authorization releasing a program or project from meeting a requirement after the requirement is put under configuration control at the level the requirement will be implemented.

| TOC | Preface | Chapter1 | Chapter2 | Chapter3 | Chapter4 | Chapter5 | AppendixA | AppendixB | AppendixC | ALL |
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