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NPR 9710.1
Effective Date: June 20, 2018
Expiration Date: January 20, 2025
Printable Format (PDF)

Subject: General Travel Requirements (Updated with Change 2 June 28, 2021)

Responsible Office: Office of the Chief Financial Officer

| TOC | ChangeHistory | Preface | Chapter1 | Chapter2 | Chapter3 | Chapter4 | Chapter5 | Chapter6 | Chapter7 | Chapter8 | Chapter9 | Chapter10 | AppendixA | ALL |

Chapter 1. Overview

1.1 Overview

1.1.1 The NASA travel management policies seek to improve the management and systems utilized by Federal employees and contractors to enable efficient travel. These efforts involve:

a. Continuously evaluating travel procedures and results.

b. Examining new technologies and automated systems.

c. Analyzing the impact of current and proposed laws, regulations, Executive Orders, and international agreements.

d. Participating in GSA's Government-wide travel initiatives, including the Senior Travel Official Council and other travel policy and system coordination groups.

e. Educating and training Federal travel professionals and travelers.

1.1.2 NASA's policy is to comply with all related directives and regulations in administering the requirements for official Government travel.

1.2 Agency Requirements

1.2.1 The Federal Travel Regulations (FTR) 41 CFR Subpart F, published by the General Services Administration (GSA), is the source for Federal policy on all travel provisions. The FTR implements statutory requirements and Executive branch policies for travel by Federal civilian employees and others authorized to travel at Government expense.

1.2.2 This NPR is a supplement to the FTR to (a) interpret regulatory and other procedural requirements in a manner that balances the need to ensure that official travel is conducted in a responsible manner with the need to minimize administrative costs, and (b) communicate the resulting policies in a clear manner to NASA employees and travelers.

1.2.3 Since this NPR is a supplement to the FTR, it is incumbent upon NASA employees/travelers, authorizing and approving officials, and financial management personnel to be familiar with the provisions of 41 CFR Subtitle F, in relation to their specific roles in all travel related processes.

1.3 Roles and Responsibilities

1.3.1 The Agency Office of the Chief Financial Officer: Serves as the Agency-wide lead for all matters relating to policy, regulations, requirements, other guidance, and internal controls, as necessary for NASA's travel program in accordance with the FTR and other regulatory requirements. The OCFO develops and implements NASA policy, regulations, procedures, and other guidance and works closely with the NASA Shared Services Center and Center travel management personnel regarding policies and procedures for NASA's travel program. OCFO's Director for Policy shall be responsible for maintaining this NPR, deciding requests for blanket authorizations, special approvals not otherwise specified in this NPR, or obtaining a waiver from NASA's requirements when not contrary to 41 CFR; providing guidance in situations not clearly covered by these policies or 41 CFR Subtitle F; and representing the Agency in travel appeals to the Civilian Board of Contract Appeals (CBCA).

1.3.2 The NASA Shared Services Center: Serves as the Agency-wide shared services lead for the oversight and management of centrally managed travel-related processes such as NASA's travel audit services, in accordance with NASA's policies and 41 CFR Subtitle F and other regulatory requirements. The NSSC also serves as the liaison between the travelers and their Center's Travel Point of Contact and NASA.

1.3.3 Center's Travel Points of Contact: Work directly with the OCFO and NSSC designated Lead to provide oversight and management for travel-related processes at their respective Centers.

1.3.4 Office of International and Interagency Relations (OIIR): OIIR is responsible for reviewing and coordinating all foreign travel by NASA personnel.

1.3.5 Authorizing and Approving Officials: Authorizing and approving officials, as identified by the employee's Center, may authorize and approve employee travel, but should review each requested authorization and voucher and only approve them in accordance with this NPR and the FTR.

1.3.6 Authorizing and approving officials shall determine which method of transportation is more advantageous to the Government consistent with this NPR and the FTR and other NASA policies such as NPR 6200.

1.3.7 Employees and other travelers: Employees and other travelers subject to 41 CFR Subtitle F and this NPR are responsible for following the procedures and guidelines for conducting official Government travel outlined in this NPR and the 41 CFR Subtitle F. This includes the general requirement for each traveler to "ensure all travel expenses are prudent and necessary" (41 CFR ยง301-71.203(a)).

| TOC | ChangeHistory | Preface | Chapter1 | Chapter2 | Chapter3 | Chapter4 | Chapter5 | Chapter6 | Chapter7 | Chapter8 | Chapter9 | Chapter10 | AppendixA | ALL |
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