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NPR 8810.1A
Effective Date: February 13, 2013
Expiration Date: March 31, 2025
Printable Format (PDF)

Subject: Center Master Planning

Responsible Office: Office of Strategic Infrastructure

| TOC | Preface | Chapter1 | Chapter2 | Chapter3 | Chapter4 | AppendixA | AppendixB | ALL |

Chapter 2. Responsibilities

2.1 The Director, Technical Capabilities and Real Property Management Division (TCRPMD), within the Office of Strategic Infrastructure (OSI), Mission Support Directorate (MSD), shall provide leadership on the development, management, and dissemination of NASA Master Plans and advocacy for master planning in accordance with the responsibilities delineated in NPD 8810.2, Master Planning for Real Property.

2.2 The Director, TCRPMD, reviews and concurs on each newly prepared or significantly modified CMP in coordination with the customer Mission Directorates and Headquarters Mission Support Offices, as appropriate, and shall:

a. Provide a report to the Center Director on the outcome of the review. The report delineates issues and concerns found during the course of the review.

b. Convey to the Center Director within 30 days either Agency concurrence with the CMP or a list of outstanding issues. NASA Headquarters concurrence of a CMP is not to be construed as approval of any specific facilities project identified within the CMP.

2.3 The Center Director shall be responsible for the development and maintenance of the Center's Master Plan. The Center Director shall have responsibility for, and cannot delegate, approving and signing the Center's Master Plan or significantly modified CMP.

2.4 In addition, the Center Director shall:

a. Designate an organization to be responsible for maintaining the CMP at the Center.

b. Ensure that the siting and development of all Center facilities, particularly in conjunction with the CoF program, are coordinated with and are consistent with the CMP. Overall responsibilities are described in NPD 8810.2, A Master Planning for Real Property.

c. Ensure that the CMP accurately reflects the Agency strategy and Agency's and Center's missions, goals, and implementation. The Center Director will review the CMP at least annually to validate the CMP and ensure that it aligns with the Agency's and Center's missions and objectives.

d. Work with Headquarters to set the goals and scope of the planning process and to understand what implementation funding level to plan to.

e. Ensure the involvement of all appropriate stakeholders in the development of the CMP. Stakeholders include Center and program leadership, NASA program customers, tenants, institutional stewards at the Center and Agency, the workforce, and the external community.

2.5 Per NPD 8810.2, Master Planning for Real Property, Associate Administrators for each Mission Directorate shall ensure that their staff participates in the development of the CMPs at the Centers that support their programs. Such participation will ensure conformance to Agency and Mission Directorate strategies and ensure cross-Center and cross-directorate alignment.

2.6 Center Master Planners shall develop, document, maintain, and communicate a CMP in accordance with the requirements in Chapter 3.

| TOC | Preface | Chapter1 | Chapter2 | Chapter3 | Chapter4 | AppendixA | AppendixB | ALL |
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