NASA Procedural Requirements |
NPR 8079.1 Effective Date: June 27, 2023 Expiration Date: June 27, 2028 |
| TOC | Preface | Chapter1 | Chapter2 | Chapter3 | Chapter4 | Chapter5 | AppendixA | AppendixB | AppendixC | AppendixD | AppendixE | AppendixF | ALL | |
The Compliance Matrix in Table C-1 documents the project's compliance with the requirements of this NPR or how the project is tailoring the requirements. The project manager fills out the Compliance Matrix and attaches the completed matrix to the OCAP when the OCAP is submitted for approval signatures.
For tailoring the NPR requirements, the project manager fills out the Compliance Matrix, obtains signatures for tailored requirements (see description below), and attaches the completed matrix to the OCAP when the OCAP is submitted for approval signatures. (See Tailoring in Section 3.5.3 of NPD 1000.0.)
Columns 1 and 2 identify the requirement.
Column 3 designates the organization responsible for maintaining the requirement for the Agency. The head of OCE has the authority to approve tailoring unless this authority has been delegated.
Column 4 designates the person to whom the requirement applies. "PM" stands for project manager in this table.
Column 5 is filled in by the project to identify their approach to the requirement. The program/project inserts an "FC" if they intend to be fully compliant with the requirement, a "T" for "tailored" if they are seeking relief (waiver) from the requirement, or "NA" for a requirement that is "not applicable." If the project plans on being fully compliant ("FC"), the remaining columns are left blank.
Column 6 is used to provide a justification. If the project believes the requirement to be "NA," the rationale is described in the "Justification" column. If the project is seeking a waiver ("T"), the rationale is summarized in the "Justification" column.
Column 7 contains the name, title, and signature of the requirement owner or delegate to indicate that approval for a "T" or "NA" in Column 6 has been obtained from the organization responsible for the requirement.
Table C-1 NASA Spacecraft Conjunction Analysis and Collision Avoidance for Space Environment Protection Compliance Matrix
Para # | Requirement Statement | Req Owner | Applic-able to | Compliance (FC, T, NA) | Justification | Approval |
2.2.1 | MDAAs (or as delegated to the program or project manager) shall levy the requirements from this directive in solicitations that are intended to result in a NASA-owned or -operated spacecraft and allocate the requirements to spacecraft and supporting ground system element providers. | OCE | MDAA | |||
.1.2 | The project manager shall ensure the spacecraft can be tracked from deployment until demise. | OCE | PM | |||
3.2.1 | Project managers shall provide input to and work iteratively with CARA or JSC FOD to develop an OCAP that documents how the project will incorporate the capacity to meet the requirements of this directive into the design and operation of each spacecraft under their authority. | OCE | PM | |||
3.3.2 | For HSF-related missions, project managers shall discuss with JSC FOD whether an agreement is needed (i.e., the CAOIA) that documents the conjunction assessment screening, conjunction risk assessment, conjunction mitigation steps, flight dynamics operations concept (including maneuvers), and the communication and coordination process between the project manager and CARA . | OCE (Delegated to CARA) | ||||
3.3.3 | For non-HSF-related missions, project managers shall establish with CARA an agreement (i.e., the CAOIA) that documents the conjunction assessment screening, conjunction risk assessment, conjunction mitigation steps, flight dynamics operations concept (including maneuvers), and the communication and coordination process between the project manager and CARA. | OCE (Delegated to CARA) | PM | |||
3.3.4 | When changes to the flight dynamics operations concept (including maneuvers) are needed that are not already captured in the approved CAOIA, the project manager shall provide the updated information (e.g., orbital parameter or trajectory) to CARA or JSC FOD 30 days prior to implementing the changes. | OCE (Delegated to CARA) | PM | ||| | Project managers shall provide launch-related information to CARA or JSC FOD as soon as it is available. | OCE (Delegated to CARA or JSC FOD) | PM | ||| | Project managers shall provide updated predicted ephemerides for each spacecraft under their authority as soon as communications are established and sufficient tracking data are received from the payload(s) to update the separation ephemerides. | OCE (Delegated to CARA or JSC FOD) | PM | |||
4.4.5 | Prior to finalizing their ascent plan and disposal plan, project managers shall coordinate with JSC FOD to identify and mitigate persistent or problematic orbital crossings with HSF missions (including the ISS). | OCE (Delegated to JSC FOD) | PM | |||
5.2.1 | The project manager shall coordinate all maneuver efforts with CARA or JSC FOD. | OCE (Delegated to CARA or JSC FOD) | PM | |||
5.2.2 | For maneuverable spacecraft, the project manager shall promptly inform CARA or JSC FOD of all anomalies that either affect the ability to perform conjunction mitigation or compromise agreements documented in the CAOIA. | OCE (Delegated to CARA or JSC FOD) | PM |
| TOC | Preface | Chapter1 | Chapter2 | Chapter3 | Chapter4 | Chapter5 | AppendixA | AppendixB | AppendixC | AppendixD | AppendixE | AppendixF | ALL | |
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