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NPR 8590.1A
Effective Date: July 18, 2011
Expiration Date: January 18, 2026
Printable Format (PDF)

Subject: Environmental Compliance and Restoration Program (Revalidated on April 5, 2016 with Change 1)

Responsible Office: Office of Strategic Infrastructure

| TOC | ChangeHistory | Preface | Chapter1 | Chapter2 | Chapter3 | Chapter4 | Chapter5 | AppendixA | AppendixB | ALL |

Chapter 4. Restoration Project Requirements

4.1 Introduction

4.1.1 Restoration projects include investigation activities such as sampling, analysis, monitoring, modeling, and PRP studies related to contamination from NASA operations. Restoration projects may include containment, cleanup, environmental closures (including tanks, landfills, and other environmentally-regulated facilities or units), attenuation, land-use controls, oversight, land parcel purchase, long-term operations and maintenance (O&M), provision of alternate drinking or potable water supplies, and evaluation of remedial alternatives.

4.1.2 The restoration project life cycle is divided into phases, as shown in Table 4-1.

Table 4-1 Restoration Project Life Cycle

Table 4-1 Restoration Project Life Cycle shows the restoration project life cycle is divided into phases.

4.1.3 Project approval points for the restoration project life-cycle phases are summarized in Table 4-2, which describes the approval interface between EMD and the ECR Project Manager.

Table 4-2 Restoration Project Life-Cycle Approvals

Table 4-2 Restoration Project Life-Cycle Approvals summarizes the approval interface between EMD and the ECR Project Manager.

4.2 Interim Action

4.2.1 Interim Actions occur at any point in a project life cycle, based upon risk assessment or cost effectiveness.

4.2.2 The Center Environmental Manager shall provide immediate notification to the ECR Program Manager of any Time-Critical Emergency Interim Action, and document the notification.

4.3 Project Planning

4.3.1 The Center Environmental Manager shall:

a. Submit a project for approval.

b. Name a Project Manager (except at JPL (an FFRDC), where the Head of the NASA Management Office (NMO) names the Project Manager) to the restoration project.

c. Notify regulatory agencies if required by applicable laws and regulations.

d. Maintain the official repository for all electronic and hardcopy records to create the administrative record documenting the cleanup and to support restoration decisions and cost estimates in accordance with NPR 1441.1, NASA Records Retention Schedules..

e. In consultation with the Center Chief Counsel's Office, determine whether a PRP analysis is required. If NASA is clearly the only party responsible for contamination, a PRP analysis is not required.

f. Conduct a PRP analysis if:

(1) The project site is included on a Federal or state priority list.

(2) Contamination may be caused by activities of former site owners or operators other than NASA or the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics.

(3) Contamination occurs on property jointly owned or controlled by NASA and another entity.

(4) Contamination is migrating onsite from a neighboring property.

g. Document the results of the PRP analysis and submit it to the ECR Program Manager and the Director of EMD for review.

h. Consult with the Center Chief Counsel's Office to determine whether a PRP agreements is feasible. If feasible, negotiate PRP agreement with identified PRPs and consult with the Center Chief Counsel and the Director of EMD throughout the negotiations.

i. Submit PRP agreements to the Director of EMD for review and to the Assistant Administrator for OSI for approval.

j. Prepare a project plan to ensure that project activities, procedures, and practices support the Agency's mission, commitment to compliance with applicable regulations, and protection of human health and the environment, including:

(1) A project description, including the purpose, need and the regulatory authority.

(2) A project cost estimate prepared according to the approved cost-estimation process.

(3) A baseline schedule.

(4) A description of project risk management.

(5) A description of potential occupational safety and health risks.

(6) A description of approval points, approval authorities, and the method for communicating and receiving authorizations in the project life cycle, which includes, at a minimum, those identified in Table 4-2.

(7) Ensure that project closure activities involving deed recordation and environmental covenants follow NPR 8800.15, Real Estate Management Program.

k. Submit the project plan to the ECR Program Manager.

l. Prioritize the project in accordance with the approved prioritization process and submit the results to the ECR Program Manager.

4.4 Project Implementation

4.4.1 The Center Environmental Manager shall:

a. Implement the project plan.

b. Obtain required approvals at the approval points identified in the project plan.

c. Obtain approval of remedy selection from the Director of EMD.

d. Support the project review at the end of each life-cycle phase, as described in Table 4-1.

e. Update the project plan annually and at the end of each life-cycle phase.

4.5 Project Closeout

4.5.1 The Center Environmental Manager shall:

a. Obtain approval for project closeout from the ECR Program Manager.

b. Dispose of project assets safely and in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.

c. Prepare and document the system decommissioning and disposal requirements and plans in accordance with NPR 4300.1, NASA Personal Property Disposal Procedural Requirements.

d. Document lessons learned in accordance with NPR 7120.6, Lessons Learned Process.

e. Archive records and information in accordance with NPR 1441.1, NASA Records Retention Schedules.

f. De-obligate unused funds and close the project.

| TOC | ChangeHistory | Preface | Chapter1 | Chapter2 | Chapter3 | Chapter4 | Chapter5 | AppendixA | AppendixB | ALL |
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