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NPR 8553.1
Eff. Date: May 06, 2002
Cancellation Date: March 22, 2005

NASA Environmental Management System (EMS)

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APPENDIX B. Summary of Roles and Responsibilities Matrix

Summary of Roles and Responsibilities

Capital Investment Council is responsible for--

  • Periodically reviewing the EMS for status and viability.
NASA HQ Environmental Management Division (EMD) is responsible for--
  • Establishing and maintaining NASA Environmental Policy and Requirements.
  • Defining and maintaining NPR 8553.1, NASA Environmental Management System.
  • Establishing the environmental aspects.
  • Establishing NASA EMS priority impact risk criteria.
  • Evaluating Federal and State statutes, regulations, and executive orders that might apply to NASA locations.
  • Regularly updating information on Federal and State statutes, regulations, and Executive orders.
  • Ensuring that legal requirements information is communicated in a timely manner to the appropriate NASA Centers.
  • Evaluating NASA-wide agreements and commitments.
  • Establishing and maintaining documented Center objectives and targets consistent with the priority impacts derived from aspects.
  • Establishing basic framework and structure of EMS.
  • Establishing oversight and evaluations of Center operations through functional assessments, EMS audits, performance metrics, or other means to ascertain that appropriate environmental compliance and management techniques are used.
  • Providing functional oversight and conducting functional assessments to ensure that environmental activities are conducted in accordance with statutory, regulatory, and fiduciary responsibilities.
  • Establishing and maintaining programs and procedures for functional assessments.
  • Reporting to the CIC on the results of the functional assessments and on the status and viability of the EMS.
  • Establishing and documenting the management review.
  • Reporting metrics through the Environmental Management Board (EMB), Enterprises, Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA) process, or other means as established by the EMB.
Centers are responsible for--
  • Implementing NASA Environmental Policy and Requirements.
  • Reporting to NASA HQ EMD on meeting EMS progress and metrics as requested.
  • Identifying and documenting Center activities (past, present, and future), products, and services (in the context of normal, abnormal, and emergency conditions).
  • Determining the environmental aspects category and associated impact, of the documented activity, product, or service.
  • Applying the EMS priority impact risk criteria.
  • Setting and documenting the objectives and targets for the EMS high-priority impacts.
  • Assigning objectives and targets to impacts that have been determined to be high priority impacts.
  • Managing all other impacts so that they do not become high-priority impacts.
  • Developing procedures for identification of applicable state, local, facility-specific, and permit-driven legal requirements and proposed changes to existing legal requirements.
  • Evaluating NASA-wide agreements and commitments.
  • Establishing and maintaining procedures for determining EMS training needs.
  • Conducting training as required at each relevant level and function of the organization.
  • Verifying and recording that the necessary EMS training has occurred.
  • Internal communication between the various organizational levels.
  • Receiving, recording, and responding to relevant communication from external parties.
  • Establishing and maintaining procedures for document control.
  • Documenting procedures for activities that have the potential to have significant deviations to environmental policy or this EMS.
  • Implementing NPR 8715.2, NASA's Emergency Preparedness Plan Procedures and Requirements.
  • Establishing and maintaining documented procedures to monitor and measure the key characteristics of NASA's operations that can have an EMS high-priority impact.
  • Using Center ISO 9001 nonconformance and corrective action procedures for the EMS.
  • Using NPR 1440.6, NASA Records Management, NPR 1441.1, Records Retention Schedules, and NPD 2800.1, Managing Information Technology, for this EMS.
  • Retaining records of compliance activities in accordance with legal and regulatory guidelines.
  • Supporting functional assessments as necessary to ensure that Center programs, projects, facilities, systems, and operations comply with all environmental requirements.
  • Periodic review of conformance with EMS, including compliance with local environmental regulations.
Center Director is responsible for--
  • Assigning roles and responsibilities for the Center EMS Representative.
  • Providing the authority needed for the Center EMS Representative to implement and maintain the Center EMS.
  • Providing resources for the effective operation and maintenance of the EMS.
  • Periodically reviewing Center EMS for status and viability.
Center EMS Representative is responsible for--
  • Documenting and communicating roles, responsibilities, and authorities to facilitate effective implementation of the Center EMS.
  • Requesting resources for the effective operation and maintenance of the EMS.
  • Having the authority necessary to implement and maintain the EMS.
  • Establishing Center EMS Core Team or other means able to accomplish an equivalent function with assigned roles and responsibilities.
  • Establishing, implementing, and maintaining EMS requirements.
  • Periodically assessing, reviewing, and reporting on the condition of the EMS.
  • Reporting to the Center Director and NASA HQ EMD on the results of the functional assessments and on the status and viability of the EMS.
  • Reviewing Center objectives and targets.
  • Reviewing the determination(s) of technical feasibility and economic reasonability where it was decided not to set objectives and targets to address high-priority impacts.

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