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NPR 8810.1A
Effective Date: February 13, 2013
Expiration Date: March 31, 2025
Printable Format (PDF)

Subject: Center Master Planning

Responsible Office: Office of Strategic Infrastructure

| TOC | Preface | Chapter1 | Chapter2 | Chapter3 | Chapter4 | AppendixA | AppendixB | ALL |

Chapter 4. Agency Review and Concurrence Process

4.1 Initiation

4.1.1 Master planning is an iterative process in which a completed CMP is reassessed at least annually to determine whether the plan is achieving the goals originally established at the outset of the planning process. Either the Center or Headquarters may request an update based on their collective determination that the current plan is out of date. In addition, a change in mission or other conditions may require a re-examination of the goals to be achieved by the CMP. The following circumstances shall dictate a reexamination of the CMP.

a. A change in the Agency Facilities Strategy.

b. A significant change in the Center's mission assignments.

c. Advances in technology that change facilities requirements.

d. Significant changes occurring in the surrounding community.

e. Funding levels vary significantly from Agency planning guidance.

f. A five-year time lapse.

4.1.2 In the event that none of the above circumstances prompts an update to the CMP within five years, the Center Director shall review the CMP and determine whether the CMP needs to be updated or verify in writing to the Director of Technical Capabilities and Real Property that the plan remains a valid basis for continued development.

4.2 Basic Sequence

4.2.1 As illustrated in Figure 4-1, the development of a master plan occurs within the context of a larger process. The process begins with the initiation of the planning process and proceeds with a consultation on the initial concept and resources with Headquarters, development of the plan, briefing of stakeholders, and full submission as explained below. The interim products include a briefing of the Future Development Concept to Headquarters leadership with supporting information. The final product is a technical document commonly known as the Center Master Plan. By the end of the process, the planning team will have developed products that include, but are not limited to, the following:

a. A leadership briefing summarizing the plan.

b. An executive summary describing the process and results of the CMP.

c. A Capital Investment Program Plan (CIPP), a spreadsheet delineating implementation proposal funding sources, costs, and dates.

d. A Web or paper-based document detailing all pertinent information (with links to supporting documents and analyses as appropriate).

e. Other supporting tables summarizing plan baselines and projected outcomes.

Figure 4-1 The Agency Review and Concurrence Process. As illustrated in Figure 4-1, the development of a master plan occurs within the context of a larger process. The process begins with the initiation of the planning process and proceeds with a consultation on the initial concept and resources with Headquarters, development of the plan, briefing of stakeholders, and full submission as explained below. The interim products include a briefing of the Future Development Concept to Headquarters leadership with supporting information. The final product is a technical document commonly known as the Center Master Plan. By the end of the process, the planning team will have developed products that include, but are not limited to, the following:

a. A leadership briefing summarizing the plan.

b. An executive summary describing the process and results of the CMP.

c. A Capital Investment Program Plan (CIPP), a spreadsheet delineating implementation proposal funding sources, costs, and dates.

d. A Web or paper-based document detailing all pertinent information (with links to supporting documents and analyses as appropriate).

e. Other supporting tables summarizing plan baselines and projected outcomes.

Figure 4-1 The Agency Review and Concurrence Process

4.2.2 Formulation Planning A successful CMP begins in coordination with stakeholders. The planning process is initiated with a planning session with TCRPMD. The planning starts with an agreement between TCRPMD and the individual Centers about the approach to the CMP, including scope (products to be developed), planned investment profile, schedule, participants (civil servant or contractor), and stakeholders. The approach will outline the general strategy for developing the plan.

4.2.3 Interim Review(s) In accordance with plans made in consultation during formulation planning, Centers shall conduct one or more interim reviews to ensure coordination with mission programs (at Center and Agency levels) and institutional leadership to enable a responsive Future Development Concept briefing.

4.2.4 Future Development Concept Briefing With Headquarters concurrence on the approach, the Center then develops the Future Development Concept and briefs it at Headquarters. This briefing ensures broad alignment before detailed technical documentation is developed. The Future Development Concept responds to the Center's goals and objectives and articulates the overall plan for changes to physical infrastructure. The Future Development Concept should also consider:

a. Acquisitions (in-house or contract) to develop or expand capabilities.

b. Partnerships with other organizations.

c. Optimal utilization of intellectual capital inside and outside the Center.

d. Environmental and cultural resources reviews and analyses.

e. Significant changes in management structure.

f. Changes in the Center's context with the host community. Planners shall document the process to show that resulting proposals are responsible choices among the alternatives and to show that proposals are consistent with Agency risk management practices. The Future Development Concept will be supported by a CIPP (listing project titles, costs, and schedules) and a Summary Data Table (recording baselines and outcome projections: staffing, enclosed area, facilities valuation, resource consumption, etc.), The Future Development Concept should be backed up by a variety of analyses that make the rationale for the approach transparent. The concept should include envisioned 5, 10, and 20 year projects and provision for measuring progress against the Agency facilities strategy, for example, estimated size renewal rate and on-site generation in line with strategy. The Headquarters briefing offers Agency Mission Directorates and functional leadership the opportunity to understand and comment on the concept. The outcome of this briefing may be concurrence, redirection, or acceptance with additional guidance. Concurrence indicates Agency understanding and general support of the concept enabling the Center to develop the technical documentation.

4.3 The Master Plan

4.3.1 The Center Master Plan is the culmination of this planning process. The CMP describes the intent, circumstances, and the characteristics of the end state the Center would like to reach and delineates plan implementation projects over a planning horizon of at least 5, 10, and 20 years.

4.3.2 The CMP addresses the current NASA Strategic Plan, the NASA Asset Management Plan for real property, current NASA policies and guidance, applicable statutory and regulatory requirements, and other Federal Government performance objectives and initiatives.

4.3.3 When the technical documentation is complete, the Center planning team provides this documentation to the Director of the Technical Capabilities and Real Property Management Division. The final plan should honor the Future Development Concept except to the extent the analysis demanded modifying the plan. The Center team should be prepared to present the rationale for any departures from the Future Development Concept.

4.3.4 Organization CMPs reflect the Agency strategies and includes the following sections, which may be augmented by others at the Center's discretion:

a. Introduction

b. Center and Mission Capabilities

c. Center Goals and Objectives

d. Existing Conditions

e. Future Development Concept

f. Development Strategy

g. Process for Revising the Plan

h. Appendices and References

| TOC | Preface | Chapter1 | Chapter2 | Chapter3 | Chapter4 | AppendixA | AppendixB | ALL |
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