NASA Procedural Requirements |
NPR 8590.1A Effective Date: July 18, 2011 Expiration Date: January 18, 2026 |
| TOC | ChangeHistory | Preface | Chapter1 | Chapter2 | Chapter3 | Chapter4 | Chapter5 | AppendixA | AppendixB | ALL | |
3.1.1 The ECR Program provides direction, oversight, analysis, management, control, and funding of ECR projects and activities.
3.2.1 The ECR Program Manager shall:
a. Provide guidance on criteria for ECR Project eligibility.
b. Approve restoration projects and ECFL projects.
c. Approve Interim Actions.
d. Approve cost estimates for restoration projects and ECFL projects.
e. Approve transfer of funds between projects.
f. Approve clean-up levels and analysis of alternatives for restoration projects.
g. Approve site closure for restoration projects, including verifying and validating regulatory agency approval.
h. Approve closeout of restoration projects, ECFL studies, and Capital Compliance projects.
3.3.1 The ECR Program Manager shall:
a. Establish a prioritization process for funding, management, and control of the ECR Program and projects in accordance with NPR 8000.4, Agency Risk Management Procedural Requirements.
b. Submit the process to the Director of EMD for approval.
c. Ensure that the approved prioritization process is followed.
3.4.1 The ECR Program Manager shall:
a. Establish a process for preparing project cost estimates.
(1) Submit the process to the Director of EMD for approval.
(2) Ensure that the approved cost estimation process is followed.
(3) Ensure that training on the approved process is available for cost estimators.
b. Initiate data calls to Center Environmental Managers for project cost estimates.
c. Assist the Office of the Chief Financial Officer to summarize contingent and unfunded liability estimates in accordance with NPR 9260.1, Revenue, Unfunded Liabilities, and other Liabilities.
d. Compile and submit the following to the Director of EMD:
(1) Project cost estimates from Centers and Component Facilities.
(2) Costs for ECR Program activities (e.g., Environmental Functional Reviews (EFRs), support of the NASA Environmental Tracking System (NETS)).
3.5.1 The ECR Program Manager shall:
a. Monitor ECR Program implementation at the Centers and Component Facilities.
b. Review PRP agreements and submit them to the Director of EMD.
c. Review progress reports submitted by Center Environmental Managers, and prepare a summary for the Director of EMD as requested.
3.6 Corrective Action
3.6.1 The ECR Program Manager shall:
a. Establish a corrective action process for milestones and metrics that are not met.
b. Submit the process to the Director of EMD for approval.
c. Ensure that the approved process is followed.
| TOC | ChangeHistory | Preface | Chapter1 | Chapter2 | Chapter3 | Chapter4 | Chapter5 | AppendixA | AppendixB | ALL | |
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