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NPR 8079.1
Effective Date: June 27, 2023
Expiration Date: June 27, 2028
Printable Format (PDF)

Subject: NASA Spacecraft Conjunction Analysis and Collision Avoidance for Space Environment Protection

Responsible Office: Office of the Chief Engineer

| TOC | Preface | Chapter1 | Chapter2 | Chapter3 | Chapter4 | Chapter5 | AppendixA | AppendixB | AppendixC | AppendixD | AppendixE | AppendixF | ALL |

Chapter 2. Roles and Responsibilities

2.1 Office of the NASA Chief Engineer

For the requirements in this directive, the NASA Chief Engineer resolves issues that may occur between CARA or JSC FOD and MDAAs or space flight program or project managers.

2.2 Mission Directorate Associate Administrators

2.2.1 MDAAs (or as delegated to the program or project manager) shall levy the requirements from this directive in solicitations that are intended to result in a NASA-owned or -operated spacecraft and allocate the requirements to spacecraft and supporting ground system element providers.

2.2.2 MDAAs consider including these requirements in other types of NASA agreements or awards associated with non-NASA-owned and -operated spacecraft. Considering the protection of the space environment, MDAAs weigh the inclusion of these requirements in balance with supporting the goals of the agreement or award.

2.2.3 MDAAs are encouraged to engage with partners to share the intent of the requirements in this directive and the best practices elucidated in the NASA Spacecraft Conjunction Assessment and Collision Avoidance Best Practices Handbook (hereafter referred to as the "CA2 Handbook"). (See the CA2 Handbook on the Office of Chief Engineer (OCE) tab in the NASA Online Directives Information System (NODIS) at https://nodis3.gsfc.nasa.gov/OCE_docs/OCE_51.pdf.)

2.2.4 In coordination with CARA or JSC FOD, MDAAs engage with partners to understand the partner's operational procedures for conjunction risk assessment.

2.2.5 MDAAs provide, as soon as available, pre-launch predicted trajectory data from the launch provider for all objects on the launch stack to CARA or JSC FOD for colocation analysis.

2.3 Project Managers

2.3.1 This directive assigns responsibilities to project managers. These responsibilities also apply to the equivalent of the project manager in operations, which may be called the "spacecraft operations manager" or other titles. Under special circumstances, the program manager may fulfill the role of the project manager.

2.3.2 Project managers are responsible for developing an OCAP and obtaining concurrence from CARA or JSC FOD for each spacecraft under their authority. (See Chapter 3.)

2.3.3 For non-HSF missions, project managers are also responsible for developing a CAOIA and obtaining approval from CARA for each spacecraft under their authority. (See Chapter 3.) HSF missions typically do not develop a CAOIA, but project managers should consult with JSC FOD on whether a CAOIA is required.

2.3.4 Project managers identify the governing office of record and records management plan to determine the records retention requirements of the OCAP and CAOIA consistent with other project management documents. (Refer to NASA Records Retention Schedules (NRRS) 1441.1, which can be found at: https://nodis3.gsfc.nasa.gov/NPR_attachments/NRRS_1441.1.pdf)

2.3.5 Project managers are responsible for mitigating risks to their spacecraft, mitigating conjunctions, and maintaining a sustainable space environment.

2.3.6 If additional SSA data are required (from USSPACECOM), the project manager coordinates the request through CARA or JSC FOD, which provides the current USSPACECOM ODR form. The final ODR is submitted by CARA or JSC FOD.

2.4 Conjunction Assessment Risk Analysis Program Manager

2.4.1 The CARA program manager provides consulting support to space flight project managers in the design phase to provide expertise and assistance in meeting the requirements of this directive.

