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NPR 8705.2C
Effective Date: July 10, 2017
Expiration Date: July 10, 2025
Printable Format (PDF)

Subject: Human-Rating Requirements for Space Systems (Updated w/Change 2)

Responsible Office: Office of Safety and Mission Assurance

| TOC | ChangeHistory | Preface | Chapter1 | Chapter2 | AppendixA | AppendixB | AppendixC | AppendixD | AppendixE | AppendixF | ALL |

Appendix D. Human-Rating Certification Package

D.1 The form of the HRCP is a compilation of pertinent plans and documents, plus presentation material to help guide reviewers through the package. The HRCP is not intended to duplicate/repackage existing program documentation but rather provides a summarization of information the details of which can be found in referenced documents or other data sources and justification/explanation/augmentation for information that isn't available in other documentation). The HRCP must be maintained under configuration management (especially to referenced/linked material) to clearly track changes made between milestones.

D.2 Refer to the referenced paragraphs for the detailed requirement text and delivery milestones. The material provided prior to and during each milestone review will be considered draft and for review and comment. An update will be provided after all changes resulting from the review have been incorporated. The post-review HRCP will be maintained in a location and in a manner that supports review by designated Technical Authorities and JSC Center Director representatives and designated review panel members.

D.3 The final HRCP submitted for approval and granting of a Human-Rating Certification will be provided in a manner as prescribed by the Program Management Council.

Key: X - One time item; I - Initial release of item; U - Update of item

Requirement HRCP Content SRR SDR PDR CDR ORR
2.2 Process and Standards
1 2.2.2 A summary of all requests for waivers, deviations, and exceptions to the certification and technical requirements in this NPR, as well as any exemptions to the failure tolerance requirement, and how to access these. I U U U U
2 2.2.3 A description of a process for identifying hazards, understanding risk implications of the hazards, modeling hazard scenarios, quantifying and ranking risks to crew safety, and mitigating risks and deficiencies. X
3 2.2.4 A summary of the safety and mission assurance plan established in accordance with NPR 8715.3. I U U U U
4 2.2.6 A list of program-level standards mandated by the Technical Authorities as relevant to human-rating with a status of Technical Authorities approval. X
5 2.2.7 A summary of the exceptions, deviations, and waivers to the applicable standards listed in paragraphs 2.2.5 and 2.2.6, and access to the program documentation that contains the exceptions, deviations, and waivers. I U U U U
Designing the System
6 2.3.1 A description of the crewed space system, its functional interfaces to other systems, and the reference missions that will be certified for human-rating. X
7 2.3.2 A description of the crew survival strategy for all phases of the reference missions and the system capabilities required to execute the strategy. I U U U
8 2.3.3 A description of the design philosophy which will be followed to develop a system that utilizes the crew's capabilities to execute the reference missions, prevent aborts, and prevent catastrophic events. X
9 2.3.4 A description of the implementation of the survival capabilities and clear traceability to the highest level program documentation. I U U
10 2.3.5 A description of the implementation of the applicable requirements of NASA-STD-8719.29 referred to by this NPR and clear traceability to the highest level program documentation. I U U U
11 2.3.6 A description of probabilistic safety requirements derived from the Agency-level safety goals and safety thresholds, including any allocations to mission phases and system elements. I U U
12 A summary of the current understanding of risks and uncertainties and related decisions regarding the system design and application of testing, based on the results of the design and safety analyses performed in accordance with paragraph I U U U
13 2.3.9 A description of how the crew and ground control workload for the reference mission(s) will be evaluated. I U U
14 A summary of how the human-in-the-loop usability evaluations for human-system interfaces and integrated human-system performance evaluation results (to date) were used to influence the system design. I U
15 A summary of how the integrated human-system performance test results were used to validate the system design and provide access to the detailed test plans and results. X
16 A summary of how the human error analysis (to date) was used to:
a. Understand and manage potential catastrophic hazards which could be caused by human errors
b. Understand the relative risks and uncertainties within the system design
c. Influence decisions related to the system design, operational use, and application of testing
Verifying and Validating the System Capabilities and Performance
17 2.4.1 A description of how the implementation of the technical requirements in Chapter 3 will be verified and validated (with rationale). I U U U
18 2.4.2 A description of how the implementation of survival capabilities will be verified and validated (with rationale). X
19 2.4.3 A description of how the critical system and subsystem performance will be verified and validated (with rationale). X
20 2.4.4 A description of how critical system and subsystem performance will be verified and validated at the integrated system level to ensure that (sub)system interactions will not cause a catastrophic hazard (with rationale). X
21 A description of how testing will be used to verify and validate the performance, security, and safety of all critical software across the entire performance envelope (or flight envelope) including mission functions, modes, and transitions (with rationale). X
22 A description of how testing will be used to verify and validate the performance, security, and safety of all critical software under additional off-nominal, contingency, and stress testing (with faults injected) (with rationale). X
23 2.4.6 A summary of the results of the critical system and subsystem verification and validation performed per requirements 2.4.1 and 2.4.2, along with access to the detailed results. X
24 2.4.7 A summary of the results of the critical system and subsystem verification and validation performed per requirements 2.4.3 and 2.4.4, along with access to the detailed results. X
25 2.4.8 A summary of the results of the critical software testing performed per requirement 2.4.5, along with access to the detailed results. X
26 2.4.9 A description of how the crew and ground control workload was validated for the reference mission(s), and how the Program identified and implemented necessary mitigations to significant findings. X
27 2.4.10 A description of how the safety analysis documented in paragraph 2.2.3 related to loss of crew was updated based on the results of validation and verification testing and used to support validation and verification of the design in circumstances where testing was not accomplished. X
Flight Testing the System
28 2.5.1 A description of the flight test program, including the type and number of test flights that will be performed. X
29 2.5.2 An update to the flight test program to include the flight test objectives with linkage to specific program requirements that are validated by flight test. U U
30 2.5.3 A summary of the results of the flight test program to date and each test objective, along with access to the detailed test results. X
Certifying and Operating the Human-Rated System
31 2.6.1 A configuration management and maintenance plan that documents the processes that the program will use to ensure that the space system remains in the "as-certified" condition through the end of the life cycle to include system disposal. X
32 2.6.2 A data collection, management, and analysis plan that documents the processes that the program will use to ensure that the appropriate space system data is collected, stored, and analyzed throughout its life cycle in support of the analyses to understand the risks associated with each mission. X

| TOC | ChangeHistory | Preface | Chapter1 | Chapter2 | AppendixA | AppendixB | AppendixC | AppendixD | AppendixE | AppendixF | ALL |
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