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NPR 9710.1
Effective Date: June 20, 2018
Expiration Date: January 20, 2025
Printable Format (PDF)

Subject: General Travel Requirements (Updated with Change 2 June 28, 2021)

Responsible Office: Office of the Chief Financial Officer

| TOC | ChangeHistory | Preface | Chapter1 | Chapter2 | Chapter3 | Chapter4 | Chapter5 | Chapter6 | Chapter7 | Chapter8 | Chapter9 | Chapter10 | AppendixA | ALL |

Chapter 10. Travel Provisions for Non-Employees and Invitational Travelers

10.1 Invitational Travel for Non-Employees

10.1.1 Invitational travel may be authorized under the following circumstances:

a. It is determined that the traveler is providing a direct service or actively participating in a way that directly benefits the Agency, such as presenting at a conference or meeting. Mere attendance that only yields incidental benefits to the Agency is insufficient.

b. An individual is required to attend a major award ceremony of the Agency or major award ceremony (e.g., a Presidential award ceremony, an annual award ceremony of the Agency or major organizational component, or a prestigious honorary award ceremony sponsored by a non-Federal organization) to accept an award; One individual of the award recipient's choosing, related by blood or affinity, whose close association with the employee is the equivalent of a family relationship, may accompany the award recipient. The following restrictions apply: (1) travel will be directly to and from the site of the ceremony; (2) travel reimbursement is intended to cover instances in which the award recipient and his or her guest are both geographically distant from the site of the ceremony, rather than instances in which the award recipient's residence is in the same area as the ceremony.

c. A handicapped individual on temporary duty needs an attendant to accompany them on official travel.

d. Attendance of an individual is needed for the purpose of serving as a sponsor or participant in an official ceremony, which is directly related to NASA interests.

e. The NASA Administrator, Deputy Administrator, or Associate Administrator for International and Interagency Relations (AA, OIIR) determines that it is in the national interest because of a benefit to NASA's international cooperation efforts or another statutory mission of the Agency for a very high-level or otherwise notable NASA official or employee to be accompanied by their spouse to attend an official function in which the spouse participates, usually by providing a specific service in an official capacity or because of a significant diplomatic or public relations benefit to the U.S. in a non-participatory role. Circumstances in which spousal travel will be justified under this subsection are rare and will ordinarily only be present when spouses of other high-level invitees will be in attendance. Approval of invitational travel under this subpart will be made only following review and concurrence by the Office of General Counsel. When the traveler is the spouse of the Administrator, the Deputy Administrator and the AA, OIIR, approval shall be by the General Counsel.

f. In support of U.S. astronauts assigned to, and actively training for, an expeditionary mission, the crewmember's spouse (or a support person) and dependent children may be authorized travel by JSC's Director for Flight Operations in support of mission-related activities, such as a familiarization trip and launch attendance.

10.1.2 Invitational travel at Government expense will not be authorized for: (1) non-appropriated fund officials traveling on non-appropriated fund business; or (2) contractor employees, unless approved by the cognizant contracting officer or representative in coordination with legal counsel at the requesting Center.

10.1.3 Travel by members of Congress or Congressional staff for field examination of appropriations estimates pursuant to 31 U.S.C. 1108(g) may be authorized up to amounts prescribed by the appropriate standing committee of Congress. All such travel will be arranged by the Headquarters Travel Office with approval by the OCFO DCFO for Appropriations or AA for Legislative and Intergovernmental Affairs.

10.1.4 Consultants and experts who are in an employment status with or without compensation are reimbursed travel expenses from the time they depart their residence or normal place of business, on official Government business, until they return. The allowable rates and expenses are the same as for NASA travelers. When more than 130 days of full-time service is performed in any continuous 65 day period, such employment is no longer considered intermittent, and the consultant or expert is automatically converted to the status of temporary employee and is assigned a permanent duty station. When this occurs, the consultant or expert is only reimbursed for travel expenses at places other than the permanent duty station.

10.2 Pre-Employment Interview Travel

NASA Centers may pay all or part of pre-employment travel expenses, in accordance with the provisions of 41 CFR §301-75.100. Allowable expenses are subject to applicable Government limitations. In addition to the requirements of 41 CFR §301-75.103, Centers shall inform the interviewee of their liability for the value of tickets issued until all tickets have been used for pre-employment interview travel or all unused tickets have been properly accounted for on a travel voucher.

10.3 Cost Sharing for Formal Training

An employee and authorizing official may agree to a cost-sharing arrangement for travel to accomplish a formal training assignment under 5 U.S.C. § 4109). Under these conditions, the travel authorization will include appropriate statements indicating that attendance is in keeping with 5 U.S.C. § 4109, and the travel is pursuant to a cost-sharing agreement. The cost sharing may be a variety of arrangements, such as the employee paying for all travel and per diem expenses while NASA agrees to carry the employee in a duty status or NASA may agree to pay all or some portion of the training expenses. The comment section of the TA will contain a statement similar to the following: "Permissive travel authorized under the 5 U.S.C. § 4109 and reimbursement on a cost-sharing basis has been agreed to as mutually advantageous to both parties."

10.4 Witnesses and Jurors

10.4.1 NASA will pay for travel expenses of witnesses or jurors under the following circumstances:

a. If the employee is a witness on behalf of the Agency or otherwise ordered to appear at a deposition or hearing by a judge further to the provisions of 5 C.F.R. 1201.33, NASA will issue TAs as follows:

(1) If a case involves business of the Center at which the witness is employed, travel funds of that Center will be cited in the TA.

(2) If the case involves business of a Center different from that at which the witness is employed, the funds of the Center requesting the appearance will be cited on the TA.

(3) If the case involves business of a department or agency of the Federal Government outside of NASA, that department or agency concerned will be requested to issue the TA.

b. If the employee is a witness other than on behalf of the Government, NASA will not issue TAs. NASA regulations regarding absence from duty and expense reimbursement from a litigant apply.

10.4.2 If the employee is a juror, NASA will not issue TAs. NASA regulations regarding absence from duty and entitlement or non-entitlement to compensation or expense reimbursement will apply.

| TOC | ChangeHistory | Preface | Chapter1 | Chapter2 | Chapter3 | Chapter4 | Chapter5 | Chapter6 | Chapter7 | Chapter8 | Chapter9 | Chapter10 | AppendixA | ALL |
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