2.4.2 The CARA program manager will:

a. Develop, implement, and maintain a conjunction prediction and risk assessment process that identifies high-risk conjunctions and evaluates potential mitigation options for suitability to mitigate risk to the orbital environment.

b. For each conjunction determined to be of sufficient risk and actionability to mitigate, review the project's choice of collision risk mitigation strategy based on a technical assessment of the residual conjunction risk and provide results to the project manager.

c. Monitor the technical consistency and validity of close-approach prediction and evaluation practices used by NASA.

d. Ensure screening of available near-Earth object (NEO) ephemerides against protected assets.

e. Support the project manager with data and analysis on design options to enable the spacecraft and any subsidiary deployed objects and jettisoned objects to be trackable.

f. Share ephemerides in CARA's possession with non-NASA organizations as deemed necessary for space safety.

g. Monitor compliance with the practices documented in the OCAP and/or CAOIA.

h. Serve as the single point of contact between NASA and DOD (e.g., 18 SDS and USSPACECOM) for SSA data and support required for conjunction assessment and risk analysis of non-HSF missions. CARA uses this interface to support the project manager as documented in the CAOIA.

i. Evaluate and approve the relevance, utility, and validity of commercial conjunction assessment data and commercial or governmental tools prior to their use in support of NASA non-HSF missions.

j. Direct research and development to improve conjunction-related risk evaluation and decision-making support.

k. In support of LSO's license review process, evaluate payload and launch license submissions to determine the conjunction risk to NASA spacecraft of the license request.

2.4.3 CARA routinely coordinates with JSC FOD regarding collision avoidance topics.

2.4.4 The CARA program manager evaluates and reports to OCE risks to the sustainability of the space environment with respect to conjunction assessment topics. This includes monitoring project compliance with the OCAP and CAOIA, the effects of project decisions, the risks posed by commercial and large constellation launches, emergent issues, and other operator actions that may increase risks.

2.5 JSC Flight Operations Directorate Officers

2.5.1 The JSC FOD, supported by console officers (TOPO and FDO), provides expertise and assistance in meeting the requirements of this directive. JSC FOD consults with space flight project managers in the design phase and supports ongoing mission operations.

2.5.2 JSC FOD will:

a. Develop, implement, and maintain a conjunction risk assessment and evaluation process that identifies high-risk conjunctions, certify that the input data for such conjunctions are suitably accurate to support conjunction risk assessment, and evaluate potential mitigation options to determine their suitability to mitigate risk to the orbital environment.

b. Appropriately notify and/or communicate plans for addressing conjunctions and concerns applicable to HSF to appropriate program and mission directorate personnel.

c. Determine whether commercial launches pose a colocation or transit threat to NASA HSF missions, engaging commercial providers and informing OCE and affected space flight missions appropriately.

d. Support the project manager with data and analysis on design options to enable the spacecraft and any subsidiary deployed objects and jettisoned objects to be trackable.

e. Share ephemerides in JSC FOD's possession with non-NASA organizations as deemed necessary for space safety.

f. Serve as the single point of contact between NASA and DOD (e.g., 18 SDS and USSPACECOM) for SSA data and support required for conjunction assessment and risk analysis of NASA HSF missions. JSC FOD uses this interface to support the project manager.

g. Evaluate and approve the relevance, utility, and validity of commercial conjunction assessment data and commercial or governmental tools prior to their use in support of NASA HSF space flight missions.

2.5.3 JSC FOD routinely coordinates with CARA regarding collision avoidance topics.

2.5.4 JSC FOD reviews and concurs on the OCAP for HSF-related missions and provides feedback to the project manager regarding further trade analysis or risk mitigation considerations, if needed.

2.6 SOMD Launch Services Office Manager

2.6.1 The LSO manager shares orbital flight safety preferences and recommendations, including collision avoidance best practices and the CA2 Handbook, with NASA external customers procuring launch services, when appropriate.

2.6.2 When NASA receives a launch license request from another governing agency for review, the LSO manager assesses the request in coordination with NASA stakeholders for compliance with the CA2 Handbook and provides feedback to the governing license authority. LSO is not the sole decision point but serves as a facilitator between NASA and interagency interests.

| TOC | Preface | Chapter1 | Chapter2 | Chapter3 | Chapter4 | Chapter5 | AppendixA | AppendixB | AppendixC | AppendixD | AppendixE | AppendixF | ALL |
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